Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVII, Number 30, 18 November 1942 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools [ARTICLE]

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News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools

W*itt«p by F«xJ Youog Jr. ■%8 Hi-V ciub at J£amehjameha fichpol for Boya has elected five sophomoreB as honorary membera. £qf. tiiis yeor, Thege boys were picked for their popularity, leād«rahip aiwl their Wgh Btanding. The boys were T%lde«*ax Duvau«helle, Arthur. Fttaaiirunous, Albert Kekoa, Walter Loo, and F"red Kauka. This electlon la carried on every -year, »o that the honorary jneanbej:B will act as the officers ior next year.

Written by Melvln Murakaml Kamehameha'a cub reportera of botli the boys of tb,e low-eleventh class and the girls of the tenth grade is George Choy wifh a grand total of 64 inehea after approxlmately five weeks of ,newswriting. Two of his closesri: coratemporaries are Eaymona Aea with 58 inches and William Stewart wlth inches. ! The rest ef the newswriters l [ratings Are as folfow: Miriam Grabbe 39; Betty Loo Chang, 35; ETdmund Hohu, 34; Phillip Eagles, 32, Fred Young, 31; Howard Criss, 30; Keeaumoku Chang, 28; Henry Chai, 25; Herbert Chang, 25; Henry Kehiaa, 25, Vernadetta Amoka, 24; William Gasper, 24; Marcella Kaopua, 23; Randolph Monte, 23; Moses Paiaina, 22; John t Agard, 18; Milwarde Cooper, 17; Francls MeMillen, 17; Henry Wong, 16; Horace Chang, 15; Joseph Flores, 15; Stanley Hu, 15; Sherman Thompson, 15; Melvin Murakaml, 14; Wiīliam Messer, 1$; Drusilla Mitchell, 12; Harotd Silva, 11%; Arthur St. Germain, 11; Milton Beamer, 11; Nonna Ho, 11; Henry Rodgers, Eno Plumley, 11; William Leith, 10; Nathaniel Burrows, 9% Eliaabeth E llis, 9; My£tlemae Prendergast, 9; Francis Warner, 6; Christopher Hong, 5; Henry ,Mills, 5; Newton Kekahio, 3; Paul Horswill, 2. * Written by William Stewart Sixteen new members have been ehoaen for the Hui Oiwi o Kamehameha in a meetīhg held re-