Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIX, Number 14, 26 July 1944 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]
News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School
By PFTER PĒRKrxs Thp Kamehameha gra<hifitrs of f the classes of 1893 and 189 } wei'o lhonored īn a half day coirbratiun |held at thp Kamohameha Sclio<tls |on May 24. The occasion of thoīr lcelebration was the fiftieth and ! fity-first year ann!vfrsaries for 1 their graduation from Kamehimeha school for Boys. Attor.d- 1 ing the festival were Mr. Tln>odore Richards, formcr principal and instructor of the «ehool for boys. Mr. Solomon F. Kenn, Mr. Simeon N. Nawaa, Mr. ■Thoms>.f, H. Treadway, and Mr. William i E. Wright, members of tho cluss | of 1894, and Mr. Isaac Harbottlc, l graduate in 1893. i Thc first activity planneel for the day started at Bishop līuli I of the old campus where an assembly took plaee honoring the graduates. Luneh was served at the Preparatory Cafeteria after ■ whieh the honoīed guests toured ;■ the old eampus looking over the
school and talking- of the old times at Kamehameha for the remainder of the afternoon. The graduatcs were then guests . at a aloha and birthday dinner at | the school for boys on Kkme-
hameha Heights whieh :started at 6:00 p. m. accompanied by a informal assembly given especially for the honored alumuni w.ith various members of the class speaking. , Other members of the two classes who were extendedd invitations but were not present at the event were Mr. George H. Cummings, resident at W-ailuku, Maui; and Mr. Fred W. Maby, now in Berekiey, California of the class of 1894. Mr. Sam Mahuka Spencer, of Hilo, Hawaii and Judge Henry Blake of Koloa, Kauai were two members of the class of 1893. tbat wpre unable to attend. Following is a review of the i school<Syear. 1943—1944. j September ; i The school year of 1943-1944 begins . with an all time enroilment record nunabering 320 boys and girls at Kamehameha Preparatory, 244 boyt; at the Scliool for Boys and 150 girls at the Scliool for girls. Mrs. Lela Brewer heads the Preparatory school whieh opens on September 6. , K.S,B. retakes Hale Ola From k-S.G„ Wamor footbail team is groomei i*-f t game Roosevelt under Mr Art Gallon and Mr. Ken Ctanger. Powerful, Babe Wamors are organized for junior iivtt;i. -i=njnOiastic league. Kamehameha huis start practices for six man foothball in three, divisions. Oetober The Faculty amateur hour i whieh features the p<j>rtrayal of : many interesting cliaracters takes jplace at the Auditoriuni on the : second. ' j Eloctions of the cla,ss officers ,of the School year ar<= completed. j Stamp and Bond drive gets ,under \vay with Mr. Leslie Cribley, director .of stamp sales at ; K.S.B. j James W.allaee, aeniop, is eltotI ed as one of the memfyers of the ;Big Six. j Kaniehameha opens their eomi munity cliest drive with seiiiors i Earl Robinson,.. Earl Ferua«de«( . and Alex Thoene speaking at i Grammar scUooi assomblies. in j Kalihi. Annual Stali dsuiee ,is held in Lunalilo hall conunons, room. KeUml, undcfeated, hea v y - \veight eli.anipiou of iiio world Commander Gene Tutuiey spoke to a joint oi' tlie boys and £irls. heeoiue eouuuon in the, Boy"s scliool as peroxi«ie oonies lulp «ieuwiwi. j Tite Uiree HaUoween pai ties j held for the various elasses are ehanee t'or last minute erus)vasleap year dra\vs cliose.r. i * j [ The K.&Gk GUv elub and ela&s Umll audienees |at Ka\-al Housinx and the Wtory Club <.m Kmn Kalakaun's I UirUKiay with Uie of Hai wwaiian sete«Uons. i ' Kobuison Crusoe had a Visitor." wrttten b,v K.S,B. lnstruetor Brnest Kelley is Uie maū«sta> ef Saturvlav n!ght's pr\\cram. pareitts of new stude«ts i:\tests of the Sclkk>l for on >Jovember T. Kamehamehs Sehool See«t Ti\K>p a new divi»i<»a known Uie \\ ui£ lk><>eoU»ef
- >■■;;.»■ i,,!. 4 ■ i ) n n i , ,n, . , is dedicated to Kamehameha Scly>ol ifra<iuatea all over the world.
Yoletide |»iays feature Earl Ro■binson and Aliee Tgnacio in "Thē Enchanted Chnstmas," and Marian Lake, George Choy, and William Silva in "Dust of the Road." Founder's day in memory ,of Mrs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop is held at the Royal Mauaoleum. Soccer the new rough and rug|ged game of flying feet and hard he?ids is introduced by eoaeh Alvin K. Chang. Annual Christmas Seal Drive is launccd by Preparatory School. Lt. Victor Jacobson is first Kamehameha School alumuns killed in action in World War 11. January L.ow-eleventh boys spend Christmas holidays working at C.P.C., Post Office, R.C.A. and Theo. A. Davies. Elizabeth Beirne of the School for Girls and Norwin Jones of the School for faoys win Clark English awards. Ambrose Rosehill . leads loweleventh journ-alists with a total of 700 printed inchēs. Basketball training begins. Annual K,S.B. Foptball <!mner for foothball lettermen.
Low-eleventh organizes th e Hi-Y. The plays "Thc Boy Comes Home," and "Ā Night at An Inn," are featured on January 29. Hi-Y initiation for tenth grade i members is started. K.S.B. starts its war bond eampaig;n by buying the steering wheel of a jeep. February Freshmen and seniors of K.S.G. walk off with top honors in their annual song contest. Junior-Senior prom is enjoyed on the 19th. Hui Kumulipo holds its luau and dance on the 26th. Mftrch
Ninth and hi-eleventh grades walk away with top honors in annual song fest. Dr. Homer F. Barnes, after fourteen years as principal of the Kamehameha School resigns. Mrs. Mary Barrxes, wife of the prin-cipal-in-charge and Bth grade ins_ tructor, resigns with husband. Mr. Charles T. Parrent takes over Dr. Barnes position as acting principal-in-charge of the Ka_ mehameha Schools. Kamehameha annexes first basi ketball championship in twentyfiye years. Eight grade girls stage "The King's Toe," and "Three Are Such Things," is presented by nihth grade boys. Band hoys hold annual pienie. Mrs. Thelma Allee, wife of former maehine shop instructor i becomes teacher at K.S.B. Preparatory Sehool honor lads plan for a trip to Mok)kai during Spring vacation. Girls School open house on JSaster features singing by Girls Glee Club. Apiil
Ambrose Rosehill and Choy tie for first plaee honors in annual Qratorieal Contest held on Saturday, Apiil slt. Hui Oiwi holds annual hiau on the auditorium fiel<L Quii! and Scroll pīcks winnei® of Tenth Literary contest Dr. Pauline Predrick and Mr. Allen Bailey visit outside island interview students for next year. National Honor society hold indufition service for newly elected members. Miriam Crabbe and Ra>-nwnd Aea art> appotnted new Ka Moi chiefs. Ninth grade clothes Salvage Drive is sponsored by the mnth grade, First plaee honors iu annual iater-hui track mect are scooped 4iyy Hui Eleu. Kaniehaineha cindermeji &re drawūig- twar their prayed for condition when they smother Kaimnki High. Intervhui softbaH becoii\es the sport of Uio camp\is, OwneU Relays c*piured by WsirrK\r „fcltwfcmcn, \Vardors triumph at the Infcer> scholastio trackfest and anncx Traek championsJii|», Lettermen's Dancc has a gxx>d settir s e <xs the year proves to be one of thc most s«<x»ssful [in sports for the Wartiors. | Aniateur hour &*alutes "«oni'* |from both schools, BaccahK>ate Service is held on May £l \vith Ko\, Stephep. Des>Ha desi\Yr!ni the a<KtrvNss.
*\>rty~Uuve at exereis\"s <\n 2S.
UAI POINA l KE KUAI ANA 1 KAl' A K i lKl» *me keia hooiw.isi l ke kvi&i jmmi.