Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 11, 7 July 1943 — Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]

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Kamehameha School

U/ MOa.I tieorge Mills, u gruauate of Kameliameha behool ior Bojs ii\ 1940, was recently a candidate ior president of the University ōf Colorado stu<fcnt body, being edged out by just 20 votes, ln a letter wntten to. Dr. B-ar-nea, Qeorge wrote that he has enuste<J in the Army Reserve Corps out was not called to service because he is classified as a preI med student. He is a Biology MaJor and has taken many premed courees. George has been asked by some of the Deans to apjply for a posilion in thē Colom<3o Medical School and is waiting for an answer. He is going to summer school and plana to study chemistry, physics, histology, embrolpgy and anatomy. He is a member of the Red Lantern club, an lionorary club for the 12 outstanding juniors of the campus.

While at Kamehameha George played end on the football team and center on the basketball team. He was cadet major of Kam battalion and a Big Six CommTEteeman. Henry Mills, a member 0f the low eleventh class, is thc brother of George Mills:

Featuring articles made in the sewing classes throxighout the aehool year, the freshmen at K. S. G. recently sponsored a fashion show for yie enjoyment of eehool guests.

From the eighth grade werc Lorraine Kaina, showing a blouse and red jumper; Leona Akana, a pink j umper, Dorothea CobbAdams and Mary Desha, displaying two gathered skirts; and Marceline Goo, featuring a pink clress. Ninth graders who participated were Lonia Beers, Rhoda Goo, Hariette Ellis, Fhyllis Ann Paeheeo and Patsy Kanahele, who modeled school dresses. ElizaljgLth Bierne told of the puppets that the class. made; Shirley Birch explained the types of new m-i.terials in the department, and Holt. gave a report on old materials and the. use of them.

Clothes for the baby were dispiayed by Elizabeth Johnson, who featured a peaeh baby dress and bib; Marceline Goo, a baby coat; and Genevieve Bertlemann, a baby jumper.

Tenth grade , participants were Verna Amoka in -a blue dress; Norma Ho, a jnmpcr and\lo'use; Elizabcth Kauka, a green dress; Milwarde Cooper and Drusilla Mitchell featured green skirts; and Betty Lou Chang wore a play suit.

Eepresentatives from the junior class were Justina &armiento in a rayon dress; Lorraine Nahale-a, a biue suit; Marie Adams, a t)Tue jumper; Charlotte Bell, a green dress; and Ilona \Viebke, a sweater. Josephine Adams displayed her gowns were shown by Haleakala Hopkins and Harriette Hurley.

Plans for the annual Senior function are alread>' under way aa was announced by Aliee Goo and Benjamin Kauahikaua, general Ghairmen. Although the details are held ia , utmost secrecy» the comniittees have been revealed. They are as foliow; —Rhoda Ann Holt, chairm«n; Louiw Kaiwi. Leah h«m, Pearl Morrison, and Gcrtrwls MtHer. Entcrtimment—Henriclta Laeha. cha!rman; Tvy Keanoano. and Winona Tivg. Decoration — Irene Wiehke, ehaimian, Kose "VYilliams, Fortia Yln», Au<ltvv MactVnaM. and Jw sf<?phine Adams. ln\itation - Haitniah Ho, chairman: E!:\ino īīamie, anu Eemieo Hunt Cleanup — Luana Forsj'the, l>rueo .l:iv'ksov. cha»rKMHn; Al«x<u\4er Thoene. Volkniur Oahho ;vthl WillhitertAvr.ment Ear' Robin- . so>>„ ch«trmAti: Fre4 Kai\iak&, John Kalili, ar.d Rowland Meliui, Oecor*tion — Ho\v^rd, chd;rr.:.ui. «ui:nca WAii&e**», Tcii:aiidci, Kolxrl i^a. » CockeLL lttvtUUo» — Norroan Roaeiui*. ch)urtivAß. Ciareace &elt. Wilwuni Stiva, **«! KN\ v rctt Kianey.