Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 2, 5 Mei 1943 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools

| «y oeo \ enga£ement \jf Miss Elifia»j beth Kau to Mr. \YUfjxNi Wan* j vrsa oeoonU&' anaouuc«4 , *r*bel Kau, :x\othcr c£ Uie bn«-! *&<*, ! Mīsa Kavi is t«cKUrj to y_V. W. r, pnnvū|wi o£ Uw!

f Wsoog i s «j»p3loyed aX t& e N*;'.vy y&rd 4ate ftvr th« wskSiog is aot| ** *»«t will tak« Awi«|r t)w s?imvrs>.er j *Jf «WJf> W.UJtr.H | **y 5s d«j «a4| • n k<sii>iiv4 W.lh Uī^i C*&Si v>C Uit i

liameha Scliool for Girls presented a play entitled "This Is No | L%ughing Matter" on Frid a y, April 30 at 9:30 a. m. Every ye a r the sophomore3 make up a play in home hygiene class under the dir'ection of JHiss Scotfc. Wh.ite wjiich .ia. presentēd in conriection; with Hay da'y.' Hleae plays 'whieh are given every year seek to stress health more" and to keep the' girls from efttenng the infirmary. A glrl that is healthy and doea not go in the infirmary for a year while in school is usually chosen by Miss White to become queen. Last year Gyneve Andrews '44 w«.s health queen. Sophomores who are eligible for our health queen were Norma Eto, Miriam Crabbe, Pilialoha Hopkins, Martha Pemandez, Josephine Enos, Barbara Kakauoha and Rebecca Akana.

By CHBIBTOPHER HONG Beth-Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mr». A. A. Bailey, was born at Kapiolani Maternity hospital on the morning of April 19. Beth-Ann was born aboUt _dawn and weighed 7 pounds 9 ouneea.

Mr. Bailey eamo to Hawaii in 1931 and has been a teacher of commercial subjects and dorm master at Kamehameha School for Boys. Mrs. Bailey is the former Margaret Auman and eame to Hawaii in 1933 as a dietitian and teacher of home economics et the j Kamehameha Schpol for Girls. j Mr. and.Mrs. Bailey were married in the summer of- 1940 fl.t Fort Wayne, Indiana. By Arthur McCabe

Kamehameha physical fitness_ tests will be given to the students of Kamehameha School for Boys by Mr. Mountain, instructor" at the aehool. This test is grouped into three classes—Gommando, Physically fit, Physically unf!t. A record of eaeh boy will :be kept by those in charge of ; administering the test and will | be- turned over to Mr. Moimtain | who will supervise the adminisI tration of tests. The following tests .will be given' to the boys to determine how the boys of K. S. B. compare with those of the mainland in physical fitness. The test consists of puli up, push up, standing broadjump, standing shot, burpee, squat jump, and sit ups. Any boy with an average of 62 will be classed as a eommando> Those with 48 to 61 will be classed as PhysicaUy fit» and boys below 48 will be classified Physically unfit.


Twenty-two cadets were recently promoted in the Kamehameha Schooi for Boys battaUon. The promotions were made by Mr. Leslie Cribbiey, military adviser and instnictor at the Kamehameha Schools. The cadets were pro•moted for the i r personal appearances, interest in their eompany, promptness, and military eourtesy.

Promoted to the rank of eorpI oral are Albert Kekoa. Company jD; Hibbert Manley, Company E; and Roy Fernandez, Company F. The following ca4ets have been promoted to the rank of Private First ciass, Company A—Jacob PernandejE, Charles Puuohau, David Fontaine, Waldemar Laeha and Leonard Wong, Oompany B—Kathani«l Bur-rom-s, Henry Keliiaa and Henr\ Rodg>ers. eompani- I>-Fletcher Aiwne Kenneth. Gouveia, David pu» an<i Carl Thoene. Oompany E — Joshua Akana, S*&iuel Kalili aad Kinney Kaw<» Campai\y F—John Awana» Ciawaee I«ee, Daniel Mi>\uuoto &nd WiUiani Vida. 2s"KVk"IOX KEiiAHIO anr,ual affic«rs dmner aaU wa: fec aaoa Kaiuehai Scliool ior Boys di. n ' Tt * hAU e\XivL lik« oUmm tow«\i Ue do«« <a tfee sch<*>i war in the pasl. a for twittelkwi. SVrti*r su u t KsUua "srtil sattal:ou s iiiiai b<.

Uk W lieutcMuit J«. UM \|fc^ * **««&«* 0{ U« jy^. *tews«li «Uh&> — Mlī „ ** *«ttah«n st *a <nii uet»i āimil *t Wluoh Mw w will tyi ltt oi U* *a4 « t w nn*i »vtroikU