Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVII, Number 21, 16 September 1942 — REGISTRATION CARDS MUST BE CARRIED [ARTICLE]
Four out of every five of thej "casualties" in the recent air raid! dnll in īiiio were without tlieir registra'ion cards, C. T. Tong, Big ,Island director of civiliau registiution, revealed recently. Casualty station reports weie i.o this efilect, according to Mr. Tong vho urged full eomplianee with the rogulations. requiring everyone to have his registration certificate with him at all times for his own pfotection. Failure to have the registration certific.ate on one's person niay result in court action and punishinent' as-providetl by law, Mr. Tong said.j A general poliee eheekup is planned. j