Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIX, Number 21, 13 September 1944 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Why Suffer from ... ASTHMA Breatheasy Por the relief of the symptoms of Asthma of non-cardiac nature and Hay Fever. Sold on Money Back Guarantee .-,Pr., Arthur Keawe, representative of . Breatheasy Products, will be available for CONSULTATION on Sept. 28, 29, 30, Oet. 1 and morning of Oct. 2 at 20 Puueo Avcnue, Hilo. (Pers«ns interested in AGEXCY for Island of Hawaii iuvit«d for interview)
| fliijiisyl!owdy) I mai Hawaii Ilikinu aku. S 8 He makaukau, hoopono X v ahM. S
BE kehi. h«.u ai. i na eukou. Ua kofto mai enukou ia u no ka hana ana no ekolu Kau o ka An.-ioieio. L'a au wau no oukou. Ua kokua au no ka hoihoi mau daSa no kena kauiele. Ua make:n*ke seia Kaiana i mau o'a?.? >\ui ae. SO»IAU>A na > Tvaopopo i na mea t makemaKe <* e K.O 0 KOn-.au porso. Ac,e au i poina i kO'u ia- <. .