Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 19, 1 September 1943 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]
News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha School
By AMBROKfc ROS«IfTI.I> Coached by Art Gallon, the Kameham&ha School' football team j began training on Augiist 23. i *Twenty lettermen ftom last j year's squad are ont for this sea- j son. Earl Ferna-ndez, Kam's AllStar halfback is expected to lead | the Warrior offense on the -gri<3iron thia year. Other All-Stars ' Moses Paiaina and Waldemar Duvauchelle are Alno feturhlng. A!lStar End Roy Thomas wlll not piay thi» »eason having( recently | juined the Coast Gu«rd. Wllliam MeBser, anothcr member of the 1 Kam team, has alao j<>iaed the' Coast Guard. •
Ken Stainger, former ,San Jose State gridder, will 'eoaeh the Kam line this year. Gallon will, hanāle the baclificld and the ends. Howard Benhaifi was elected captain of the Kam* eleven for tlie first game of the season agair>st Roosevelt.
Other players turning out for practiee are John Kalili, Thomas Kekaula, Milton Beamer, Cūrtis Kamai, Arthur McCabe, Albert Kekoa, Pred Kamaka, Francis MeMillen, Paul Horswill, Fred Young, Norman Rosehill, Elded Ho\v<ird Criss, Henry Wong, Walter Loo, i Barry Ontai, Earl Galdeira, Henry Cobb-Atlums, Jerry Freeman, Fred Kauka, Nani Cox, Randolph Monte, William St,ewart, Fred Young, John Agard, Francis Beamer, Ar-
thur St. Germain, Newton Kekaliio Henry Mills, Sherman Tht>mpson, IluUolph Tuiasosopo, Rowl-and Meliiii, lloward Eenham, Benjamin KauahikaUa, and Arthur Fitzsimmons.