Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 37, 5 January 1944 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]

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News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School

MSWBWBITINQ INCIIKS By EAEL GALDEIBA ] Ambrose Rosehilt, nowa reporter for "Ka Moi", Kam«hameha Schools' student newspaper, has writteh a total of 508 inches of news by thc end of first halfterm. He leads his class of newswriters in the greatest amount of printed news. Ambrose has 424 inches more than this neareat competitor, Carl Tlioene. Tt seemB like a reoord broaUing year for Ambrose whose writing ability might enable him to break a stx year recond held by Jonathan Kahananui, 1939, of 2,000 I printed Inehea of news. | Following close behīr}cl Carl who j has 84 inchēs are Earl Galdiera with 79 inches and Arthur Fitz- | simmons who has 74 inches.

Sylvia Carlisle of the school for girls leads her class of journalists with 42 inches. The second ranking newswriter of the SChool for girls is Nancy Aea With 27 inches. She is followed closely by Piikea Judd whose inches totai 22.

The totals of the other Journal-, ists including' \he K. S. G. newswriters are Elmer Kaneta; 54; Leslie Henry, 51; Walter Loo, 50; Pred Kauka, 45; George Lindsey, 42 Sylvia Carlisle, 42; Albert Kekoa, 39; Walter Miller, 37; Newton Lurbe, 35; Thomas See, -35; Thomas Lalakea, 30; Nancy Aea, 27; Adolph Bartels, 27; Pāul Bredef 24; George Leong, 23; Piikea Judd, 22; Ezra Kanoho, 21; J«rry Freeman, 21; Waldemar Duvauchelle, 20; John Kakaio, 19; Pred Martinsen, 17; Tin Hu Young/ 12; Clarence Tyau, 11; Barry Ontai, il; William Huddy, 11; Earry Ontai, 11; William Kenneth Gouveia, 10; Leinaala Holt, 9; Royal Kane, 7; David Pontaine, 5; Peter Ferkins, 5; David Pila, 5; Lucas Kekuna, 4; ari3 Walter Barrett, 2 inches.

Mr. Donald D. Mitchell is the newswriting instructor, replacing Mr. Loring G. Hudson, former 3ournalism teachcr who is on sabbatical leave.

DECEMBER 19th PROGKAM By DAVID FONTAIXE The graduates of the Kamehameha School sponsored a propram honoring Mrs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop, founder of the Kamehameha Schools, on December 19, the anniversary of her birth at K-apiolani Park. The program was a part of the weekly Royal Hawaiian Band Concert,

ī>escendants of Ancient Hawaiian Warriors, the Kaahumapu Society and other Hawaiian organizations.. were special invited guests.

Reverend Edward l£ahale, pastor of Kawaiahao Church offered the invocation and Mayor Petrie and Dr. Homer F. Ba£hes, princi-pal-in-charge of the Kamehameha schools spoke at that time.

The musical was broadcast over radio station KGU.