Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVII, Number 37, 6 Ianuali 1943 — News From Boys, Kamehameha Schools [ARTICLE]
News From Boys, Kamehameha Schools
" Written by llerbert Chang ! ThV White Gift Service \va's lu-kl at the Kamehameha Schools iiiKlitorium on S*unday, Deecmber 13 at 7:30 p. m. Th,e ceromouy has becn held for mauy |years toy the Kamehameha sehools during the Christmas season.
The students and faculty at this time raisc mōney to t>e given to the social organizations to bay milk for the poor and unfortunatc children of Hawali.
Thc two gifts from Hhe werc presented to Mr. W. E. Saffery. Cleighton Beamer represented the students and faculty of the Kamehameha aehool for Boys, and J'acqueline Booth representod the Kamehameha aehool for Girls.
The Kamehameha School for Boys began vacation on December 16 and the students will returned to school on, January 3. The Kamehamēha Schools had a longer vaoation than the other high schools as they beg"ari school on time in September and pave carried on with longer hoūrs?. ' The boys have beeft' fen-1 eouraged to'enter some kintf ōfj Work so as to rel!eve the laborl | shortage during their vacation. The Kamehameha School fo r Girls* vacation began on December 19, and the giris returned to schoo! on January 3 also.
Wiitten by Randolph Monte A new page in the history of the Kamehameha Scho6ls wa s writtwi when the low-eleventh class went' on part-time th i s Christmas vacation. The war has placed Hawaii in a precario'us'poSition. The shortage of man and Woman power in Hawaii caused the present low-eleventh class to *go on regular part-time work.
Written by John Agard As a special gift two boys of the Kamehameha Schools were awarded the. Cl-arke-English Award of $10 eaeh, the two beirg Joshua Akana,-'ninth grader of the junior division, and Normsn _Rosehill, senior for~~Uie senior division. Every year the money is awarded to five different boys. Winners are those who show improvement and excellence in the usage of good English.
The winners are and have beenj judged in the past by the f<iculty members at Kamehameha and the money has always been contrib-ut-ed to the prize by Mr. John Cīarke, a trustee for thē Kamehameha Schools. Seventy-two students were recently inducted into the Bishop Memorial church of the Kamehameha Schools and accepted by the Omplain Vern Ē. Leahy. The code ol ethics read to the new members Ky "the ehaplain to approach teachings of Christianity was <r to strive to be sincere and purē, and Upright iri thought, in word, and in deed; aim to' d«epen and strengthen y'our livesj by thoughtful study, eamesi med-1 itation afld honest prayer; bej loyal to the eall of duty, and I ready to help all those who are! neighbors, and in this waj r ad-! vance thē kingdom of God in the I world. ' | The member types, were associ- ] ate, or students who are niembers. only while attending Kamehanie-| ha, and tlie active, or tiiose who 1 e o n ti n u e witb Kainebamcha's | church affairs aftcr graduation.! Tfie assoeiate members inaj' joiuj any church if Uiey want to, changc, after graduatiou, whiie ( the active membei-s shoukl join a. ctvurch similar in bclief to the one | at Kam. | The new mosivbers whq the Bishop ifemorial £"hurvli are k as follo\v: [ i ' Associate members from Ka-, meh;n\\eha S>chool for Girls; Annalei "Macy, !dfercorme G<k\ ( ' Adeltne Andmv?, C?enevieve Bcr- '
wus.' >\ ;. -» froa, , Spin§ _ O ; jt v'. >.-/. KeagtW, .. iu,- ' .» - laine Doo, x . , . . . Stewart, Leona . . Glennie Andrews, Pu ty, Zellie MiHer, Joy rai«e Kaina, Shirley Birch, Kanahele,«Rhoda Goo, and Roi, Apaka. members from Kāmehameha School lor Bpys: Gordon Awana, Cleighton Beatner, Henry Ooota-Adams, William Kaeo, Clifford Kekauoha, Henry Keliiaa, Cfeorge Kruesling, Meifred Lum, Charjes McAngus, Daniel Machado, Charles Puuohau, Richard Rosehill, William Vida, Calvin Werner, James Wong, an.d Thomas Wong. Active memberß from Kamehameha School for Boys: Nelapn Ahina, Budolph Andrade, James Aweau, Kenneth Batong, Howard Bode, George Brooks, William Chang, George Crat>be, Fj»»cis JFerreira, Charles Hianakalea, Lehman Henry, EdH.O;.,Owen Holt, Arthur Horswill, Willi'am Johnson, Isaac Kamiko, Horace Kwuio, Edwin Kellett, Raymer Kinney, Edward. Lee, Roberl Levy v William MaGuire, Wiliiam . Ouye, Bemard Pangr faz, Waltpr Pomroy, Bernard Williams,' and Arthur Wong.
Written by ' Stanley Hu Fiiling tfae air with songa &nd pledges apprppriate to tbe oeeaa-. ion, Kamehameha Schoola honored its benefactreās. and fpunder at the. Nu'uanu Boyal ,This was the 54th time in the history of the sehools in wh|ch its £ounder waa honored. Songs were led by Henry Chai, Earl Eobinson, Laura Sabey, and Hannah Ho while Rowland Melim and Luana Forsythe directed the boya a«nd girls ,school pledges respec.- . tively. Soxne of the songs si|ng by the student body were "He Inoa O Pauahi," "Pauahi O Kalani," "Only Remembered ( " and~ "Pauahi Ke Alii," Preyious to this occasion, the Founder's day ceremony was ° held in May because of unPavorable weather eonditions during December whieh prevented the enacting of this memonal tribute. Many friends and graduates were present to witness this heart-wayming spectacle.
Written by Xorman M. Ho , Kamehameha S.chool for .Girla contributed $50.27 to the Christmas seāl sale during tlie drive whieh contiriued for oee weele. This was the. largest sale the - school ever had. The goal set for was $30.00. Eaeh year the sophomore under the supervision of Francis Scott White, who teaches motercraft, has taken the responsibißty of selling the Christmas sealg.
Written by MiUon D. Beamer Jr. Leila Hohu, member of the junior class at the KSG, is &ssisting Mr. Frank P. Kemohan as a piano accompanist at the .for boys' assemblies. Recently Mr. OJaf Frodsham, *nusic and F«nglish instructor at ,the KSB, left school for "army life". This is the reason for the j exchange o£ piano piayers, i t<eila Hohu is also the, aeeomI panist "of the Senior Giee Ciub at , the school fqr girls and also play* | for Jk e assembUes. These extracurricular activities prove , very satisfactorly as Leiia is well qualifi<?d for the poaitioji she is now filling..