Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIX, Number 34, 13 December 1944 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]

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News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School

By Lowell Dt>fjrlng WUUun Ga*par, [wntor pro]vi!nc-iit st«d(nt at tho Kamehameha School for J Boya, wft« l prusidcnt of uie IntcrHlgh Schoo! Oouneil of Honolulu at a recent meētin,g kt McKinley "High School. Carl Thoene, also i a senior at Kamehameha was lehoaen treasurer. Sijice William is preaident, the c<}uncil voted that the advisor of Oie club eome from Kamehameha So, Mr. Alvin Chang, eoaeh of the _junior v?»rBity at Kamehalmoha, wa« ehoaen as advisor. j | The purpooe of thls eouneil is ! to bring about frlcn<jlty rel«it3ionā among the- schooTs. It also allows !the aehool de!eg&tes 'to ask the advise of other high school stu(dent». At eaeh two fituj dents from eaeh scjiool ln the iHonolulu area attend.'

'■ . i - N BWINO BAND AT K.S,B. By Lowell Depring , j William Haina, junior at thej Kamehameha Schooljfor Boys recently organlzed a 15-pieee swijig band. The orchestra yilī-be under the direction of Mr. William Sievera, band lnstructor at Kaijiehameha.,

Practices are held every day rtight from 8:15 to 9:00 p. m, and Sunday morningp from 8:30 to a. m. in the mxislc room. When the orchestrEl is well underway, it hopes to play for Saturday night callings at the schopl. I The orchestra personnel In!cludes trumpets, Will|am Stewart, EdWin Kelletti Albert KeKoa and !Erie Crabbe: tromboneSj Clifford Kekauoha and William Bell.

&axopliones arc William Haina, Francia Warner, George Choy and Matthew Wright; clarinet, David Fontaine. Walter Eoowill play the guitar; Lester Henry, drums; George Lindsey, bass fiddle; and EJdwin Peamer, plano.

INT£B-HUI ALL STARS By William Haina

Outstanding players of the allstar inter-hui football teams syt the Kamehameha Scho-ol for Boys have been selected by the sch«ol sport's writers. Hui Imua piaced 13 players, Heu, 9; Moi, 6; and Alii, 4.

The boys were selected aecordipg to the performa.nce given in the inter-hui games played.

Bernard Williams from Keluell edg:ed out Louis Apo from Oaivu to take the snapper-back positson. Outstan<Jing gwards went to Max Ooleman of Kauai and James Awana of Oahu. Kinney Kama of Hilo, Hawaii, and George Keliipuleole of Oahu were rated as top-notch ends. Backfield ccvmbination selectecl were Eric Crabbe, Francis *Chiiig and David Pila, all from Oahu. Placing first string-center in the light league was Greorge Henrickson of Oahu. Most votcs for the guard positions went to Elmer Manley from Oahu and Oscar Dempster from Hawaii, while end berths went to Samuēl Seto of Kauai and Bernard Pang Ching of Hawaii. The all-star backfield consisted of Roy Pern-andez, Oahu'; William Ouye, Hawaii; and Kenneth Batong, Oahu. WAR LOAK * By WilUam Haina | Hawaii's ,Sixth War Loan drive; at the Kamehameha Schools fea-: tures competition between classes-; and the purehase of £ighting equipment for the armed forces. The campaign, whieh starteā Nbvember 20 and ends December 16, does not have a set quota for eaeh school, but students and faculty are doing their utmost tn purchasing war stamps and bonds to help meet t the territorlal quota of $20,000,000. At K.S.B. the social sc!rtico classes are eompeting In bOnd and stamp sales with eaeh class providiug studont speakers for thfe school broadcasting system to boost the drives, Posters ftre made at K.S.B, by Miss Gladys Sw intor's art. cktsses. Besidss this driye, K.S.B. is regularly purchaslng stantps and bonds from the school «wi-elan'. Miss EUzabeth Koulae. The total sales aold (Juring October were $147.25. An American Japar\ese army veteran from the Mediterranoan (ront will be the fe\itured speaker, of the K.S.G. asscmbly during| the aixth war loan drtve, |

Throughout the *oampaign memiWM i*i ihti Ww Service Corj?a publicity committe€ w!H present ekits to stimuiate Bales. ,JQ&e . school |pr g£jJ» I hip ma& a pk*|*e to b&y »tafess *04 bqjs4» Jua addiygp to «MM)thly ptedg#*. The gual of a tirive by elewmlww ?iiyi*ion etvdfnt« ft t£e , K&m«h&meha Preparatory departtn«nt is to hav« money (o purch£ute a. P.T. boat. Mrs. Kulam&nu L,yons has also started -a successful stamp buying program at tbe elehientary aeliool, «o that aalea are avera,ging $276 a week. OBCUU> CO|XECTJ[ONS , i -v »y wiūhMM c»Mji ' J&mea <3fll?eri ag'rf<vltural director of 1 $oyB Sehooi, reveal«4 the >tQry of hls collection of orchids whleh he liaa developed at the agricultural ehop area. Thia collection origtnated two yeara ago whe» Mr. ōllbert obtained many seedlings and some adult plānts coetlng lt&i slvferat° httndred dollars. Some of <he planta that are bloomlng tō3ay were ftegxin" frofn S(J-cēnt seedH«gfs bought at a loeal five-and-store, whlle other adult varietles cost $15 %cr's2& apieee and Were purcfiased from 6rchld groWers. More thān 150 orchid plants besides neW &eedllng " arfe" no'# ln the agricultural director'» 'eollectfdn. * Thē Gay ' Gor<lōn, Melro««, B. C, Afterglow, Un<line7 B3mpi%ss of Russid and the Nūtley Alba are amottg hls best known plants. The tfi6st valuāble orchld of his collection is the l B. C. Albion, Mr. james Gilbert stated. Other general are the Dendrolbium, Onci<Butn ānd' the dnabariha, f

By Ronald Akana .Intcr Hqi tistics at K. "S. B. will begin'a'w"eek aft%f Chriiimas va-' cation. Pifty boys have signed up for boxing lessons ancf Wiīi' meet" eVery day for an hour uhder' the instruction' of Wr. Jack Do"o--little, auto Shop teach*er 'at 1C.5.8.' There will be two !rfepteāen£atives from 'eaeh of "the eight' weights in a hui.who will compete against' eaeli other for a title. The main tourney will be" held in the latter part of February! 1116 eight weights will : incluāē, flyweight, bantamweight, featherweight, lightweighl:, welterweight, mid<Heweight, lightheavy āhd heavyweight.

Gnly boys over fourteen will be eMgible to participate. ' After the elimlnations 30 scrappers will be expected to oompele against eaeh other. " r

"I think it'B <a good sport because it dēvelops self refiance/ I believe that team "sports are fine for teaching cooperation but that boxin& do£s more to" develop Oie indivīdual," says Mr. Doolittle.

MAI POINA L KE KUAI ANA I BONA KAUA. E kuai 1 kela ame keia manawa.' liai ' hooh&lā i ke kuai ana.