Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 30, 17 November 1943 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]

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News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School

By AMBBOSE ROSEHILL The International First riace Award was recently given to Ka Aloi, Kamehameha Sehools papēr, by the Quill and Scroll society for school papers. Ka Moi has been i a member of the Quill and Scroll i society £or the past 12 years. Every year the Quill and Seroll soeiety judges the papers of the schoola throughout the maii

«nd';tbe. Territory. The papers of the dif£erent schools are rated according to an achievement scale Bet up by the society.

Out of a possible 1,000 points Ka Moi qualified with 890 and was rated as a superior paper. The staff of the paper has always tried to put out a good paper and has always done an excellent job. Ka Moi was commended for its careful planning, for its gnod subject matter, and for its fine distiibution of news. Some of the sruggrestions made are that more variety shous be added to the staff should be writing news, and that ,the terms used are quite i broad at times.

The judges comments are: Ka Moi staff members continue to do a tip-top job of bringingr the news to student readers. Points checked herein should present no unusual difficulties to an alert, progressive staff such as yours." This year the Ka Moi . cojitinues to strive for a better paper and will do its best to live "up to the rating it has receivecL .

By CARL ĪHOENE Alexander Minoaka Thoene has been elected kahuna nui of the Hui Oiwi, the Hawaiian club, at the Kamehameha School for Boys. Minoaka, who is a senior, has been a member of the club since i939., Norman Lunahoopohopono Rosehill has been cliosen kahuna, and William Kahuelani Stewart is now the club's kakauolelo. Howard Kalani Benham hās been chosen puuku and Edwin Mahiai Beamer has been re-elected alakai himeni. Hui Oiwi o Kamehameha was founded m 1931 by Mr. Donald Kilolani Mitchell. The purpose -of the Hui Oiwi is expressed in its motto, "B malama ia na pono o ka aina e na opio," The traditions of the race are . preserved by its young people. The club climaxed its eleyenth successful year last spring with a luau on the school campūs. Membe.rs of the Hui Oiwi o Kameh-ameha are:

Ninth grade — Cleighton Keolamaikalani Beamer, James Kaupena Wong and William Kalikolehua Panui.

Tenth grade — Edwin Mahiai Beamer, Hoover Anuheakalenaikamanaonaalii Cox, Randolph Pile Logan, Wallaee Kealoha Kaawaloa, and Bernard Meheula Williams.

Low-eleventh grade — Paul i Kahiliaulani Brede, Jerry Kele Freeman, George Kealalsiumoanii kekumuhonau Lindsey, Pred Maheaina Kauka, Peter Aalakapua Perkins, Ambrose Kahimoku Rosehill, and Carl Kuene Loa Thoene.

High-eleventh grade — NathanJel Mapu Būrrows, Francis Kealiinohopono Beamer, Francis Napelanapuaokekahi MeMillan, Randolph Folau Monte, Henry Hauleolani Keliiaa, Henry Kapuhili Mills. William Kahuelani Stewart, and Nani Waialeale Cox.

Twelfth grade — Howard Kalani Eenham, Elded Kaipo Kalohelani, Earl Pate.nl Fernandcz» John Lulukiualani Kalili, Eejijamin Pene Kauahikaua, Evorctt Kahiliokalani Kinnoy, Curtis Kamahao kamai. Earl līiiaioalaiii Rt>binson, Norman Lunahooponopono Rosohill, Alcxandcr Minoaku Thoono, and Ftvd Ku Kiunaka. i WALDEM\R DVVAVCHELLE

I Desha Beanjor, soii of jSupervisor and Mrs. MUtoit i Hotu>!uhi. \vas fo:\\\i i\K>tl>ali »iuad auo io :ttw o!d iiiiwy. H« r<**iv*i this ihjury U-o ;sunuuers wluie workw* t\ir tht> T*nit*Nl ī?tatos <Uid stac« th«n it has bot>n bothori«£ hun.

£or qwlUng tii« WArrtors was through Uio a«lvico of th* d<v-tor »»t! Mr. Art}:ur J. eoaeh. to rost his le* | Uo oomW paruvjpat-e m Uus \«*rs , tr;\ok. ! M3lton will V to tho \\ ai v frt«Mrs ho wiās a iv>tei\UAi I Uu\sat iu lh« b*vklicM «s weli I* ]

He, hke his fatlier, ia weil uwwn to loeal beeause ->f his gmit 3poed. Last ycar, iii 3Uch meets aa' Uie "]jnterscliolaatic" and "Corncll Relays", he nctted Kamehameha m'ueh needed points. 15dwin, a . ai>phoniore at tht aehool for boys and Helen, a )unior at the school for girls, are nis brother and sister. They are the .nephews and niec« of the Rev. Stephen Desha, anō the grandclujdien <>f Mr. ane Mrs. l'. C. tSeamer, of Hilo. By THOMAS SEE The Kamehameha Schools endet its Weiraiv Can\paign with a total aum of $1,949.24 on Octoboi 26. This amount was contributec by both the l'aculty -and the students of the school. The K.S.B faculty alone donated $610.00. The total amount given by the Kamehameha School for Girls was $489.47. Before the end of the campaign the students of the junior class, sponsored a China Relief Ba!l and received an amount of money totaling $74.12 whieh was -generously added to th€ Comm'unity chest The K.S.G. class contributionf Were $16.f58 by the seventh grade; 527.46 by the eighth grade; $19.0S by the ninth grade; $26.50 by th.e tenth "grade; $19.00 by the „eleventh grade; and 526.50 by thc twelfth grade. The K.S.G. facultj donated a t«tal of $280.00 The students of the Perparatory Department was $233.00 making their total $291.30. At the ehapel serylce a eolleetion of $45.00 was ;added to thc amofunt, boosting the grand total of the Kamehameha Schools to $1,949.24.