Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 6, 2 June 1943 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools [ARTICLE]

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News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools

BY EDMUND HOHU The Kawanakakoa first aid station basketball squad īn Honolulu cōpped the championship May 2, when Kaahumanu forfeited the last game of the season. The squad r:onsists of boys from the Kamehameha School for Boys. # ' Members of the squad are Ho\ward Benham, Fred Kamaka, Philip Eagles, Henry Lukela, James Cockett, Curtis Kamai, Prancis MaeMillan, Mapu Burrows and Edmund Hohu. The team went through the season without a defeat. Members of the squad are, to be rewarded witji a ehop sui dinner for winning the title. BY PAUL HORS\\TLj^ The Kamehameha Sehool O.C.D. | unit will contin"ue with work at i both of the stafkms during tlie summer. Thirteen boys are planning to work this sunimer. The boya at Kawanakoa, who are continui}\g tlieir work, are Nathaniel Bur- ' Hong, William Stewart, Philip Eagles, H s enry Rogers, Henry Lukela. loy Thomas, Howard Crhiss Paul Horswill, William Messer, and Earl Robiuson will continue their work at Kapalania first aid statāon.

by tiiomas kekaixa Mr. Jack Lovvrie, soiT o£ ilr. Robert Lo\vrie of Hanolulu, rec<?ntly graJuāted from Steveus ; tnstitnto of Tochnology in Hoboi ken, Now Jors<>y. : Mamīfācturing aircra£t is tsi)6 <?f work Jaek desires to foitew. _ co«rses that Jack is aiostly )ntort>sted iu ;uv aerodjusLmics, nn.vhanics. maehine desi£n an<i i Jack partioipated in marty c»i- -' activities in debatin£ ; dr&matios s:id sports, In soprts he plav e -»d S\wor. lAcrosse, badiīūnton Mor-olsss sports vuid a m«mber of the \at h *üb. H«> s Tft?sft\ber ot th«_- G«a.r 4U'<t Tnsn ho!H r th« Wii T%i. a fratormt,v

As h w \ h k work Ihe !VlUk \Urufacturmfc rt>rrvj.vsnj tor one s?iuutn«r at tīio T\>nclas .V>rcrAft ccjnp«Qy for or»o snri«wr.

H° in Uw Kavai Resetve f!WV, FVbr;ary mary T. \iHl ar>« «n hororAbie H»s sw n "^ : » ««ns *nd b<MLt buikl-

• Tsc ' k «*»* in Heaaoiulu |*S * the &*»***«*- I -a. $>hv\V. A or Boys u» liX>.:V jACIi W*s c»rt*vi\ >v.anaser. o» U';i;;;s t<MUtt «thl W** * m Hc *>Vi*. *.W;&s*s *s hW VvV*fet<«.