Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIX, Number 35, 20 Kekemapa 1944 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]
News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School
mowo* ,o,xm Pt m>m At the J£ipiebameha pehool for Boys two newly organized biology clubB have been started by" the; Lentii graders under the direction of Mr. Donald Milehell, Instructor. . ] Club activities emphasize Hawaiian aeienee and ,study, givJng the Htuāet\ta experlence and brfor*nation about the|r loeal environme;it whleh is not foun(! in the text books, MeeOngs, a«ually of an *cUvity nature, are held whenever Ume permita, but mueh of ihe worJc ls done outside of elae» Committees, in their req>ecUve clasoes s glv4 reports on the progress of the work and what is plarmed for t the future.
The A and B section chose as their club name, "Mitcheirs Maurader»," while the C secUon voted for u Hui Imi la."
Of£icefS elected for the two clubs were: Clelghton feeamer and George Brooks, presidents; James Wong and Reginald 9arter, vicepresi4cnts; and Hussy Hold and Fatric}c BruJin, secretaries.
Kanwhameha griddera will receive letters at the innual football dinner In the school for boys dining hall, January 6, from their eoaehea, Mr. Arthur Gallon, vars!ty head eoaeh; Mr. Thomas G. Mōuntain, varsity assistant eoaeh; and Mr. Aivin Chang, junior team eoaeh.
Mr. Charles T. Parrent, prineipal, and the coaching staff selected 29 varsity, 19 junior team membefs and two managers, who have met the letter requirements. The requirements are having p!ayed one-fourth of the time and exhibited sportsmanship and eooperatjon to benefit the team.
Eighteen of the 29 lettermen are sen!ors and will not participate in inter-scholastic football next or any later years. 0f these 18 seniors, five of them placed on all-star teams, two on- the first and three on the second; they are Moses Palaina (three years), and Sarry Ontai (one), first string; Wiiliam Stewart, Arthur Fitzsimmons and Henry Milla, second atring.
The boys who lacked a few minutes of playing timc, but will be given letters their team spirit -and are Nani Cox, Albertltekoa, idarl Galdeira, Thomas See, kalia and Adolph Bartels, seniors; Raymond Duvaucjielle, junior; Walter Pomroy, sophomore.
Additional members honored as lettermen are aS follows: center 4 George Lindsey; guards, Jerjry Preeman and Joseph Chong; tackels, Waldemar Duvauchelle, Lowell Deering, George Lemon and William Kakahiko; ends, Arthur St. G«r!main, Eawin Kellett and Robert Moore; backfield, keonard Wong, Newton Lurbe, Vernon Funn, Kenneth Auld, Fred> Kfiuka and John Agard; Carl Manager. Juntor team members to receive letters are: center, Owen Holt; guards, Norwin Jones, Mat-. ,thew Wright and AJva Kamalani; tackles, Henry Ahuna, Donald Heu, Issac Adams and WilHam. Chai. Ī3nds, Horace Cliang, Dewey Allep; Albert McGurn and James backfield, 01ney Roy, Walter Miller, Henry Boshard, George Crabbe, Andrew Nua, Samuel Poklni and Melvin Prestidge J Tlie Imanager selected is EUuo Ching.,
50th ANNIVERSARY STORY By Betty Vlm .Featuring Uie e<}ucation of tlie Hawaiian people from early times up to Ihe present day. an historical pageant of authenticly sccne& with morc than 100 ch»racters climexed the celehratton of the founding of the Kamehameha School for Girls. Thpee performances were given, pn WeUnesday, Dec«tnber 6, for students: Oio otherS on Fr!day, JDecember 8. for parents and |gu«sts and Saturday. December 9, Xor aluiuuae an<l alumni, A hinu w»? inehtdfd in tho ce!ebration of the annlve«ary Saturday, December S, 1300 peorle; 500 wen? w»w» Btufīentii and facuUy of both sehool«, while $00 tloketa sold to the alumnae and. ahimn!, ' Mr. C9»wles Dement and Mr, 4>avid Awana prepared the foo*i students from the KhooJ for! tt th<> <Itr*ctuV alumnae commltteee. After Uie iu«u Uw thri4 perforiv\6nc# | of the j\ag-osnt hoUi
The spec!al I««ue of Ka Mol, ] whieh was dedicate<l entirely to flftleth ann!ver«ary new«, was 8 in eddition to'the paper/tynder th« mipanilōn of Mra. Sheech£. !and Mim' t)orot|iy ttie! upper #rls * - ivTŌw and' eāited the speclaJ editl6in. Ifiriam C^bb« t senlor from thej island of Hawaii, was a student chairman *on "the fiftJeth annl▼ersary over-011 planning eommittee'. failrteēn s'tudents frotrii the **Bl£ Tsle" appeared 1n HawaHan educational pageant They awi Oenevieve Bertelmann, Wenonah Bush, Mlriam tfrahbe, Mary Desha, Blanche 15dg«ar, Flliabeth Ellts, Aliee Igna'clo, Mona KahaleWal, Katherlne Kekoolanl, Pamela MeOarthy, Marlene Smlth, Wlnonah Thotnpson of KS<S and <seorgpe L!ndsey, senk>r, of KSB.