Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 33, 8 December 1943 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]
News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School
By KENNETH GOUVIEA Mr. Ofen E. Long, Superinten.ddent of Public Instruction £or Hawaii, stressed the importance of education now and its affects i after ,the war in a talk at the I Kamehameha School for Boys re- | cently.' Mr. 1/02}g told the hoys 4hat just being in a school with .a good name isn't going to make them the men they might be in future yeBirs. He told the boys that they must take fuīl advantage of the opportunities that they now have. If they fail to do this it will be evident in later years. Mr. Long pointed out op- ) portunities that will be open to I boys after the war.
Mr. Long is a member of the committee chosen by the trustees j of ■ the Cishop Estate to study the I Kamehameha Schools and make i suggestions for future improveTOents o£ the schools. The other members of this committee are Dr. Charles Prosser, chairman, President of Dunwoodie Institute, Muuveapolis, Minnesota; Mr. Oscar Sliepard, President of Punahou School, and Mr. Harvey Freeland, expert in vocational educaUon. .
By BETTY YiM Announciiments of the engagement of Sybil Mahikoa to X.t. Fredrick W. Weber were made by the bride-elect*s parents. The matrimoiiial vows wili be exchanged on the afternoon of December 25, 1943 at the Episcopal Church on Kauai. Miss Pauline Mahikoa, sister of the bride to be, will be the only attendant. A luau reception wili be helel after the wedding a.t her parents honie. Miss Mahikoa is the daughter of Mr/ and Mrs, WiUiani K. Mahikoa of Kilauea» Kauau. She īa a gradvuito of the Kameham«ha, School £or Uiela» cl<ass of 1956» >«id is cinployed as & d«sk clerk at the LiUue puhlie library. Lt. \Vebcr is Uia son of Mr. and Mrs. Fre<krick Weber of Kokee. Kauai. In ci\-ilian liie h« \\*as oii the of£iee staff of th« Grove Far«i Co,, Ltd. He en« the army when the Hawaāi National Guard was mohilise<i m I9io and has b<>cii oa K&uai. Mr. William K. M&hikoa, the bride's parvats «re prx«ninout īn eivic on Kauai, Mrs. Aliv.v J3spin4a. af Hc«vohi'iu. aunt U\< mll £v> tu Iy&uai ior Ui« U.\ianErTK UHvUSI Mr, Mr*. Cal\-ui Miiter welc«iu\i their iirst ehiki, a boy, Sun<K\y. Xoveffiber 2Sth. at tlce Kapioiani M*tcxzuty H<MptULiMh. Millor. thc fv\«acr Kose Ct«bb«. ts of thc, K*mtih*roeha School for CJirU, clas '42, Mrs. Mtllcr th* Und o( HiW^ii. Mimm OnUM, both aU«&&n£ K,S.OLv. &av« 6«cobu aunts. Oc<oc£* Cj\ibbe, * i«e«sbcr of $lu? ci«kss *t K.SJ>* weU BAy s unek.