Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 26, 20 ʻOkakopa 1943 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School

By Walter Miller Eight new faculty members have been selected to the staff of the Kamehameha School for Boys this year. Mr. Ernest J. Kelly is a graduate of Stanford University and was a former professor at Sun Yat Sin and Lingnan Universities in Canton, China. He arrived in the United States as an exchange internee from an internment camp in Hong Kong, on the ship Gripsholm. He is now an instructor in English and general language and also an assistant dormitory master in Kamehameha hall. Mr. Elvin Chang is a graduate from the University of Redlands and has instructed physical education at Redlands High School. At the present he is teaching elementary science, biology, eighth grade physical education and has change of the inter-hui program. He is assistant coach of the Junior Varsity and assistant dormtory master f Liholiho Hall. Mr. Atwood B. Hobbs was formerly machinist and electoral engineer instructor at Pearl Har-

bor Navy Yard. He has been living in the territory for twentyfour years an now he is the instructor in the middle shop. Mr. William R. Elliott was a former instructor at Lincoln School of Welding and was in change of the welding school at Pearl Harbor Navy Yard. He instructs welding and math and he will reside in Liholiho hall when his apartment is being constructed. At the present, he lives in Kaleiopapa Hall with Mrs. Elliott.

Mrs. Mabel W. Babcock gradurated from State Colloge of Washington and she has studied at the University of Washington and the University of Hawaii. She taught in the state of Washngton and at Farrington and lo<illegible> High Schools in Honolulu. She is teaching English and social science. Mrs. Alai Alui Hollinger is the new secretary of the Kamehameha School for Boys. She is a a graduate of Healds School Business, in San Francisco, and Punahou High Sshool. She came to Kamehameha ,from the Territorial Office of Civilian Defense. Mr. David E. Barring graduated from Winona State Teachers College in Minnesota. He has taught at Pine Island, Minnesota and at San Rafael Military Acadamy. Last year he was the asassistant supervisory of training of Naval Training at the Bethleham Steel Company. He teaches social science and mathematics at Kamehameha. . Miss Sara Woodyard is a graduate of tlie Unversity of California and has obtained a diploma from Armstrong Business School. She has been teaching at Union. High School at Lafayette, California. Now, she is teaching social studies, and mathematics at Kamehameha School for Boys.

By PAUL BREDE Six seniors of the Kamehameha School for Boys were recently elected as "Big Six" members by the teaching staff. Five of these boys served as Committe of Six last year, and were re-elected to serve again this year. The newly clected member is James Wallace. The other members are Howard, Benham, Norman Rosehill, Benjamin Kauahikaua, Earl Robinson, and Alexander Thoene. The duties of the committee are to aid the faculty members when necessary. The boys supervice study halls, and inspect the dormitories at night. A "Big Six" member has great responsibilities and duties to perform for the school, and it is considered an honor to be elected into this committee. By ADOLPH BARTELS Dr. Homer F. Barnes, principal of the Kamehameha School for Boys, presented awards to stu dents at the evening assembly on Friday, September 17. The awards were 28 silver pins and one gold pin. These pins were earned during the third semester of the last school year. To earn a pin, a student must have exceptionally good work and must be in the upper per cent of his class. Earl Robinson, a member of the senior class received the gold pin award. Other boys who received silver pins are as follows: Ninth grade — Henry Boshaard, Melfred Lum, Bernard Pang Ching, William Bell, Edward Lee and Stevens Kakaio. Tenth grade - Henry Lee, Randolph Logan, Fletcher Aleong, Charles Kamaka and Albert McGrun. Low eleventh grade - Albert Kekoa, Ambrose Rosehill, John Kakaio, Thomas see and Carl Thoene. High eleventh grade - George Choy, Raymond Aea, William Stewart, Henry Chai and Henry Kelii Twelfth Garde - Alevander Thoene and Jamos Wallace.

By EZRA KANOHO Boys of the welding hope recently salvaged a great amount of steel from the Makalepa dump situated outside of the sub base at Pearl Harbor. Guided by Mr. William Elliot, welding instructor and Mr. Atwood Hobbs, machine shop tutor, the group brought back steel sheets, pipes and other equipment. This will make it posbible for the boys to carry on more projects and thereby learn more than they would otherwise with the present shortage of <illegible> <illegible> The boys who went on the excursion were Clarence Self, Arthur McCabe, Walter Rodenhurst, Newton Kekahio, Waldemar Duvauchelle, Newton Lurbo, George Lindsay, Jerry Freeman, and Fred Kauka.