Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 38, 12 January 1944 — Services Held For Rev. Wm. Kamau [ARTICLE]
Services Held For Rev. Wm. Kamau
The Rev. William Kamau, kamaaina Big Island cl«rgyman and ehaplain of the territorial senate, died in the Hilo Memorial hospital at 9:37 p.m. Sunday. Services was conducted at the historic Haili churlh at .3 Tuesday by the Rev. Stephen L. Desha. Burial was at the Homelani cemetery. Elmore mortuary was in charge of funeral arrangements. Born in Oamao, Waiehu, Maui, on Januery 15, 1851, the Rev. Mr. Kamau Was reared on the island of Maui and attended the Hawaiian Elementary school at Waiehu. Later he attended Lahainaluna school under the principalship of S. E. Bishop for four years. He"was graduated in the year 1873. In 1883, he entered the Pacific ihstitute, a theological institution, on Oahu ~for three years, He waa graduated in 1895. All instruct!fcin Was in Hawaiian. Dr. C. M. Hyde w-as at the head of this institution and the Rev. H. H. Parker was an instructor.
The Rev. Mr. Kamau practised preaching for two years be£ore he was ordained jnto the raiiustry
on March 16, 1888, in the Kalahikiola church, Kohala, and later he was installed as a pastor of Kalapana ch'urch in Puna. He had been in the ministry for 52 years. During his pastorate, he travelled from Hawaii to Kauai holding the pastoragcs of Kalapan*a and Ōpihikao, Puna, KalaM}tiola, Kohala and Olaa, on Hawaii; Lihue, Kauai; Pearl City, Oahu, and the famuos church of the early royalty of Hawaii, the K-awaiahao church in Honolulu, The Rev. Mr. Kainau was ehaplain for the senate for 27 years and was a judge in the Puna district for 20 years.
During his judgeship he held court in the Olaa co'urthouse, the Pohoki courthouse, Puna and Ka-
poho courthouse. This was during the Republican government *and af ter/annexation.
He married Lucy Nawaiopua Kahoowaiwai of Puna in 1888, and they had the following children, William K. Kamau, an en-
gineer with the County of Hawaii, Mrs. Anna K. Hoopii, a teaeher at Waiakeakai school, Mrs. Lakana K. De Guair, principal of Napoopoo school, Kona, Mrs. Marie K. Todd, a teacher at the Waiakea-waena school, Miss Anee K. Kamau, a teacher at the Hilo Intermediate schooL
ln 1919 he married Mrs. Martha Haillopua Timoteo. His stepsoxi is Thomas Treadway of Honolulu. His father was Kapoula, the son of Kealiihelepoai, who in the reign of King Kaniehameha I was ā custodian of the Hale o Keawe or the House of Refuge at Honaunau, Kona. It was during his custody of the House of Refuge that Queen Kaahumanu fled for safety there and hit beneath a huge boulder whieh until thi S day still bears the name of the Rock of Kaahumanu or Ka Pohaloi o K-aahumanu.
His mother was Kalanialii, the datighter of a high chie£ named
Kaipu a Kahekili of Maui. She
waa a direct decendant of the King Kualii of Oahu, by her mother, -who at one Ume consolidat«d the Hawaiian Islands under iās rule about 400 years before Kins K&mehameha I, Thē Chief«ss KalaniaUi was reared witk Princess Kiahienaena, daughter of Queen Keopulani and Kamehameha I who resided at Lahaina. MauL He had 1? grandchildren, WilUam K. Kamau Jr., Mrs. Josephine K. Lowll, Mrs, Esthex Kaina. Hartwell Kamau» Floyd K, iHoopii, Mabel K. Todd, Maiioa |A»t Todd, John De Guair ! Mary Kumau, Ssunuel K&mau Jr., Kamau, Walter Kam&u, Pansy Kamau, M&rjrarette Kamau, Ku*Kaniau. Alexa«der Kamau Kamau.
Hte «wr ir*4t £rahviehildren Rich»rd Lovell Willi&m Lov«U, WliKam K. m. | Tl» R«V. Mr. Kam«u was w*« i apensit»*e Sar opemau of the iF»HMi road- | Af»r x«s&uig «i Oahu b« to Hiio in i£arch. I&4S, t «ad kveā m,iUx his o*\igfcīer, [Aaa* K. Hoopii 04" Sl2 Pua Aw, I * -
*UI PO&iA i KE KUAI JL\A X fiONA KAU.I, E kmi i mia W» nuai***. M*d hoofc*i* i k* ku«U «aik