Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 44, 23 February 1944 — Lilo I Ka Wai [ARTICLE]

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Lilo I Ka Wai

Ma kekahi la o kela pule aku nei i haule iho ai na paka -ua elpelo ma liilo. nei v a' hala loa. aku i Papaikou. Ua hayle pu iho k la nohoi ku, ua naxili,i ma ke kuahiwi a kahe maila Ua wai me k-a ikaika loa, a ua hik]i ole i na kahawai ke ale mai i lfa wai.

No ka ikaika loa o ka Jiaule {ana aka ua ame ke kahe ana mai a ka wai, ua loaa mai|ia na paipu wai nana e hoolako ia Papaikou i ka wal, a iawe pu ia maila ua mau paipu nei, a <> ka hope ua nele iho la o Papaikou i ka wai.

O kahi wale no o ka laki, oia no ka ohi ia ana o na kanaka no ka hele ana a pahonohono i kahi ī poiny, a ua hoopau ia nohoi ka piiikia o kela apana i ka wai.

When asked how felt a£ter the strugglc, Mr. Banmng ex-, claimed, "At the end of the battle I didn't .know who wa? more $xhausted, the ulua or njiyself.'~He also did some fishing at Koko Head, and managed tp get a 5 j feet i ineli barricuda and an >aha measuring five feet v Company C, 194'3 winner of the Kamehfcmfeha School for Boys' annual compc-titive drill, ,was honor- j ed with a pienie Bay on Pebruary 5. Eaeh year, the best company of the battalion is ;so rcwarded; this was Company C's second consecutive victory. Company officers who were in change of this affair| were Captain Norman Rosehill,' First Ueutenant Fred Kamaka, Second Lieutenant James Co<:kett. The members of the various committees were as iollows:

līwitation— Nonnan Rosehill, Frccl Kaniaka, James Cockett; Food—Phillip Eagles, |Leslie Henry, Hqward Criss and Nani Cox. Entertainment—Frcd !Kauka, Adolph Bartels, Mills and Francis Beamer. Tranpportation— ECerbert Chang and Francis McMill.en; Clean Up—Randolph Monte and Edmund Hohu. Other- m£mbers of tlie eoinpany who attended the occasion were Dewey Allen, Jolin Kakaio, Wallaee Kaawaloa, Melvin Mur-a-kami, William Kaeo ); George K. M. Leong, Thomas ] See, 01ney R °y. Waldemar Duvauchellc, and Sherman _

Guests from the school for g"irls attenued thc pienie togf.ther with senior officers of the bat-, talion. . ] i By WALTER RODENHUKST Tlie Kamehameha Warriors will , mis s thc scfyice of nine varsity football piayers next season becausc of graduation , and ineligiI bility Uirough the age limit. The i age limit rules that . any boy or pJayer shall not be over nineteen years and six monthp of age by September. , The Kapalama lads who are hlost to Uie Warriors because of |graduation are Howard Benham, L'enter; Jo]in Kalili ,and Rowland Melim, guards;. Benjamin Kauahikaua, tackle; Curtis Kamai and Earl Fernandez, halfbacks.

?sayers who are lost becau§e of the age liinit are Sliermtui! Tlrampson, tackle; |A.rthur McCabe, anel Francis Beamer, halfback. It is hoped ho\vever that lada from the junior varsity ehampioa-i ship team will be able to take the' plaee of these. ! "It is plways hard' on a eoaeh' to \vatoh boys deveīop into goo*i! football playors aiui Uien them gradiwte just' whon they| aro boginn»ns to heoome excep-| tional playors f "" statc£ Couch Ar-{ th\ir Oallo;\ at the recont footbaii dinner. 1 I

By FRFD KAI KA Thc Kan\ohameha Sohool for Qirts has t\v<y n«\v mm-1 bej-s vmi its oi fa.cultj* uuini- ] l>crs, Siwuucl E, Liudlcy is| tiic aew mstructor of maUnaml-1 ics aiid scīoucc. Ke f<ariuerl>- ] Uu&ht at Uio lolaai Moiokai hiuh aeliooi. hits Lindky &ttended j Uio iuuliuuii Colks*{, at | uioiuU VAk> ; l'unem^ iaini Uie Uui\crs»ti vM Uc

)« Mūlon Kk Kalleii- | g«s w, ho Ua& vui ūu|H>rtaiit pasi* | Uoji u;Ui liie H«.uiolu,iu Chainlh;r |oi scxrvt&ry a£ th« ri«\uu£ j "£Uc INwlwaii' is j <souc bi' «übcosiai;Utct|S whieii &re foUow: Tho Huwau WelfAix\ j j ncuituro, iivK.u>;n£, KcUtions \uth jFe<icrai Asyiivk\s» an4 the fico- , UOiVUC lXYcloi>iu-osU, ; Mr&. iio v \ A. ClArk, t\H"UiOr scc- | »tory *i iho sch<x4 (or bo,j-s «,ivi i>ari Uiiio 4iciiUAa <U Uve fcuinoi.Aaieiia t;vwvvL ioi Gnī& \v;U W A t\iU liīiH l v\t Uh s a&ool toi~ suvVtKxk MM» Kv*H4vlino MA^IAU,

iant manuger of lhc University of Mawan <;afsterm. Mrs, Ciark majored in home economics at I?Viiliam Penn College in Oskaloosa' lowa. Miss Antoinnette Bardwell, who is to be head o£ the Kamehameha Schoot for Girls' dining hall, has not arrived froift the mainland aa yet. Mrs. Allen Bailey, £ormer dietitian* and now. commercial lni struetor, is helping Mrs! C>ark with the details of her work. By LtICAS KEKUNA A neW eafeteria was opened by the elementary division of the Kamehameha Preparatory school. One hundred and thirty persons, Students and teachcrs, will be

served daily in this building whieh is conveniently located back of Bishop Museum. Miss Dorothy Chang, dietition for the entire preparatory department: is head at the. new cafeteria as well as conti':ufng her work at the primary school on MeNeil street. Mrs. Helen Mederios and Mrs. Julia Ahia -are as- . sistants at tlie new kitchen. Two studcnt helpers from eaeh classrōom will. a,ssjst for a period of two weeks in the cafetena. Previous to the finishing of* this building, meals were served to the elementary pupils a| thc U.S. E.D. mess hall on the campus. Milk is served at 8:15 in the morning and at noon. Fruit juice is seryed after the rest period at 2 p.m. to these fou.rth to seventh grade pupils.

By AMBROSE ROSEIULL The Hui Hanalike o£ the Kamehameha School for Gir]s held their annual frolic on January 22,. at lolani Hale, from 6:30 to

9:30 p.m. The decorations for the dinner-dance affair \vas patterned after the colorful scen e r y of South America. The dinner-dance was for the senior members and their gxiests. Junior members of the Hiii Hanalike had a hike and pienie whieh began at 1:30 p.m. Thesē girls with their gnegta went hiking in Kuahiwi Alapaki, and they returned just in time to attend ,a movie in the 'asssembly hall. Marcella Kaopua was the general chairman of the party and Gladys Goo assisted her. The deeoration committee consisted of Irene Loo, chairman; Mona Kahalowai, -assisting chairman Marjorie Kanae, Drusilla Mitcheii, Helen Walker, Vernadetta Amo|ka, Haleakala Hopkins, und j Gladys Chambers. i Aliee Ignacio was Uie chair- . man of the food comjnittee. Other members of the committce were Hannah Will, Harriet E11i.% DonJia Ooleman, and Ramona Silva. Betty Yim was the ehaimiaa of the entortainment eommiUee, Elizabcth Ellis, and Harriet Campi bell assisted her. i Chairman of the invitation eom(mittee vvas Rebecca Ak-ana, and I Martha Fernandez, and Thelma | Beerp assisted her. J The elean-up cpnimittee eoa- ■ sisted of Pilialoha Hopkins, chair-

i m an; Patsy Kanahele, Mar\*ia Chun, torna Chji, and Mayday " ! "Leong. Miss Sallj- MacGregor, physical education instructor at K.S.G. is the adviser of the Girr Reserves. j Officers of the club are Marcella j Kaopua, prosident; Glad>"a . Gck>, I vioe-president Elizabetli seci retary; and Martha Pernandez, I trensurer. I T*oys invited "to the porty were Henry Boshard, Jaiue3 Kew, S&iuuol Kalili, Arthur \Yiuttūigton, | Hale Auld» Max Colexuaa, Leluu&n I lleury, William Eell. Ahina t Koy Fernande2, ArLhur Kiane.Y, Curtis K&iuai, Rob*irt 3>l<»re Elmer M\inley, Naui Cox» E\erett Kimvoy, Henry Mi i1 s, WiUiam Henry Rogers, Phillip g?r£los, Fraaicis Bea»ier, A£Utoii Si6ainor, Adolī Bartols, Randolph iloiito, Dxivi4 Foiitauio, XMvid Fila, Flotclwr Aleoii&, Charies Puuoliau* Albert Kekoa. Henry keia, aiul Euo Plumley»


I>r Totor 01 Uwt Bishoi* \\-os «peikor at Uie KAiticfeaiuciia for jß*ss rtccaUj\ | Hls WAS ' Tapg \ jHe iUtod that Uie iiber j»Uinis j aīU iiu thods ei xiiaking tap>& wer<i | vo ear^|sctu<>rs. Thc 4evelof>csi [ the bark eloUi £*«£>crior u> «U | othor isiAnd t*sipk, T,V li*w*aI thc *«4 abftjC«t oc\xic«MU tfet «reat«&t j v of coK»s «ani 4e&i4Tk&, «n^i ,uso4 thc iuost eUborAtc tooīs ia , <kco**u*s Ous birk ; ck>th, l s r. is & w«;ii 4usowa *.uthor of Haw l\jiya®awtft ts>oks. a.ud 4s> »ovk *iiU«et * isx>k Oii • lUw-ūuux Owtl#rc H