Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 12, 14 July 1943 — News From Kamehameha School For Boys And Gils [ARTICLE]
News From Kamehameha School For Boys And Gils
| i\\ PhUUi* Kotvrt Ea&k* ! u>y> Kv.\v^ I hameha at | U»c R<*sl vMk) RtvuivrAtton Ani wx to Uw l\ S. \\xso H»rlx>r, T. IL, Roy»l Ksw?i«an Hoi<4. rooont\j. Tlw prx>gmn\ was Kiw.i for «sun* !dre<3 saik>r?; 3i>d offtcoiv o? Ihe 't T , S. Na\*y. Th<-w \v«v mAv*y ' otIWT hv<a H!»\\\\iUn vi\WK;\l:v - |pivscnt on tKit
» Th«e bojs tho *Cs\mehaiYi«h» wiio s-;uv£ wotv ! Ct»rtis Kamail. CocM J;\īr.v\s \V;UkH\?» iki^UUi Kīxr\ H«n- -[ vy MiUs, Hovvstt\* Cij*ss. Kamlol|»h iM)nste. CV>mV Kakalia, Nort»ian ! R; v John KaiHii Tk\V Barl WUti&j« Slv\v»H, WiHi»in Mosse-r ( Kld<sJj Kaloi&l&m. F:\xt Kswska, AlVrt | Keko» «wvd H«>nry K>Miaa, Th* oUwr e«lortsūH rs «e» Mi\ Frod Bk?fktey sirs, LvhusC ,An^ irou|x\ Cki&īuon &4van lkxuncr, 3lot4vnvs Mark»in lCurkj, ru{Hi Uh Istxkvr
arid SMorence Kaahanui; The Singing Girls or the Ka Ipo troupe, Xel "Ooll!ns, Gccilia Lake, Mae Lobc ; n£,tri'i, Juīia Doyle, Milla Peienion, lolānl liUaliine, LjzFlores, Ikuwa, Ida Beeßer and "Winona Beanier; The Honolulu Poliee Glce club, Thomas Rodenhurst, Jamcs Won g, Bain_ Malina, William CrawEord, Sterling lsi£ōssman, Henry F\>ng, Joseph Ikeole, John Pea, Nor-m-an Ahyap, Nelaon Mf<Hcu and Joseph Kealokanui; Hawauan Navy Orehestra, Bill Deas, George Piltz, George Awo Davi j Ching, Miehael Lee, Henry Kort, Kalonikula Bright, Albert Carter, Bill Humphrey, Ellwood Alapa and Victoria li, āoloist; Elmer Lee's trpupi, William SmTth, Sr., Rene ■ Brooks., Splash Lyona, EdUie Kinilau, Arthur Mahoe and Sam Kapu. - '£he order the program waa as foUow3: Aa£ient Nose Flue, Mr, Fred Beckley Kahea'; Aneient Hawaiian Dances, Mrs. Louise Beamer and her. troupe: Healoha Nihoa, Kahi Mea I Aloha la, Stone dance (Hawaiīan Cast£nets) Bamboo, dance„ Feathered gourd dance. Puuwaawaa ana Pehea Hoi Tau were sung by the Kamehameha Boys Glee Club. The Na Ipo Troupe sang Ulili-e. The Honolūlu Poliee Glee Club sang Pua ona ona. Miss lolani Luahine sang two songs, The Cock-eyed Mayor of Kaunakakai and Kila-kila Haleaka.la. .. . ~ Modern Hulaa by the Beamer Troupe were Kuahiwi Haleakala and Haleiwa Maid.
Cleighton and Edwln Beamer danced two festive hulas by men, Holo Holo £aa and Ana Pau. Hawaiian Medley, Ke Kali Nei Au, and, §cotch-Hawaiian song were played by the Navy Orchestra. Elmer Lee 1 s Troupe played Hilo* March, Red Opu (danced by Rene Brooks), and Golf Hula (danced by Arthur Mahoe). Interpretive Dances were performed by the Beamer dāTīcers and Miss Winona Love. The title of the program ■ was "An Evening in Old- Hawaii." Mrs. Anne Love was in charge of florar decration, Mrs. Herbert Keppeler was stage manager and Miss Winona Love was the program director.
( By REBECCA AI^ANA J Marcella Kaopua •and R§becca l Akp.na of the sophomore at the Kamehameha School for Girls were recently electedi to the offioes in the Girl Reserve Intereluh eouneil at the YWCA. Rebecca will hold the office as secretary for the Inter-club eouieil for the years and Marcel!s will take the position of Girl Reserve YWCA representativc.
Othr-r officcrs of the cabinet are as follow: Almira Ahn, president of the Girl Reserve club at Rooscvclt, is the new president, and Marney Carter of Punahoa will be the other YWCA representative together with Marcella. The Inter-club meetiiigs are held cvery first Tuesday t»f the monih at the YWCA. The eouneil discusses the problenis of the various Girl Reserve clubs and plans annual conferences ond ,social functions to aequuint \he" g?rjs fromx dif&rent ciubs with one another.
i Fonner preaident of the InterMsMb <H>uncil is Porti& Yim, senior l.at the Kamehameha Schooi for Girls. H«£tri«tU lAeha, also a f sonior »t Kaniehameha School for GuLs, Y\ &s thc Inter-ciub l*pres*atative of the Giri ReServc YWCA board. Pearl Yim, gnaduate in the 3?®ar 1941, who was presideiit of Girl Reserve club at the Kaft«īh«meha School for Giris in ye*rs was also the lnter-ciub president in that same y«ar.
J«liette Ferreira, menibcr of tftc c!ass of '42. was tho lat«r--ehrt» s*rreUry s>nd slso Intei- «*»* wj*w®w\taU\t duritts yr«rs MV4t.
| ily K»Mr\D HOIll | Kow ofio»rs fv\r ihe tnd Scro« iY\-eaīcd bv 3uoitngr HtsasK>n, ad\-ist-r of ths or|«3Mit!sitiois aavd iiistruclor a£ KaHwhwueha sk"hvv>l for' Boys. Q\iil! &nd Scroll is *». or i*vk-ty for hsjgh sciioal j>c\s,3 vrr!ter^, Steaibers who haw bc«aa <&>sea «ii v iccrs Ftvdnck >cv-p*^Si-\k».U« Sari &ofemsaa, secr«t*ss. WUimeu tresSi3urcr, «std Bcary o£ Uk iaiU*CoiiimitUx\