Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIX, Number 26, 18 October 1944 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
H£ HOOMAIKAI NUI 1 I o*u Mau Hoa Makaainana Apuni O Hawaii a • Eia aa ke pahola aku nei * 1 ka'u iuuu hoomaikai palena w o)e ana ia oukou e na niana 0 koho mai ka Niu Moe o Ka- X lupana. a hoeu aku i na pali 9 Afo lua o Waipio, Kuu aina O hanau o Kau, na Kona i ke S kai ,M.'iofvioki a hoea loa aku 8 i na Koliala, no na balota kie- fi kir a oukou i haawi mai ai 9 gJH|HKSa ia'u i ku la Wae Moho iho A nei, a wae ia hoi au i moho X Senatoa ma ka aoao Kepu-0 |Hr 0 ' Ke uwalo hou aku nei no 5 imua o oukou e hoomahua-8 hua hou mai i na halola ma X ka la Koho Nui e hoea mai 8 ana a hlo hoi owan kekahi O ° na ma i Hawaii aku H j ne '- ike hoi ia kaua hoa v nai '- :; *"■' Hawaii. O 8 Me ke aloha pumehana, " g 2 Henry Kekapuhili Martin 1 | Moho Senatoa o I HOOMAIKAI | I O'U MAU HAKU MAKAAINANA, | Eia au ke pahola aku nei 0 i imna o oukou i ka'u mau 8 i hoomaikai palena ole mai lo- j 0 " ko lilo loa a'e o kuu puuwai 8 no na balota a oukou i liaawi l|l|r, -1. , jraj 8 mai ai ia u ma ka la koho V . wae molio iho nei, Ke hoo- 8 maikai pu aku nei nohoi i 8 | na poe i haawi aku i na he- 8 [ luna balota kiekie loa i ltt»*u S lioa holo moho, a loaa iaia 'Jl||||| 0 : na haiola kiekie loa, a laua- v kila ma ka hakoko kalaiaina S 0 Kc haawi pu aku nei nohoi ! 0 ia oukou no ka oukou niau ! jj kakoo atia i Luna- ! O hoomalu na oukpu no na ma- ! O kahiki he 21 i hala nei. ®®^^^BBHpMHBBHHjjH | Owauihono, 8 Me ka haahaa, | Samuel Mahuka Spencer ! wOOOOOOOi ; _ _ . °
StĀTEMĒNT~O f THE OWNEBSHIP, MANAG EMENT K CIBOULAN, ETC,, R£QUHt£D BY TIIE AOTS OF CONGRESS OF „ * UGI7ST U > l9lZ > AND MAECH 3, 1938. at HUo Star ° f Hawaii) ' Published weekly at Hilo, Hawan } for October 1943. TERRITORY OF hawaii COUNTY OF HAWAII Before me, a notary pabUc in.and for the Territory aid Oounty aforesaid, personally appeared. Edwin M, Desha, who, having been duly sworn uccording to law, deposes and says that he is theßusiness Ma nager. of the KA HOKU O HAWAII and that the following is the best of W s knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management, circulation, etc., of the aforesaid publieation for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912, and March 3, 1933, embodied in Section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form to wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, manageditor, and business managers are: (Post o£fice address) Publisher, KA HOKU O HAWAII PUBLISHING CO., LTD Hilo, Hawaii. Editor—Solomon Anakalea, Hilo, Hawaii Business Manager—Edwin M. Desha, Hilo, Hawaii 2. That the owners are: Ka Hoku O Hawaii Publlshing 00., Ltjd„ Hilo, Hawaii S. h. Desha, Honolulu, Oahu | W. H. Beers, : Hilo Hawaii | Fdwin M. Desha, Hilo, Hawaii l 8. That the khown bondholders, mortgagces, and otlier security | hOlders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securitiea are: None. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving tlie namea of Uie owners, stocKholders, and security hotders, if any, contavn not only' ! Uie li3t of stockholders and security holders as tlicy appear upon Uio , books of the company but also, in cases \vhcrc thc stocklioider security holder appcars upon the books of tlio companj- ua trustec oc l any fiduciary relation. the name of the porson or corporation for' w hom such trustee is acting, is given; also tlxat tlie said t\vo paragraphs contaln statemcnts embraeiii£ affiant's iuli knowledge 1 feeltef «s to the circiunstanccs and conditions under wlūeU stociic holders and security liolders who do i!ot cipix-ar upon tho books of the as trustees, hold stock aud securities in a eapaeili'' other t.han t}iat of u bona fide owner; and his u££iiuvt l\as no reaaoiv, tō bel?evc that any othcr person f assocKition» or corporatiou »ny interest dircc or indirrvt in tlic said stock» lvuda, v ov other, securities than as so statcd by liim, j 5. That ihe avcrage numK s r ef copijp oi eaek issuo of Uusi pnbHcation sold or distributed throu£h tīie mails> or other\\isc, to iH\id .aubiscribcra duriiut thc twclve iiiontlis precedlng Uie <iate abovc ] was: Weekly—Bso. EDWIN HL DESHA. ! Busin«ss Manager Sworn to,ats subscwbe4 beforc me. Uiis li. day o£ Octobcr, lsii. (S E A , Tbom*s T. SakakUiar^ | Is\>tary Public, Thinl Judiciai CirvuiU 1 T«Nitocy o£ | Oouuiu&iioii e,\pireji Jan, 31, !9iS