Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIX, Number 23, 27 Kepakemapa 1944 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]
News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School
By BENS¥ LEE Kamehameha Hi-Y Club tTnder the ad\iserShip of Rev.] Stephen Desha, ehaplain of thei Kamehameha Schools, the Hi-Y elub recently began its activity for the coming; year. - The officers elected at its first meeting are Eric Crabbe, president: Raymond Duvauchellē, vicepresident; Charles Kamak-a, secretary; Henry Lee,-treasurer; and Leonard Wong, sergeant-at-arms. To create, maintalfl and extend throughout the aehopl and eommunity high standarss o£ Christ!an character are the alms of the club. Olean living, speech, athletics and high scholarahip are aome of the Christian traits »tressed. The <3ub is made up of boys from the junior class. The club is affiliated wlth "the Y.M.C.A.
By BETTY YIM New teachers arrived and have been edded to the of the Kamehameha School for Girls. Mr. Arthur R. Mathes is from Winnfield, Louisiana. He teaches the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth grade mathematics an,d scleiice. Later, in the Spring, he will give automobile drivingr lessons to the junior girls, Before coming to the Hawaiian Islands,