Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 16, 11 August 1943 — Kamehameha Schools [ARTICLE]
Kamehameha Schools
By lIANNAII WILL A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Blevms at St. Louis college on March 25. Thc> baby's name is Thomas Alvin Keau Blevins. " Mr. Blevins is a graduatc of the Kamehameha School for Boys,. class of '40. While in school James played | in the band, was on Ka Moi staff, ' was in. the Hi-Y club, choir, Glee |club, and participated in several other school activities. Mrs. Blevins is a graduate of the Parrington High school in 1941.
By lIARRY AKAHANE Jr. After months of planning, a group of Hawaiian youths in Honoiulu organized a club whieh was latcr named the "Junior Ha-waii-an Civic Club". The Juoior Ma.waiian Civic Club is affiliated with the Hawaiian Civie Club of Honolulu.
In a recent electlon the following officers were installed to preSide over the activities of the elub for the ycar term ending 1944; Mr. Calvin Ontai, prcsident; Miss Heather Andrews, vice presiden#; Miss Ruth Burgess recording secretary; Miss Emily Gobb-Adams, correspondent Secretary; Mr. Walter Watson, treasurer. The following members were «lected to the Board of Directbrs: Misses Marie Chung-Hoon and LeLonilda Kekue'wa! Messrs. Daniel Akaka, Kepoikai Aluli, Carl Farden and David Trask Jr.
To guide the activities of the Junior Hawaiian Civicrt!lub and to maintain the maximum amount of cooperation between both clubs, there will be a Board of Advisors consisting of four members of the Hawaiian Civie Club and the .Board tjf Directors and Officers of the Junior Hawaiian Civic club.
The objective of . the Junior Hawaiian Civic Club are to promote and cement friendly relations among its members, to help preserve and perpetuate the eulture of Hawaii Nei, to encourage the learning and the use of the Hawaiian language, to promote the, theory and practice of the princip!os of g-ood government and citiii«nship and to take f«n active interest in the civic, isocial and moral welfare of the j community, particularly that of i the Hawaiian people.
The totai merabership at pres,ent is 56 and from all indications an increase in membershiD is expected. The list of members are as fol!ow: Messrs. R. Aea, H. Akaiiane, D. Akaka, K. Aluli, h. Awana, J. Bacori, M, Beamer, C. .Farden, L.. Ga) -, -H. H. Moiliz . Ont*a, S JRobertson, D. Ruy, M. Ta>'lor, d. Trask and W. Watson. Misses H. Ajndrews, G. Andrews, R. Blaisdell, R Burgess, E. Char, M. Chung-Hoon, E. CobhAdams, C. Fuller, R. Fuller, E. Hamie, L. Hironaka. M. Hopkias, L. Kaiwi, E. Karratta, L. Kekuewa, H. Laeha, M. Lake. E. Mahoe. G. Miller, J. PaikuU, M. Paoa, l *athburn, G. Rose, J. Sarmiento; r. Silva, L. Silva, E. Stephen, M. Taylor. p. Thurston, M. Tyau, e. Wright and M WjTme.
This club also expects to encounage the formation of simi) M Organizations ou tlie outside islands. It is open to atvy- oue of Hawaiūn an.vstry aud wlw i« aot over 27 voars of age.