Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 44, 23 Pepeluali 1944 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School

By KENNETH GOUVEIA Ensign John Mingle> navy aviator, spoke on the subject of airplanes at a recent Kamehameha School for Boys assembly. Ensign Mingle's speech was based on the four forces whieh make an airplane fly. These four forces were illustrated as gravity, lift, thrust, and drag. He also explained how these forces are applied to the different parts of the airplane body such as tne ailerohs and elevators. Since Ensign Mingle is a pilot he showed the boys several movements ot the joyce stick whieh control;s the airplane. Although he first named the parts of the airplano this was not considered as important as tlie four forces.

By OEO. K. M. LEONO Mr. Claude G, Batvnii\g, instrvtctor Kanveh«otieha School £or ■ lio>s, eaught 4Ui ukia \veighing | over & 100 pounds recditli' ncar |FL Haso, Makapu, Oaliu. j Mfv Baiuiui£, who luni fished: | tor in&uy years. waa surf ooust-, | i«ig when the ukia struck at tlw j I eei l>ait His cast \vas ma<fc mtc j a $chool of ulua juub&l»ly \veigiv- j ing fjpo»n 30 to 50 pouiul», j AU« *iipro.\imaUl,\ 46 niinuUa; aii v\MltO«st th« vilua j i ix*ch«<l sh«Uo\v vv a.tor a£to i- i Ure&kh*s into vlwj> \vatcr t\vicc. tt w*ttt owr ,800 yar\i{s out into ; J Mr. B&mnug's twcord catch \vasj l h&uW iii befort> an group iOf servic«mcn sUttoiiCti at Ft,j i Hiu», who gu*£B«4 at the \vei£ht of the ICstimates f«vin] «0 to 150 poun<iSs | Thc ACt*Wtl \\xight 05 Uk s catdij \\*ns 10t v .s |vu:uls "sicvcr <M* «sh fh*sh v \ rtv\lo\ss to this 1 Mr, ttamungs rxvor\i uhwi \\ais, *bOUt 90 '