Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVII, Number 43, 17 Pepeluali 1943 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools [ARTICLE]
News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools
By Edmund Hohu One-hundred and seventy-seven subscribers of the Kamehameha Schools eampua receive Ka Moi every two weeks. Ka Moi is sent to subscribers in various parts of the world. Out- of the 177 subscribers, 111 arfe from the city of Honolulu, 13. fronj the r-ural districts of Oahu, 18 from. the Island of Hawaii, 8 from Maui, 4 from Molokai, and 13 from Kauai. Ten out of the 177 subscxibers are located on f?!e rrtanland. They are from, Oregon has 1 subscriber ( New Jersey 1, lowa 2, Utah 1, Ohio 1, California 3, and New York 1. Seventeen of the subscribers of Ka Moi are new ones during the past two weeks. They are Mrs. Akina, Honolulu; Theodore Awai, Honol'ulu; Arthur K. Aleong, Maui; John Akina, Jr. Oahu; Miss Winona Beamer, New York; Richard Blaisdell, California; Mr. Y. K. Chang, Honolulu; Gee Loo, Honolulu; Miss Janet Hopkins, California; Robert Kam, Honolulu; Mrs. Merritt Laws, Abraham Lola, Kauai; Miss Annie Mae MeNieoH, Hawaii; Mr. Fr§d. Martinsen, Maui; Mr/ J p - ' Souz&, Oah'n; Mr. Jo' _ > Sabey, Honolulu; Mr. uee Carty, Hawaii.
To; do tjieir j3hare in helping Unele Sam win the war the members <of tlie low-eleventh class of the Kamehameha School for Boys have recently begun part-time jobs. Five of the boya are working on a night shift at the American Can Company. These boys begin working at 7:30 in the evening and stop at 6:00 in the morning to let the day shift eome in. These boys sleep in school and go to work from thete. The boys working at Amenean Can Company are Joseph Plores, St&nley Hu, Woōdraw 3,&jssman» William Messer and jEdmund Hohu.
By Harold Silvd Thre*j boys from the j.slwid of Hawaii" have turne<l out for the Kameliameha schfx>l for boys basketball team. Tliey are Curtis Kamai, Edmund Hohu, and peorge Lmdsey. Curtis and Edmund are fr6m Hilo, and George is from Waimea. The Warriors laek. experieitice : tWp year t>ecause there " \»as no interschola«stic basketball"" league last year becauāe of the outbreak of the war. Coach Arthur Gallon will take over for his first year as basketbalj eoaeh. The boys who have turned out for the team are Henry Cobb-Adams, Adolph Bartels, George Lindsey, Barry Ontai, Fred Kauka, Jerry Preemen, Earl Galdeira, Phlllip Eaglcs, Willi&m Messer, Arthur McCabe, Fred Toung, Edmxmd Hohu, John Agard, Horace Chang, Moses Paiaina, Jamea Cockett, Earl Fernandea, Curtis Kamai, Howanl Benham, Nathaniel Burrows and Elded Kalohelani. *
By Rando!ph Monte As a rew.ard for Qieir splendid perfonmance throughout 1942, C company of the Kamehameha school battalion enjoyed a pienie on January 30. Under the command of Richard Blaisdell and Leonard Warner, C company won the annual R.O.T.C. competitive drill, heW during the I latter part of May, 1942. This i was the laftt competitive drill held I by the Kamehameha battalion.
Owing to the numerous changes and the unsettled state at Kamehameha in 1942, the "C company pienie was postponed until Jan'uary 30, 1943. Planning the pienie were Howard Benham, James Wallaee, BenjaRosehili l Girla from K. S. G. were invited by the cadets attending the pienie. Boys attending this affair were Edmund Hohu, Henry Mills, Randolph Monte, Fran e i s Beamer, Rowland Melim, John Agard, Francis MeMillen, Phillip Eagles, Nani Cox, Waldemar Duauqhelle, Everett Kinney, James Wallaee, Benjamin, 'William Silva, Earl Fernandez, Melvin Murakami, ABartels, Fred Kauka, Ted WiUiama, Herbert Chang Thomas See.
By ThomaB Kekaula A daughter, named Nancy Gilbert, waa born Sunday night, January 10, at 8:50 in St. Franics hospital to Mr. and Mrs. James Gilbert. Nancy is their first child. The baby; weighed seven pounds eight ounces. Mr, Gilbert is head of the <agTiculture department at Kamehameha School for Boys. Mrs. Gilbert is the former Miss J<osephine Sullivan of Seattle. There have been two .children born to faculty members at the new Kamehameha Sehool for Boys. The other child waa a boy by the name of Bruce £ene Cribley Bruce was born on April 1, 1942, being the first cjyld of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cribley.
By Christopher Hong The annual Clarke ®nglish award was recently presented to Norman Rosehhl, high-eleventh, and Joshua Akana of ths ninth grade, at a Christmaa dinner held at Kamehameha School for Boys. Eaeh aehool year this award is given to the five boys who seek to make improvement in the use of English. The awards were pre,se.nted by Dr. Homer F. Barnes. Five similar awards are made awmaliy at K. S, G. Truatee Joha K. Clarke is the sponsor of the a«wi