Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIX, Number 36, 27 Kekemapa 1944 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School


Honor pum wero awarded t.o 37 s6idents of the Kamehameha &ehooi for Boys a ; recent assemb!y by Actin-P I rincipal-in-Charge Charles T. PaiTent. Boys receivmg silver pins were: j Sightb gra4ers, Donald Ho, Gil!bert Honda, Howard "ftmas, Les-lie-Chambers and Joseph Kapiko; Frciilimcr), Elmor Chu, Roy Fcrnandez, Elmer Manley, Stanley Lum, Allka Pari»h and t Albert Kaailau; Sophciiiiort'.s, Rolj»ert Moon\ Cleighton Bearncr, James Wong, KenneOi Batong, Gearge Brooka, Bernard Paisg Chingr, S3dward Ho, Clarence Lee and Edward Lee.

JUniora recelving iilver plns were Fleluher Aleong, Henry Ahnna, Abraham Cockett, Wallaee Kaawaloa and Raymond Duvauchelle; gold pins were won hy Edgar Bell and Joel Holau. Seniors, Albert Kekoa, George ]jindsey, Frederick Martinson, liaymond Aea, Paul Brede, William Gaspar, Claude Kakalia, Newton Lurbe, L>avid Fpntaine «uid Elmer Kanela.

Honor pins. are awarded students having high acajdemic averages and a good credit standing. VAKBITY 3ASKETBALL Under the tutoreh!p of Arthur Oallon, the Kamehameha Warriors j are practicing for the basketball (season whieh opens January 19 I for the Kamehameha qulntet. I The cadets, ehampa of 1944, are j.expected to eop this sea3on's ' crown. | Thirty-eight cagers answered | the eall, whieh is considered as i one of the largest turnouts for l varsity baslietball. Coach Gallon | plans to eliminate 23 players īeaving 15. Barry Ontal, last year's allstar, is the only remaining player of the first team. 01ney Roy, IlaymuK(l Duva uehelle and Waldmer Duvauchelle are returning lettermen. Another letterman from last year's quinitet, who is unahle to | participate, is Eno . Plun»ley. Jphn ' Agard, an aīl around' athlets, will be back with the squad this yeur. | Cagers seeking erttrance to the i varjsity squad are Henry Ahuna, Kennet,h Auld. Walter Barrett. Adolph Bartels, Horace Chang, Fjraneis Ching, Abraharn Cockett, George Crabbe, Philip Bāgles, Vernoh Fimn, Ēarl Galdeiria, Arthur St. Germain, X>onald Heu, William Kaeo and Kmney Kama, Others include Fred Kauka, JEdwili Kellett, Greorge Keliipuleole, Waldmcr Laeha, Heury Lee, George Lemon, . George Leong, George Lindsey, Walter Loo, Melfred Lum, Albert McGurn, Walter Miller, Daniel Miyamoto, Robert More, Corbett Roy, Robert Vasconcello& and Lconard Wong.

VARSITY BASKETBALL [■•■ SCHEDULE j First game at 4 p. m.; second game at 5 p. m. January 18 Mid-Pā{;ific vs. Punahou Farrington vs. McKinley januarj' 19 Kamehameha vs. Kaimuki Saint Louis vs. Roosevelt January 25 . MeKinley vs. Mid-Pacific Punahou vs. Kaihēhameha JiuiLuary 26 Farrmgton vs. Saint Louis KaLmuki vs. Rooaevelt Febraary 1 Kamehameha vs. Mid-Pacific Saint Louis vs. MeKinley

j February 8 Mid-Pacific vs. Saint Louis Roosevclt vs. ' Kamehameha |February 9 }■ Kaimuki vs. McKinley Farrington vs. Punahou FV4»ruary 15 Roosevelt vs. Mid-Pacific Saint IwOuis vs. Kainiuki Fobruary 18 Kamehaniēha vs. Farrington Punahou vs. McKinley l ebruary 22 Kaimuki vs. Mid-Pacific Roosevelt ys. Farrington February 23 „ . , Snint Lou?s vs. Punahou McKinley vs. Kamehameha Mareh 1 Mlū-Paeiao vs. Farrh\fiton Kninmki vs, Punahou March 2 McKialey vs. R\>osevelt Kamehamoha vs. Siiint Mwoh 8 Wrst Rcund-Robin game.

Mnrch 7 Second *vOund-Robin game. M»rch 9 Last gamo in the RouhdRobin aeries, All of thc abAve bft3V:etball gum<?s win bc played at the C!vtc A.uditorium, The Round-ī\obin seriea played March 5, 7 and 9, will be among the four leading" teams in the interskol leaguē. j CAMEBA CLUB i By Alvin Aona 1 "Look at the birdie." A Camēra Club for boys who are interested was formed by the maehine sbop instructor of the" Kamehameha School for Boys, Mr. George Boross. The first organization meettng took plaee on Monday, November 20. The major topics that were discussed at this meeting were the procedures of the Camera Club and the equipment requirements. The club requires that a boy have a permit for photography from the Central Bureau of Identification and also have some spare tlme. Purnishing pictures for Ka Moi, th6 Kamehameha school paper, Mll be one of the major projects of the club, but no other definite plans have yet been made.