Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIX, Number 39, 17 January 1945 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]

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News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School

OLEK CLI3» MJEMBERS By WUH&m Kaui Twenty tenors, 10 baritones and ; 10 basses compose the glee club ' of v the ■ Kamehameha Sehooi for Boys whieh has been organized by Mr. William Sievers, band director. Sophomores, juni ora and seniors were selected according to vocai range and quality, ability to . read notes and behavior. "I think that we are going to have a awell glee club," stated Mr. Sievers. - Fir»t tenora are Albert Kekoa, Thomas Kekaula, Horace Chang, David Fontaine, Charles Puuohau, Eklwin Beamer, William Kuakahiko, aad Joseph Taitano. Seeond tenors include Nelaon Ahina, James Noa, Rayner Kinney, Cleighton Beamer, Edward Lee, Joshua Akana, Dewey Allen, Wiiliam Stewart, Henry Keliiaa, James Wong, Milton Beamer a«4 Milton Wong. Baritones are Reginald Carter, Walter Pomroy, Clarence Lee, Kobert William Panui, ! Leonanl Wong, Elmer Kaneta, Claude Kak'alia, Walter Miiler and i Fletcher Aleong. ' Basses ineluōe Melvin Prestidge,: Samuel Kalili, Hoover Cox, Edwtn Kellett, George Lindsey, Henry Mills, ' Adolph Bartels, Francis Warner, Randoiph Monte and Eafl Galdeira. ABsisting Mr. Sievers will be Mrs. M-artha Hohu and Leila Hohu accompanists on the piano. Others wh'o tried out for the glee dub and are not mentioned will be given another ehanee to prove their singing ability. If any vacancies are available other boys will be esked to join the choir.

BAND CONCEBT Before the annual spring eoncert to be held April 21 at 7 o'eloek in the school auditorium, two short dinner concerts will be presented by the band of the Kamehameha School for Boys. Students of the girls' ,school will be invited to attend these concert to be held ,on the mauka field after dinner. Military and eoneert marches will be thc feature progTam*for ; the spring ooncert as well as an overture and other selections.

The spring concert, whieh is ischeduled to last one hour, will ialso feature the newly organized boys'glee club, Members of the advanced band will play eight or ten pieces and the vocal group isinging one number with the band. During intermission, a •group of four songs will be presented by the glee club, composed of 20 tenors, 10 baritones and 10 basses. t The advanced band the following numbers at the spring concert ! £31 Gapitan March. Sousa i Andalucia Hall of Fame Concert March-01vidati American Patrol Meaehan The Oracle Otis Taylor Persian Market ....Ketelbey Pilgj-jm Concort March—M.L. La)te The Scout March ...... Noel ELECTION OF PTA H CANDIDATES By Alvin Aona

lAst week it was announced by Mr. Charles T. Parrerit„ acting principal-in-charge, t£at an eleetion of officers for the Kamehameha High Schools' R\rentTeacherassociation was held January 12, at the school for boys assembly hall. j

Two candi<Jates were elected for «aeh office whieh was placed on the ballot January 12 by the parent nomination eommittee,

The two candidateti" for presidency are Mr. Clinton Kanahole and Mr, Charles Henry. Mrs. s!elUe Fernandoz and Mrs. f*obert Vierla aw the nominee? for the ft«st vice-pr<?sidenoy. Their task ls to plan the program ani} thc PTA Found«r's day celebisition. The candulate for tho socond vicepr?sidency aro \rrs. tnin and Mrs. ismmiv Woiyj PT A hospitality ls h«ndl«! by thts eomNominm» for the thmi the v>ffice of ht«torian, arc Mr. Rdmvmd HvV»p<>r and Mr. tx>nald >lt*tchwl. Rev. lieaha. ehaplaln of tho

Kamehameha Schools, wai n minated to fiU the ( pos|ition

fourth vice-president, the direc-1 tor of edu-1 cation. Mr. Oefcijije Kahoiwai aml Mrs. fcmma Meurlott wcr« elected «'or th© positioQ of fifth vicepresident whOse taak ls to ser\'o as a membership eh&irman. Nominees for the of the sixth vice-presidency, the music eommittee, are Miss Laura Brown and Mrs. William Bell. .

Nomineea for the "office of corI responding- secretary were Miss Sarah Woodyard and Mi?s Dorothy Allison, both commercial instructors at the Kamehameha &choolB.

The only candidate n.ominated for the position of recording secretary was Mr. Pet©r Perkins. William was nominated ifor treasurer.