Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 25, 13 October 1943 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
state»ient op tiie ownkhsiiip, MANAGEMK.\T, circulaTIOJV, ETC., REQUIUEI> iiY THE ACTS OF €ONGBESS OF Al Gt SX 21, 1912, AND MAKCJH 3, 1933. m « ° HAWAĪI (ThC Star 0£ o»™*™ week)y at Hdo, Hawau, for October 1943, TI£UMTQKY OF HAWAII SS. COUNTY OP HAWAIĪ Before me, a notary p'uhlie in and for the Territory aid County ufort!said, perspnally appeared Edwin M. Desha, who, having been duly sworn a(:cording to law, deposes and says that he is the Business Manager of the KA HOKU O HAWAH and that the fpllowing ia, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the' ownership, managemcnt, circulaUon, etc., of the aforesaid j>ublication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912, and March 3, 1933, embodied in j Section 443, Postal L.aws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of jlhis_.fQfm to wit: ... e j 1. Th*at th©»naHws and addresses of the p'ublisher, editor, managI ing editor, and busiriess managers are : (Post office address) | Publisher r -KA HOKU O lIAWAU PUBLISHING CO„ LTD. | Hilo, Hawaii. ' \ r j Editor—Solomon Anakalea, Hilo, Hawaii ! Business M-a.nager—Edwin M. De^a,. Hilo, _ iiawaii [ 2. That the owners are: Ka Hoku O Hawaii Publishing Co., Ltkl., Hilo, Hawaii £. 1». KeaHakekua, Hawaii - W. H. Beers, Hilo Hawaii J- T. Mofr Estate, First Trust Co., Hilo, Hawaii 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security | holders owning or holding 1 p er cent or more of total amount of oonUā, mortgages, or other securities are; None. ! 4. That the two paragraphs next above, givi'ng the names of the own<jrs, stocklralders, and security holders, if any, contain not only the hst of stockholders and sccurity holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where Uie stockholder or security holder appears upon the books vf the company as trustee or fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for Uhon} sucll is a<.ting, is given; also that the said two paragraphs contam statements embracing affiants ,full knowledge and J*elief as to the circumstances and conditions under whieh stockholders and - e t holders who do not appear. upon tlie books of the companv a tru tees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that o a bona fide owner; and his affiant has no reason to beUeve U t an otlier person, association, ,or corporaUon has any interest direc or indirect in the said stoqk, bonds, or oUier securities than as so stated b;-' him. 5. That the average numher of copies of eaeh issue of this ptiblication sold or diatribuled Uirough the mai,ls or pUwrwise, to paid subscribers during tho t\vrlve months pit>coding the date above was: Weekly—Bso. (Sgd) EyDWIN M. DESHA, Busineiiii Manager Sworn to and subsorvbed beforo n» this 5 «fciy of Ootobor, 1943. (S E A L) Fmnk G. Serrao Wotary Public, Third Judicial Circuit, Torritory ot Hawai! My Commission «xpires May 10, 1947