Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVII, Number 25, 14 October 1942 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
>*"*»-■ ..., ...... . ti iiy!d«rs who ilo not uppeai' u]ton ° th& ol' the L<>iuimn> u» lru!ju;os, hyld >t<nk tiud secuntie.s iu a t,»ipu<ai uti«?r Uiun tiiat of u hona ,hd»\ovui.fr; u«d his.ufiiaut t hass tio * iwuon -to lieiieve Umt uuy otji<;r ' ai?S<.>ciUtiun, ur cori>orati<m has au>- iutcresit direet or iudirect Ui lht; t,aid. t<tock, bonds, or otlier -ei ui'Uies tluvu us so stuted him. 5 V That the average number of eopiea qf eaeh issue of thia publication sold, or <iistrubted through th&'znaiia or -Otherwse r to puid subscribers during the twelvje months preceding the date above \vas: Weekly—9oo. KI)\VIN 11. DESIIA, Husiuess MuusiKer. Sworn to »and subscribed before ! me this 10th day of October, 1942. | (SBAL) John K. Fujii | Notary Publc, Fourth I Judicial Circuit, i Territory of Hawaii