Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 46, 8 March 1944 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]

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News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School

| %Al »RKV MiKK AUI E for Ihe past monui aw» Oiiha Pomrs\v, grade Thow», <»īgtith grad*; Ja-vV-iol:w PvVīh. r::Uh .tradc Auditvy McK<L\%gue. tcnth gnade; BetI ty L«u Chs.nir, <M<?v«?nth gTade ;u»d i Ve«ia P*rker, seaior, Tht; subdol>s arv £irls ac&s:tal eaeli class rejNVsettti»£ aiost a4>proiMiAUl\i «uui »e&Uy 4ivs«v\i on Uk j ri» Ov«ni«iiKx- ol Six g\r*s Uve Sf«Kv vK4i»s vvh\!> uv«tdc thc SOivVUxMV W«.IV L&ke, ch«» iuah, KKu-a lVvi,2«cr, Au* KlhvM\v jußt e^^^Hooa,

Giara Bnto and Edith Rabideau. Subdebs for the month of November were : Leonie Kamana, seventh grade; Doliy Manley, eighth grade; Genevieve Bertlemann, ninth grade; Berniee Hontenth grade; Martha Ferneuidez, eleventh grade and Jxistina Sanniento, from tlie twdf th grade. ' ~

In May one girl will be selected £rom all of the subdebs from eaeh month and she will be the subdeb of the year. By PUK£A JUDD Kamehameha lassies are busy practicing for Uie physical performance tests whieh high school girls on tlie mainland are also given, lncluded is the standing broad jump, the basket ball throw for distance and the modified potato race, as measures of ability to control body movement in aecomplishing a useful purpose. Situps, modified pull-ups, and modified push-ups are measures of the, strength of the arms, shoulgirdle, and abdominal muscles and the 10 second tbiUi»t is a partial measuro v>£ «enaui-anee. Kighty-seven high schools in 16 states, were given these test& , R«cords of the 25 schools having i Uie hīghest niean scores were s used as Uie basis for the s -oriag tabies. Fiftj- corresp<.mds to the averase peifarn>ance ex|>ectcd, *Bd 20.021 girls took tltese tests.

The *vsuits K.Sa« wiU be s»nt to the clt9irnian, Dr. Eleaiwr Um\ie]E«ity of 3outherft Oaiitori\ia. Lo§ Califorma.

% b«tty ylm A \ias sjKmby the Kisimehsmcii& Alum» AsstviatU"m v*t Houw u\ ■•.<,' \i.i',\iv". *"■:■. tvUi u;u\i iō. TJic, s s*Ysir %v-»st hvio tt\Mu oto p,iu, MusiO w*s by Etivwr a orchestra. Oia;riiuui vi£ the aUtanr *r*s Xtiss; a;Uv K.AU}>iko. Mrs. K:i r- ' i;\ chArsc o Uio Uekcls, Th<> hc»stt>sses wcrc sArs. i AUa:\a. Mrs H&iuiah Siut.n£vr. Mis> !>&vui iVtcrsv*v, 3Ars. IN3&y O-eila, Mi«. vjvs> su»g, Mr&. TaL>i>r. Mrs, Aoe >lcvkv£» or, M;>. Ar.nc Oolī>urJi, M.*o ti'sa, XUss >*>-■?<> K\A;KV>. Miss i C«,lhCArt. KU-H K34>uai» M;s Msui Tj.au» Mrs. Thc4,tMt £U£~ tvo. CAvcndl>i; Mv\.»rv£\H, sn4 M » 1\4,>4 1\;;.