Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVII, Number 45, 3 Malaki 1943 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

News From Boys, Girls

Kamehameha Schools

»y i4d)m\vU iwanieMaiieuu. s>cow>i tx>ye at uiiil uiU dt i-ka,V\UJillimKwa xuiv!j J'->i a'lk'U X~ a auy. a iugnt spent at this sta„uqh ua very and weii si>ent, Dr. Fujiwara toaehcs Uie tx>ya aid. Aftir first ,aid : ihe ooys ytoteea to do iiieir btudies for the next day's t mnnrn ' ' '-i On Uieir firat mgftt of mstruction» thcy werf taught to hindlo aiul l(»d a litter. īne buyn who arv m ( thi» outfit now are Howard,B«nh|a,m, Jamcs CoCk*tt, Henry Milla, il?urtls Kamai, t:dmund Mohu, kided Kalonelani, Ran<k>lph WilUo-m ; ua«per, James WaHaee and Frani cis MeMillen. Mr. Donaid Mitchell t8 their 3«ikrViser. iniaeh ot th««e tirst aid stations "has ambulances. The boys take this amhulahee back to schobl vrtth them in the mor!nTTiing and ride back to their statīon in the evening.

Memers of the Farrington First Aid Unit of the OCD held a-week-ty. sta£f meetmgs at Kapalama doeors. Docor Minoru Kimura is eists ©f 20 Kamehameha boyß, 23 volunteers and three nurses and. doctors. Docto r Mlnoru Kimura ia m of thit> first aid group. līe fl«-monstrates the use of spMnts that -are applled in the fielcf and in emergencies. Ten buys from K.S.B. are present at this first aid station. They will be relieved in two weeks by 10 alternates who are on parttime now. The 10 boys at the station now are William Puniwai, Norman Rosehill, J ohn Agard, Williain Messer, Paul HorswiU, Horace Chang, Thomas Keka'ula, Howard Crlss and Moses Paiaina. Mr. Richard Auyong is their superviser. Doctor Kiinura gives the hoys flrst aid lnstructions for an hour every. night .exc e p t Saturday • nigHts. Aft e r the instructions these boys study from 8:00 to 9:45 and lights go out at 10:00. Eight boys are at the station at all timls leaving two boys off eaeh day. %

By Ray Aea WinnerS of the Kamehameha School for Boys 22nd song eontest were th<; ,ninth grade class in the junior division and to the low eleventh <:lass for the* senior .diyision. The former received the Richard H. Trent eup and the latter the George Alanson Andrus eap. Oompetitors in the jumor divisioii were the eight and nintli grades and in the senior division the tenth, low eleventh and high eleventh classes. The prize songs wtre "Uluwehi O Kaala" by Kanohomauole, sung by the ninth grade, and "Lei Loki O Kawika" by Peter Kalani, sung by the low eleventh class. Judges for the occassion were Mrs. Dorothy Kahananui, Mrs. Louise Poohina Aloeau and Mr. Chester Livingston.

By Williani Leith Robert Pila, a mem6er of the high eleventh ckuss, and Fletcher Aleong of the freshmen class were awarded Junior OCD citations recently at the Kamehameha School for Boys. Robert waa awarded a citation he was tlie one who started the purchasing of war bonds by buying a ?100 war bond and bee&uae of his present part tiine work with Uxe Mutual Tolephono Company. Fletcher was awarded one bec&.use of his leadership of tlie salvage drive that was held at school and lead!ng" his cfass in the war stamp sales whieh amountcd i to a total of $31. Tho citatlons woro mado bv Mr Cribley sociial soionco instructor. He aiuvouncod tn a t similar citatious will bo inado ovorv Sunday n!pht thoy merited. |

By ltrVn W:\lkor W>ddin£ bolls \wre r«isC' for Miss Mary MeNieoil i gra iuato o£ tlve Kamohainehu Scho\jJ for nirls In t"ho clhsp oT 4?. I Sh<» w»s to I Kdw«und F. An4ersou, soīi ot Mt and Mrs. Prank A. Aiiviorscp.. <sf CVr*t t. Ho i;> * |?ra<ltmfc> < f i\ MitUarj Ac«.<jteuii v , Stauiiton. \ a. TVi<-v \vcre n*v*rrlcd on Fcbr\iarv: n. ~\ Mi«s MeNieoll an active ■ stu<i€i\t <luvnvg hcr ycar& &t Ka- j "mehāwpha. >ioMm£ Uio fono\vhi£ R, O, T. C «pon®or,' aemt*ty. class councUU%,

silver pin, Girl Scout first and. j aeouau ueulenanl. ' The at Kam«»hfln<eJia S< hool ior Girls scrved us btkst«sses fc;r n tea whieh was ' giv«n r«eenUy. iiueala iwu.ei were Mr. . and Mr». John k. Clark/2 Mr. and', Mn. <i«urKe M. UoiUn», Mr,. Mr». iOUwin M. Murr»y y Mr,-.an4 Mm. Frank E Dr. and Mrb, Homgr F. Barn«s, Dr. Peuline Fredt}riek and Golonel and Mrs. Bradfield I. Smock of the ArrayHospitaL „ | G«rtxude jVliller was the general I chairrnan. Portia Yim was the jchairnjaa tor the entertaiiu«ent and Hoae WiUiama was the chairman for the invitations, Tho food eoiuuiillee wae h©ad<cd by A.udrey MacDonald as ehaimaa wiih Louiae Kaiwi, Berniee Hunt, Aliee Goo, Winona Ing; Elaine Hamie 3vy Keanoano anā Ittioda Aiul Holt 3ssisttn£. The servir.g committee_ Wa s headed.by Irene Wiehke as cbair- ,j man. *Hcr commjttee included Josephine Adams, Hannali Ho, Henrietta Laēha, Winona Ing and Rhoda Ann Holt. ° The purpose of such parties is to give the girls an opportmiity to better acquaint themselves with -people from varioūs walks of life.