Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVII, Number 51, 14 April 1943 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools [ARTICLE]

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News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools

N_By_ĪT EN RY LIIKELA Tho armtiaJ Kainehainelia Alumni oratorfcal contesf. for the Kamohalueha schools look plaee ou Satui<iay, Apiil wiLh tho followiug hliulenla iiarlicii)Hlīng:' Munel Kanahele^lrene Rathburn and Marion Lake, juniors; and Hannah Ho, seuior, from Kamehameha Girls' school and William Stewart and Prancis MeMillan, low-juniors; and

T!!arl Holyīnson Norman ttoseiiili, liiaii-juiiiois irom Kamehameha Boys' aehool. AH of these boys asd girl« are from the lelanā of Oahu.

Mr. Myron 8. Stout, English and social eeieuee |nstructor ttt the Hovr' «ehool: T)r. Paullne Frederick, • l«riucipal of tlie gii*ls' aehool; and Mi'. MUlon instructor at the girl»' «ehool, judged the flnalUts of the girls' school. Mrs. Loring G,. Hudson, oī the US Erdployment Bureau, and Miss Dorothy Martin, instructor at the girls' school» seleeted the finalists from the boys* school.

Others who toolc part in the semiflnnlß besides t}iose selected wel-e Mona Kahalewal, Martha FernandftS!, Laura flabey, Luana TTenry Chai, eGorge Choy, Henry Lukela, Raymond Aea, William Gaepar, Randplph Monte, John Agard, TTowarcl Benham, Pr6d Ka-

maka, Everett Kinney, Bavid Plla," Thomas See, Norman Bode and All>crt Kekoa. I This contest is spohsored annuali ly by -the Kamehameha Alumni as- | SoBtation. Mr. George West ls the I chairman of th6 association eomj mittee for the contest. By HERBERT CHANG Gold and silevr pins were passed out. for the se«ond ha)f term at the Kamehameha *SJbhool for Boys. These pins are presented at the end I of eaeh term to the b<jys with' hīgh eeholaaiie standings apd high attitude grades. Henry Boshard and Melfred Lum, eighth graders, were the only two boys who won the gold pins, Uie highest award. Boys who were awalrded the silver pins are as follow: Eighth giade—Wiiliam Bell, Steven Kakalo, aml Ed\vard Lee^ Ninth grade—Fletcher Aleong, Edpar Bell, Abraham Cockett, lleury Lee, and Randolph Logan. Tenth grade—John Kakaio, Walter Loo, Ambrose' Hwsehill, and Carl Thoene. j Low Eleventh —Ray Aea, Herbert Chang, George Qhgy, rhillip Eagles, William Gaspar, and William Stewart.' ■ Higli eleventh-—Eai'l Fernandez Eaii Robinson, Norman Rosehill, and James Wallaee. By MONA KAIIALEWAI Miss Evelyn Desha, daughter of

Hev. and Mrs. Stephen L. Desha of Kealakekua, Ilawaii, waa rece&tly uaro«d a reieplent of honorable meotion during the mid-year grad(&g term at the Kamehameha School for Girls, Evelyn, who ls now a junior, "i8 u at aehool, having heen awarded Uie »ilver and' gold pi«s during her four years of attendance. She* has also heen the presidei£t'of ,her class.. Honorable naention is given to those who are one item short of either ā Bilver or gold pin. . Other students who received pins ■were Ja,cqueltne "Booth, Elaine Doo, eigfith graders; Julia Stewarl, Lorna Beer, gold, ninth grade; Martha Pernandez, Gladys Goo, gold. tenth garde; Muriel Kanahele, Edith Rabidoau, Gyneve Andrews, gold; lonei Rathburn, silver, 11 th' grade ,and Bernice Hunt; honorable iueoUon, 12th grade.

By Pilialoha Hopklna >TinH Winona Kapuailohia Desha Beamer, a' graduate of the Kamehameha School for Giris, class of '41, returned recently from Barnard college, New Tork. While she was there Winona was studying in the fields of ethnology and anthropology. Becavse of health condltion Miss Beamer will remain tn the i islands for some time. She hopes Ito Continue her study after the war.

While a student at Kamehameh% Winona was engaged in varioua activities som"e being, class president, a member of the Hui Kumollpo, a piano and organ pupil, a ijnember of the choir, silver and gold pin student, and was awarded upon graduation a scholorship to Colorado Women's eollege. While in school she also won thē 3Clarke-English award and was interested a great dēal in relationship and study of the early Hawaiians and Polynesians.

Winona is the daughter of ; Mr. and Mrs. Francis Pono Beamer of Waikiki, *Dahu. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carl Beamer of Hilo, Hawaii.

At present Winona has two brothers Francis and Cleighton and a sister Flora attending Kamehameha. Also at Kam she has four cousins, Milton, Edwin, and Heīen Beamer, and Helen Walker.

By PRED YOUNG Junior Civilian Defense insignias are beiag awarded to the students at Kamehameha School for Boys, who havo qualified by outstariding war effort. . Joßeph Flores, Stanley Hu of the Jow eleventh and Edward Young of the ninth grade were recently awarded these citations. In order to receive these citations the boys must do something of some aid to the commun!ty. Joseph has lnvested $225 in Bonds and Stamps *»nd Stanley has investe.d $150 in Bonds and Stamps and these boys work for American Cans, | Liimited 10 hours a night, these two [ boys are also stationed in an O.C.D. first aid station. Edward received i liis citation because of his ]eaderi ship in the drive for books and magazines, for the boys in Army.

By CARMEN JUAREZ Children ot the Saint Mary's home 'Vtsited the Kamehameha Scfaool for 61rts ōa Friday, April 2. Aft«r touring the campus, they were entertained by the studenta with games. During the evenlng, a dinaer will be given in their honor.

- Recent]y, boys from the Salvation Arnjy were entertaia«cl a.t School for Boys by thft students. They %vere also suests at dinner at the Kamehaiinebj? School for Boys.

Several progr&ms have been ptanned for the moaUis ot April mm! Wsy at the Kamehameha Scbool for Glrīs. Theso progT&ms wiil t*> pwseatea at the §chool aud!torsom. rarenst aml frteuds of «twtents »r? i»vitei3 t<? atttnd. SuiM, *y. Aprn 4. was thc date for tbe 4uaior club coacert, U t>r&swiU\? by »(udeDts oi Uie' i «in»' school. The >vas hel«i | *t 3:00 p.m. Hui K.uuiulipo!, HawaUau r, « b of th« School for Cirls, present a on $uu «•K 18, *t 5:00 pou, *fee SeaiQr club ot K& Solu\il for OU'la i§ $cho % couctrt oa Suu4^, May al S: (S) i\m, Mi&a L*ur* E. Ihowu, o>wv*t w ill dixvci th» gtrts. Pl«a© pui>ils uud«r tho oī \!iss Korui& L. 01sea *UI the Aato«al pUuo recīial oa S?unaAr. ? s at S;00 i\au

*y TVTLI,UM 1-Eim ' Wrs A. CloASau au i nouiKNN? a' Uc; ■ oaug'ht< N v 1 'E. Us M;\

Rciiow u. C. stija Pi-Aiik u. iv csicr. o£ u<iu.aluiu, T&e t *%aded JVA £chool far Giris *»•*-< i ii\>ai schooi. $iiC lī | CoatTAcwi«, Ni\al ,vyrj &t»e&. H<?r &uk* 4 * *rsuiu*t* c ;| i* vUU Uh; 4 luiu poUee Ihmi 4a&e Uas t*£v& &ci 4 i*M Ctiik . r " " ■*■