Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVII, Number 26, 21 ʻOkakopa 1942 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools [ARTICLE]
News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools
Written by PHII llf KAGU3S John K., Dedualr Jr., son ot Mr. ana Mre. Joh.f rx>Guair of Kailua, Hawaii, U-it. reccntly for the ftiainland to atU-r»<3 the Tjnlof Was?nngt.on at SeattUi. John grad»ated from Kaniehameha in, 1942. While.ai Kam<-ha-meha he won the Clark.- ®nglish Award, he was the wlnner ot thē Soclal Scienc€ contest of the senior divieion, a member of the Hul Oiwi and also a lieutenant in the Kamehamelia Boys School Battalion. While at the university John will major in cīvil engineering.
Written by HAROLD SIL.VA . The Kamehameha Swing Bugs recently put on a program at the Kamehameha School for, boys, ThJs is a musif-al organization made up of boye who have a )iking fca-music and were formerly in the bar.d, Dūring their spare momfents these .boys play together. At a recent evening a»sembly the "swing bugs", as they are known about the campus, piA on a half hour of muasieal entertainment consisting of seven numbers. E<imund Hohu, a Hilo boy, ls a craek trombona player with this orgenization. While in Hilo Intermediate, ,Edmund playēd with the Hiio Intermediate school band. There are four new boys in the band, these bdng Edwin Beamer, piano, Albert Kekoa, trumpet,, Waiter Loo, saxophone an d Rowland Melim, drummer. Rowland is replacing Sherman Mugford, at the d?ums. Sherman is iow dolng war work at P«?erl Harbor. Members of the band are as fo!low: Piano, Edwin Beamer, tromb9ne, Edm"und Hohu, Keamoku Chang, trumpets, William Stewart, Harold Silva, Albert Kekoa, drums, Rowland Melim, bass, Francis Beamer, saxophon'e, William Messer Wa.lt < r Loo, Earl Robinson, Francis Warner, guitar, john Kalili.
Written by Pilialoha Hopkins \ Miss Patricia Fitzgibbon, daugliter of Mr. and Mr"fe. P5 Fitzgibbon, and Mr. Cecil Kiilehua were married at St. Patrick's Church on Augfast 23. The bride v/ore a white satin gown with a ! finger tip veil. Her bouquet was of white gladtolas, j giant, gardehias anh Queen Ann's j Laee. | Miss Rosella Blaisdell, the bride's | attendant, was gowned in an a-: quamarine dress and carried a | bouquet of ye!low roses. | The wedding rooeption was held at the of Mrs. Emma Kiilehua. The" brdegroom formerly attended the Kamohamha School for Boys. Rose Williams, senior "at K.S.G. arid former substitute song leader ( for football games, has been pro- ■ moted to active song leader since the number of leaders hfts been raissed to four instead of the former three. Rose*s former position will be taken over by Piiialoha Hopkins, a iuember of the sophomore class. . . The other song leaders are Laura Sabey of the junior clags, Rhoda Ann Holf of the senior class and Gertrude Miller ( also from the senior class.
Written hy N. Burrows • Myss Honriettn CN">oper da\ightor ; of Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Cooper | and Lt. John A. Fit2gerald, X'SA. son of Mr. and Mrs. A R. Fitzgerald were marriod on Satttrday» Septembor 19. Both the bride and thē bridogroo.m are recent gradiKvtos of th e Kāxnehatneha schools an d prior to Doc<Mubor ? \vere sttending "the University of Hawaii \vhetv thoy Wcre aetive in eam"pus &ffaiw. \Vrittr-n hy lVtt;v Lou Chang T!ie Kamehaiweha Sch.oo! for Girls has ehosen Laura Sabey. j«nior, RheH.i« Ann Helt atid Gertmde Mīliei- .senior. to hn\d Kasvii v hanH-ha in dnri» $the f ix>tla>s season iMsr yea r. wili letvd \\~iU bc on C<tv>ber 24. Tlie fist eamo the soivg l«*eders wh e n !\Hinehfimeh& chatkn£\-s Roo»\f!t.