Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 13, 21 July 1943 — News From Kamehameha School For Boys And Girls [ARTICLE]
News From Kamehameha School For Boys And Girls
By EOAIUNO HOHU ;Several table ganpies have been received by the Kawananakoa £irst-ald etation in .Honolulu. Thpae games were donated "by the Ooea i Cola Bottling Company. These gamea are to be uaed by the boys of the Kainehanieha School for Boys who are stationed at the Kawananakoa first-ald station and other members of the unit durlnf thelr spare time.
Taking second plaee in the interscholastic track meet, Uie Kamohameha Warriors ehalkeii up a total pf 37 pomts to Eunaliou'a 58. Rooscvelt placed thir<i with a total of 20 jpointa and McKinley placed fourth with a total of 17 pointa. / Francis Beamer of Kamehameha, turned the tables on hia rival, John Shepard of Punahou, in the 220, low hurdles by taking first in that event. Xn the Cornell Rel,ays held recently J. Shepard defeated Beamer. Beamer was clocked at 27.1. The Warriors xnade a good showing in the pole vault/ eapturing the second, third and fourtli plaeea. Kamehameha's crack half-mile team took first honrs in that event. The half-mile relay team consists of Earl Galdeira, William Gasper, Barry Ontai and Milfcon Beamer. They were clocked at 1:35 flat. Running against the best any school had to offer, Eno 01iver Plumley of the Kamehameha Warriors took first honors in the 880 yard run. Epo was clocked at 2:08.7.' This is the last track meet of the year for the Warriors. Results of the interscholastic track meet are as? 100 yard <Jash: Won by N. Napoleon (R), M. Beamer (K) 2nd, C. Cordeiro (R) 3rd, and ]3. Shim (E) 4th. Time 10.2 seconds. Mile run: Won by E. Kuhn (P), (MeK) W. Messer (K) 3rd, and J. Crited (P) lth. Time 4 minutes 4£.l seconda, H«if mile relay: Won by"kamehameha (Earl Galdeira, William Gasper, Barry Ontai and Milton Beamer), Punahon 2nd, Roosevelt 3rd, and McKinley 4th, Tiitre 1 i minute and. 35 seconds.
440 yard dash: Won by Miyama (MeK), F. MeMillen (K) 2nd, R. Kam (P) 3rd, and E, Fernand§z (K) 4th. Time 54.7 seconds. 220 low. hurdles: Won by _ F. Beanicr (K), J. Shepard (P) 2nd, G. Kaawakawo (P) 3rd, and R. Andrade (R) 4th. Time 27.1 seconds. . , 220 yard dash: Won by N. Napoleoa (R), M. Beamer (K) 2nd, B. Shim (P) 3rd, and C. Cordeiro (R) 4th. Time 23 geconds flat. SSO yard run: Won by E. Plumley (K), D. Given (R) 2nd, C. Miller (P) 3rd, and J. Douglas (P) 4th. Time 2 minutes ;tnd 8.7 seconds. Mile relay: Won by ; McKinley i.Hiramatsu, Wong, Miyahara, Yokor.ioto), Kamehameha 2tid, Punahou 3rd, and Roosevelt 4th. Time 3 minutes and 42 s.econds. Broad jump: Won by B. Shvm (P), Isaacs (P) 2nd, Hubbell (P) 3rd. and Wong (MeK) 4th. Distance 20 feet and 2 inches. High jump: Won by Isaacs (P), •Doncan (P) 2i\d, J. Agard (K1 and Youi\g (MeK) tied for 3rd. H«ight u feet and 5 in<3ies. Slwt put: Won by B. Scott, D. F*r4en 2nd. R- Hubbell Srd, and B*con 4tli (AJI oJ Punahou). Dists.nct> 49 feet and one-hālf ineh. Poie vault: Wan by D. Dwight (P), B. Ontai (K) 2nd» A. McCaW iKi 3rd, &n<i C. Kamai (K) and Yasuda (McK> Ued for fourt>i. jfeight 10 fect and 6 inches. Brr oo MeTnbcrs o? Kamp>»RT?ifhs of T>r. of tr*rlss. at R Msy ? at Kap«j!wrtJi \rf»s V,e!sS Mw tV i.rxnnot rti\ns t.> hv\lvl A miniom na seh<xv! my S2. M 4 r. M Tho scutors lh<? girls wero gwsts asscvi*t ? .vv. aī-e Mr& Ch«tee R pwria«it: Mre. WiMwn K. "ERpinds vi<vprcsidonl; Miss K ! Mc<ire£or, socrvury, &nd D*j£y Eeil, troasurer, Flvsluwn *«<J sokpih«>»>vw bcrs v V Osrl l\tN?erves hoUI a '.\NT th<> .vntty P: rAur,TiO M T>v^ oueK -Vr
*gftrls 1 and her mother, Mrs. Stelia Prederick, as guesta. ginco the weather did not permit them to play out of doorS, thcy had their games 1n eommon' room of one of the dormitories. Refrēshments were- served in the gvm after the playing of games. The senior Girls Reserve are Luana Forsythe, Aliee Goo, Hannah Ho, Rhoda Ann Holt, Berniee Hunt, Winona Ing, Ivy Keanoano, Henrietta Laeha, Audrey Morrison', Lēah Needham, Rose Williams, andPortia Yim. [ By riLIALOn^TnorKINS Gyne.ve Andrcws, a member of |the junlor class, was elected president for the school year '43-'44 at a meeting of the Hui Holumua a t - the Kamehameha School for Girls. . Gyneve is taking the plaee of Bernice Hunt, -a member of the senior class. Laura Sabey, junior, succeeds Gfertrude Miller as vice president; Hannah Ho's secretarial position was fulfilled by Marcella Kaopua; and Lorraine Nahale-a is the neW libiarian, replacing Luana Porsythe. ■ . , ■ ■- The Hui Holumua also selected girls from different' classes tō beoome members for next year, They are Flora Beamer, Marian Lake, and Vesta Parker, Juniors, and Gladys Goo, Martha Fernandez and Mon-a Kahalewai, sophomores. Mts. Ula Sheecha, soc.ial aeienee Lnstructor, is the facfulty adviser for this club.
•' Kamehameha Schools who graduated this year, 18 senior girls and one boy, there being only one boy hēeaiiāe the boys' sehool has gone back to the part-time schedule an<3 the present high eleventh grade will be graduated next year. Commencement was held on May 30, at 4:30 p. m. JLn the gfHn<Vl's auditorium. The valedictorian for the program was Bernice Hunt who was selected on the basis of having the highest scholarship throughout her high school years at Kamehameha. Bruce Johnson \vas the salutatorian. * As the custom the girls sewed their own graduation gowns whieh were of white frosted organdy. * The president of the class of '43 is Aliee Goo; vice president, Aud r e y MacDonald; seci etary, Hannah Ho; treaSurer, Henrietta Laeha; and class conncilor, Gertrude Miller. Elaine Hamie also of the graduating class was the student body president. Other girls Who graduated were Luana Forsythe, Leah Needham, Pearl Morrison, .Louiae Kaiwi, Portia Yim, Rhoda Ann lrene Wiebke, Josephine Adams, Ivy Ke-anoano, Rose Williams. and Winona Ing. Miss Evangeline Marshall was the faculty advisor for the grad,uaiing class. Bruce Jackson f a member of the high eleventh at the school for boys, Uie only boy to graduate, 1 The officers of the difforent classes at the Kamehameha school for girls handed over their jobs to oncoming officers as tho "lo «lehool \vas completod. Next year will find Lomune Kaina as prcsident of the nvnth gradc; Ilima Kauka. pros>dent: Nellio Ste\vart, s*vrot;iry; Dorothea Cobb-Adains ,troasurer: ā.nd Z«?lie Hiller, class councisor. Lcading thc tenth grad.c \vi!t_ he Shirloy Biroh. Mariv>rie Miller, vicc presider.t; Lillinoe PokipaKi, secretar\*: Piikea Judd, treasurt>r: and A\idroy McKeagxte, class co\incvlcar.
Marths FernanAfS jrt*vt>rn the cUnvnth grade, aidotf by C!\ad\*s C!<v>, v!<.v pros>3o>Yt • T?cKwa Akana, s=ocnftary; Fotty Low Ohsi\g\ t*vasnis>r'. «*n3 13t* r.aVth Kaiika. r>ass coiniollor. Thc sonii>r etass w s >t V >!Os3,v1 bv pxvsl<to~t 1 Civnevo \y»iVr<o\vs. vuv Hohu. sccrctsry, Jvsst|r,A SArmio«to, ttvas«?vr. muī IMĪW*. RabkkN*u, covm??ior, Tbc olasss who >.sn-Jo<i ovor t>.o s r \wrv oi£ht>i Y^ : .r;c T\xv W:nors :■;. PvVrtt^ry. trcssv«ror* n\n3 StoT:rt ?!a?=g oovwdlovr. V*<*ers \\vro 1 >»"•» r«VTS, y«*yvsĪ.VM VkvTWrU\v ? «* X p Ā V ;-, tN\-r>ots?\". T*;y?tss Xnft t-vsfr,wr: Tk\rr:*!: <\nuv?bT.
In the sophomore class, Mona Kahalewai gave up her Vosition |aa president; Drasilla Mitchell, I vice president; Aliee īgnacio, secretary; Elizabeth Ellis, treasurer; Jind Marcella Kaopua, class eouncilor, - "J Edith Rabideau led the junior
class last year with vice presi<Jent, Gyneve Andrews; secretary, Kuualoha Saffery; treasurer, Juatina Sarmiento; and Marian Lake, class councilor.
The ex-officers" of the senior class are Aliee Goo, president; Audrey MacDonald, vice president; Hannah Ho, secretary; Henrietta Laeha, treasurer; and Gertrude Miller, class councilor.
lu September new faculty eouncilors will be chosen. Those who served this past year are Mary Glennie Andrews, eighth grade; Bemice Honda, ninth grade; Miri r am Grabbe, tenth grade; Leila Hohu, eleventh grade; and Elaine .Hamie, twelfth grade.
Miss Dorothy Martin, junlor class adviser anāT former Girl Scout adviser, is adviser student eouneil.
New student body and eouneil }fficers will also be chosen in September.
Elx-offiQio members are Dr. Homer P. Barnes, Dr. Pauline M. Frederick, Mrs. Ethelynne Matsōn, Miss Mamie Hoffman, and Miss Ruby Pua.
By N. Burrows Kenneth Batong and Lehman Henry, eighth grmders at the Kamehameha School for Boys, were recently awarded the Junior OCD insignia. These boys in order to win such a citation had to perform some duty that would help in some way their community in the war activities.
Both of these boys have invested money in war bonds and stamps, they worked in the pineapple fields <and elsewhere and they have all jōf. their J\mior Reviews bound. Mrs. Homer F. Barnes, soctal science teacher at Kamehameha ,Schooi for Boys, ,presented the award to these boys. By A- McCABE As the aehool ends, for the year 1943 at Kamehameha Schoola the boys of the low eleventh are already arranging their summer plans. The majority of the boys are working at respective jobs ! held on part-time while in school. I This training is given at Kamehameha to enable the boys to know their trades and have the experience of what working for a living after they have gpaduated from Kamehameha will be like. Boys are working for the following finms are:
American Can Company: Stanley Hu, Willlam Messer, Woodrow Mossman, Joseph Flores, Ēdimind Hohu.
Hawailan Airlīnes: Nani Cok, C*hristopher Hong, Philip Eagles. William Leith, Thomas Howard Criss, Pred Toung and Henry Keliiaa. Hawaiian v Ēlectric: Raymond Aea, H. Rogers, William Stewart, Moses Paiaina, and Willlam Gasper. Hawaiian Pine Company Joha Agard, Herbert Chang, Melvin Alurakami J and Horace Chang. Pan-American Airwajs: Miiton Beamor, Francis Beaiuer, and Fraacis Warner. ii. G. A. Communicaiion Station; G«orge Choy. Pj*ctfic Wflding- Company: Newton Kekahio, and Harold "silva.