Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIX, Number 3, 10 Mei 1944 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]
News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School
- By BETTY triM Arrival of their second eliili], | ; Kahala Atuj, was announ<*od by j i Laeut, and Mrs. Bernard K, Tmsk.' Kahala Ann, made her dehut aī the 147th g-eneral hospital on March 23 The lilUe lady weighed six pounds aud three ounces. Their first child, Paul Hinano Trask, born November 6, 1942. Lieut. Trask is now on army duty somewhere in the South Pacific, H$ is the son of territōrial Senator David K, Traak, and thc arrivftl of Kahala Ann was his ninth granachlld. Mrs. Bernard K. rask was tlm former Haunani Cooper, graduate of the Kamehameha School for Girls, class of '35. Shc was a prominent student while in schooi. The Bernard Trasks live at 1721 Wilhelmina Rise.
_ The engag-ement of Miss Luana Forsythe to Mr. Gilbert J. Cummings was announced at a dinner-dance at Kewalo Inn on April 17 Luana, a graduate of the Kamehameha School for Girls '43, | is the daughter„ of Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Forsythe. Gilbert, a graduate of St. Louia College, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Baptist of Kaunakakai, Molokai. Guests present when the an-
nouncement was made were Wii nona Ing, Easter Logan, Aliee I Goo, I>anny Takehara, Hester Adams, David Kauloku, Rose Williams f John Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Reves, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ho, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Mansfield, Gertrude Miller, and Sgt. Guy Graves. Placecards for the girls were of sweet peas and baby rose wrcaths;. the boys had single gardenias. The ninth, tenth, ana eleventh grades of the Kamehameha SchooJ for Girls have selected all-star basketball teams. The all-sfca.r teams consist of the most able players of the various classes. Eaeh team. consists of three forwards and . three- guards with two substitutes. The senior allstar basketball team is composed of those girl who are not on parttime, or restricted. The other class teams are as follow: I Eleventh: Helen Walker, Martha Fernandez, Myrtlemae Pren-j dergast, forwards; Elizabeth Kauka, DrusUla Mitchell and Josephine Enos, guards, Substitutes are Haleakala Waiau, forward; and lebecca Akana, guard. Tenth grade all-star team eon- j sists of Julia Stewart, Katherine| Kekoolani, Harriette Hurley, for-i wards; Marjorie Miller, Betty Yimj and Anna Eagles, guards. Re-] serves for the sophonsqres -are i Sylvia Carlisle, forward and Nan-' cy Aea, guard. j . Ninth grade team is composedi of Elaine Doo, Dorothea Cobb-1 Adams, Armalei Macy, forwards; j Genevieve Bertlemann, Ilima Kauka, Nellie Stewart, guards. Substitutes are Joy Wong, forward; «nd Lorraine Kaina, guard. The captains for the different classes are Armalei Macy, ninth grade; Katherine Kekoolam, sopnomore Drusilla Mitchell, junior; and Clara Brito, senior. By AMBROSE ROSEHILL The faculty councils of the Kamehameha Schools Chapter's of the National Honor Society announced that three girls and 11 boys from the school for boys and from the girls have been elected as new members of the society. Members of the faculty eouneil at K.S.B. are Mr. Donald Mitchell, Mr. William Caldwell» Mr. Allen A. Bailey, and Mr. Charles T. Parrent K. S. G, faculty eouneil members are Dr. Pauline Predericks, Mrs, Ula Sheecha. Mr. Mareella Ballexigee, Miss Antoinette Bardwell, Miss Clara Chapin, Miss SaHjr MacGpegor, Miss DoroUiy Martin, <and Miss Franees Scott Whito> Elected as new members of Uie K.S.G, chapter are Muriel Kanahele, and Edith Sabideau, seniors. Gladys Goo. junior. Front Uie K.S.B, the new members are Wil-! liam Silva, senior; RaudolpU Mon- • Henry Lukela, Heiiry aiai,! Honry KelHiU, aud hi S h ciaas; Rosohill, Tlwiuas ,
iand Albert Kekoa» £i\iui i etevenU\ elass, Ivuitiolpli. i sra<ie atudent' to be seleeted as probatiouar> - ' member Uiis year, j Th order to qualifj- as a niem-j ber all can*Ji\iatea must. have iit-i t«ude<i Kamehameha for a y©ar | and be mombers oi Uie low cievonth, high eleventi«» or seuior i classes, CanOidates are to be ia the \ipper Uu.m oi Utcir ciass ui schc>lars}iip. T.ie pi\ipose>i meni-1 are then juvis:e<i o»i Uieir |
srrviees, U.adership, and ehaiuo t«IV l An amonclment was )nade last year lo t,he li.S3. .coaaUtytiQti l?y the faculty eouneil permittiiig tenth graders as probationary niomt»crs. To be a probatioivary member the candidates muat pass all the nccessary requirements of a regular member. The National Honor . Society's iour cardinal l objectives are: to create an enthusiasm for scholarto stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership, and to encourage the development of character in the pupila of thē Kamehameha Schools. The induction services for the new members of the girls and boys schools was held aa part o'f i the churoh ceremonies on Apiil iiO. There are 10 members of tho Nalional Honor Society in school
at the present time. They are one Rathb'urn, Norman Rosehill, Frederick Kama k a, Thoene, Earl Robinson, Raymond Aee, George Ghoy, William Gaspar, Francis McMilleff; and William Stewart. - j By HARRIET ELLIS Dr. Pauline Frederick, princLpal of the Kamehameha School for Girls, lunched with Captain Aud"
rey Hollenback, commanding officer, and Lieutenant I»is Burtoii, public relations officer of the WAC's on Saturday March 25. The WAG's arrived dn March 3.8 and are the first WAC's to arrive in Hawaii. Dr. Frederick invited them for dinner on March 28 and they were entertained later in the evening by the girls student body who sang Hawaiian songs. 1 By K. M. LEONG Kamehameha School for Boys' inter-mural athletic program for the rest of the scJiool year has t been announced by Mr. Arthur J. t Oallon and Mr. Alvin K. Chang, athletic directors. Trsck and softball will be participated by all boys who are not on the varsity track 'or baseball \ teams Eaeh boy will play for' his own hui. The four huis -are Moi, mua, lfteu, and 'Alii. Eaeh boy will have to try to q\ialify for at least two track events for the final inter-hui track meet afI ter three weeks of conditioning. t Eaeh hui will receive points for f their~ final league staridings whieh | shall be added to points already !garnered through prcviovis sport,s. The tofea,l points at the end of the year will determine th'e all-around athletic championship hui. Also on the progra!m, with its own respective leagues but not compulsory are spfing ping pong an ~ dhorseshoes, Boys will play under their hui and points aecumulated will also be added to the total points. The inter-hui volleyball league has just been cmpleted with Hui Moi win»ing the heavy, and Hui Imua winnlng the light league championships respectively. These various sport's played by the boys at Kamehameha develop strong bodys and minds and keeps the boys in good health. By DAVID PtLA Thirty-two gold and silver pins were awarded to membors of thi? Kamehameha School for Boys student body by Mr. Frank P. Kernohan, sirector of music, at a recent school assembly. These pins were awarded to boys who obtained a good aeademic averāge, effort and attitude grade for the secnd term. Four members of the senior
class received gold pins, they arc Ear! Robinson, William Silva, Clarenc Sclf and Robert IMla, Henry Lukeki, member of the Jtigh elewnth grade " r«ceived a gold pin. Boys who received | silver pins are as follow: Ēighth grade: Ralph Morgan, Sam Seto, Meh-ilK' Turner, Kaloo Taitano, Abraham Waiamau, atut Roy Perna«des. Ninth grade: Robert Moore, difford Kekauoha ai\d Robert Levy. Tenth grade: William Haina. t Randolph William Kuai, t Ci«wles Kainaka» Eric CrabtH\ •Flotchor ThH>ivg\ Eklgar Bcll and |Joshua Akana. i Low Elewnth gr*4ei Thoniv\s Ambros*j Rosehill Albert Ke» s koa, Fmieriok Kauka» aad Earl) f Hi|o» Ktev*nth gmjcte; Henryj . Keliiaa. Raymond Aea. WlUiamj ; St«wart, Wiiliani G«\spar and j , Wiillip Eagl<?s. j I IMUUL IWKBULTS I CJU*VDE KAKALĪA Compaiiy B. of th«? Kameha-1 mv>ha Scliools RO.T.C. bsttalioru, c\Mumand«xi by Oaplaui Alcxaivdcr! Thwm\ is ikw i« first positi<yi *« coft»pany drtU v\>mivtitK«i Aeeunmlauwn v vf 1006 total points | JD«U arv hcld
Saturclays and dcsignated Sundays on whleh daya eaeh of the six cornpeting comj>anies of the Kamehameha battalion are judged. Mr. Leslie Cribley, instructor in chargc of "the battalion, scores the companies for excellence in drilling. Company A, under Captain Earl Fernandez, raies stc ond berth with 1004 total points. Company F, with Captain James Wallaee, i has 969 pints, followed by eonipany C, led by Captain Norman Rosehill, with 965 points. A total of 912 points has been earned by company E, with Captain Curtis Kamai. Captain Benjamin Kauahikaua's company B has 905 points to their credit. At the close of the school year at Kamehameha, a final drill parade is held. Points earned in this drill session will be added to the total points cc>nsumed by eaeh company and a winner will result. The company whieh gains
the title of "Best ompany," will be privileged to a pienie, -as has been the custom. Last year Company C, received the' "Best Company" title, and en]oyed a pienie at Hanauma Bay."
By KJEXNKTH GOUVEIA Eormer principal-in-charge of the Kamehameha Dr. Homer F. Barnes, recently contrib-. uted several games to the K-a-mehameha S.chool for Boys. The games ineluded a billiard tab.le, a miniature pin ball game and two games of Klik Ball. The commons rooi)i of L.-unalilo , hall was cl>osen aa the. plaee to put these *as this room is the Jargest of the eommon rooms in the six dormitories. It is the scene of school and class parties and frequent calling and club gettogethers. Aiter saying good-bye to the students and faculty of Kamehameha Dr. Barnes and Mrs. Barnes departed for the mainland where they plan to m-ake their home. Dr. Barnes told the boys tīxat whenever they go to the mainland and need advice about colleges that he would always be glad to assist them. Dr. Bārnes was principal of the school for 14 years. By PETEB FEKKINS īlecent activity for the Kame-hameh-a Preparatory Schools was an assembly program given in ho~nor"of Di». and Mrs. Homer F. Barncs. Dr. Barnes is the retiring principal-in-charge of the Kame hameha Schools. Mrs. Lei Hapai and Miss Lillian Philippi, seventh grade teachers at the Preparatory School were in charge of the assembly given at Bishop hall. Hawaiian dances done by the boys and girls of the Kamehameha Preparatory School were featured witli the entire group joining in the singing of Hawaiian songs led by Miss Dorothy Kahananui. After the selection NanL Hawaii, īed by Miss Kahananui, Dr. and Mrs. Barnes were presented with two ohai-alii leis and a pink carnation lei v\ms given to Mrs Lela Brewer, principal of the " Preparatory. Bill Nary presented to Dr. and Mrs. Barnes a calabash, 150 years old, in appreciation for all Dr. Barnes had done to help the two branches of the K&mehameha Preparatory Schools established. The giving of the calabash was followed by short talks and eomments bv tlie Dr. Barnea and his \vife and Mrs. Brewer. The assembly was closed \\ith Miss Kahananui leading- group in 'th'e school song. | By BEKMCE HON»A I The seniors at the ( ha School for GirLs are |their own graduation gv>uns ;year, as they hav« doce in tive 1 , Half of tl\e ciass %vorks on a part-time basis in soine store or , offico iti to\vii while the remainI ing half &ttend th« i>ig"ular elass|cs. Two sewiag periods held ; eaeh week, but mast of the girls |<tevote four extra periods to Uus jinteivsting project, Wh(ttMiotted s\vi&s of ra,y©a matcritU is Uw for thoir gra«luātton to choosc Uicar owa pattcmg to Uwir indiv3dual Ustos. the.v v<?ry simple but m tteir Kvcry girt ia the aeoioe rt>alizcs that £owus are harxi in times a fwUmate to |*ct U»em, HiU prot»biy bo too 4xp**v« eaeh is lier by bujing anā Her ! Wri ' U ' *>» Vk*,:u» Om. tr,s, sonj*>r «iitvvUNr, tmsy hours with thc «eiiioea,