Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVII, Number 25, 14 October 1942 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools [ARTICLE]

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News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools

Written by HQWAKD CRISS . _,JDr. Homcr F. T3nrnr'S ref(*ntly 'awarde.d silvf>r and gold pins to twenty-three students of the Kamehameha School £or. Doys. The honor pins ' that Were received were for the last aehool terrn of i.the year 1941-1942. Siiver and • gold pins are awārded six timesj I eaeh vear to students of high i j scholastic standing. Heading the i jlist were the tonth graders, with ' six si!ver pins an'd Ono gold pm. IStudents who received silver pins are as fo)lows: seventh grade jClsfford Kekauoha anel C]aren( s e i Lēe; eighth grade, Randolph Lojgan, Gcorge Leong and Kīnney j Kama; ninth grade, Ambrosc Rosehill, Theodore Wi 11 iam s, [ Thomas See and George Lindsey; ! tentii grade, Raymond Aea, Wil-, liam Gaspor, William Stewart,' ĪElandolph Monte, Herbert Chang' and Henry Keliiaa; el e venth grade, Fred K&maka. j Gold' pins were awarded to ; Henry Boshard, Melfred Lum E|.nd William Bell of Uie seventh grado, Plotchor Aleong of the ' eighth grade, Keeaumoku Chang of the tenth grade, and Earl : Robinson and iN'oi-man Roseliill ol (the eleventh grade. |

Written by A. St. GERMAIN I Richard r nd Loms A-! gard, tv* ,i. >• Kamehameha 1 Students of Jie v ss of '42, left! recently to at.tend t le University , of Redlands. j Richard left just after the summer began and reports that he! is well adjusted. He was National, Soeiety presidcnt ,seorot.ary of the ' Hawaiian club and a member of

tho Quili and Scrol3 society at Kum, H« ,was aiuiual editor . and was ofLcji awaj,de<l a £old. pia. Hc played fyotl3all and took part ūi rin«y, , ! Wrltten by NOfIMAN M. TtO I Thw Uui Kun.ullpo at Kamehaui- lnt Schoi>J fyr Glrl» Cppslstlrig |of a Hawajian troupe of sitting hulas and guitara, ukuleles, bass aiid piano programs whieh ja dKferent fit>m groups of past yeai«. It consists of 25 members under the leadership of Daisy Bell who is the adviser t of the club. The membors will learn how to (W)k variotis k!nds o*f Hawaiian food» and leam the Ha^aiian Thc nfficrrs aro as follOws:— PreB!drnt, Floronrc AWim; .vire presidont, Lorrainc Nnhale-a; secrctary, Clara Brito replaclng Prances Kupnu who recently Mft for thc mainland; treaSurer, lone' Rathburn, mombers at large, Dawn - Anahu and Gyneve And'r eM! Writtcn by HORACE CIIANG ! Clayton Eenham, Kamehameha graduate in 1940, ia now helping with the coaching of the junior i He is showing certain !boys the art of kicking the foot[ball. The boys whom he is teach- ' mg are Norman Rosehill, Leonard j Wojig, Newton Lurbe, Barry On-

tal» Henry .Wong and Charles Puuohou.

Wiiile Kamehameha Eenham waa very active in 'spOrts. Tn football, he was noted for his iine kicking. After he wcnt to San Mateo college. While at San Mateo, Benham w£S active in footbali, He returjied to Honoiulu and joined the poliee force with whieh he is now connected.

t Written by EDMUND HOHU i A salvag-e canipaign was start--1 ed recently at the Kameh-ameha School for Boys. The purpose of this campaign is to get together all the old articles that can a be used to help the War effort. ; The sponsor of this campaign is the 9A civics class under the

leadership of Mr. Leslie Cribley. All the articles that are eollected will be deposited on a central point on the Kamehameha School for Boys campus where students ean watch the collection grow. ■ Randolph Logan is the chairman of the publicity committee and Fletcher Aleong s the chairman of thc collcction committee,