Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVII, Number 9, 24 Iune 1942 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools

Wrltten by llonry Wong To carry 011 tlio proj*?ct of th< agrieulture shop. this summ e r ( Kamehomeha School for Boys has hired three of lts students. Thej j are Ho\vard Crlss, Philllp Bajgles I and Jolm Kakaio. Boys \vho ar< j \\orknl4; for seholiirslup will also [ \vork at Uie agrieulture shop. Mr. J aines C. Uiibert, agricul--1 ture ahop \vill 011 ! haiul to taUe eatv of the shop aiul to assijgii to the boys tlvelr pjx>per jobs and tp see that everythiug \\ t'll, Tl\ese boys will hove ihe joh of tāking care Uk rabfelts, eluekeiui ,aud Uie iiArvieus 4 whieh h:\ve l>oe:\ st;uted. Tl\ey wlll plant new $jardci;s to Uke the plAee* ot Uie , use*i up oM one^ \Vrltteu Vorua Amoka t>ividends on the eand.v \vere J-eeentiy to Uie of tlie SeKv>l for t>v the xr.oniTvrs of fhe elgfh gra<3e froni th.-eir SōMenb CVoperative Storc, ,The |U\ idends \ver< io per-cer.t qi UIoUU amount e? oandy bott£ht. *TV.c store l\?en a tr&diUon * ol' Uie giAde un somc tmie. Hie ei£th i,rAv\efs ha\ei al>\ tunxed the 1 ' '

store over to thē future eigth gmdi*fs.with a snialipa,rt o£ thei/ . profit for them to start with the n§j£t year.. ... . tt is t not <Jttfiijlte whether. tlie , c<yjiing ei£th g'raders jto be wilL be able "to run. thc store as it hās been iu. previous years. . offlcera ~of. the storQ tliis yaar are TTancy 4 ea i Presldtat, V!oIa Lerpon, vice-president; Rhoda Goo, secretary; Lorna Beers, treasurer. Miss Esther Steels, in structor <of mathema*tics and biol--ogy, *ls the adviser. _At the beginnin£ pf the year, cāndy was $olcj on a large scale bul'durlng the end of the year the glrls were ltmited in the amo\int of candy bought and were encouraged to buy war stamps. Wrltten by Qiadjs Goo Ninth grade students at the Kamehameha School for Girls gave plays in -their Engllsh class, recently. | The class was divided into the groups in %which two performed asd. the third grcwp will give theirs later. , _ 'Tobacco Alley"-was -the play given by the first group. Those included in the last were Elizabeth Kauka, Milwarde Cooper, Helen Walker, Marcella Kaopua, Annie Mae MeNieoH, Carmen Juarez, Pilialoha Hopkina, and Mosa Kahalewai. A radio -draroatization of the "Aldrich Fomily' was given by group three. The characters were Henry Aldrich, Betty Lou Chang; Mrs. Aldrich, Verna Amoka;" Bar' bara Pearson and anno'uncer, Miriam Crabbe; Barbara's.. grandMyrthlemae Prendergast; and Constance Marshall, Judy

! i Written by A. St. Germain Curtis Kamai, John DeGuair, I and Robert Douglas represented the "big island" in the Kamehameha School annual pameie whieh took plaee recently. The junior officers who were In charg"e were Earl Pernandez, acting major; Howard Benham, āct- j īng Keutenant-adjutant. The jun-' ior captains were Curtis Kamai, B company; Bruce J-ackson, A i company; Nor m a n Rosehill> C company; Alexander Thoene, D ] company; and James Wallaee, E. company. The senior officers who took charge of the battalion for thfc final performance were Robert ;Douglas, captain of D Company; John DeGuair, captain of the band; Joseph Daniels, acting mu> or; Carl Bode, adjūtant; Albert MacDonald, eaptain of A company;- Louis Agard, captain of B company; Robert Gomard, captain <of E company; and Richard Blaisdell, captain of C company. C company, taking three first places, won the honors for the dav. The competition between D and E company was won by eompany E. Henry Wong of A company won the best soldier award. Wrltton by Howard Criss Rabbit production is one of the many' projects that has been established at th e Kamehamelia Boys School's agricultural department. A good stock of New Zcalati4 Whites, whieh is one of the mOst suitable breeds for nieat purposes, *is matntaine<3 in the shop. There has been a verv rapid; increase in pr'oduction since the rabbits were first introduced into Kamehameha. Now hutohes' hajd to be built to acconvßiw!ate the Si\>wiwg litters. Sino<? Uie sU,rt in rabbit Uusbandry at Kathe shop hs&s sold sev<tt*i hu»«ired doUars w«?rUi of vab-. Tltere ia a good future in rabbit ■ proUuoUon here in the is.Jands and ( of both iiiU>re ; st and 1 manU it uwo' boi;ome v>ne of thc j m«ōor eoutvos o( fov th«? ■ |H>puUUk>n. ■ ■ i

WriUeu by Kooavmiokvi Chanj£ VTiwit we mai' iHiUop ptvjuiv to havc such honuvs &m1 cvaidiUoi\s <vs sh*\U tcn<i to k<wp And dovclop for oxir raoo tboso iiobie txsuts oJmractcr #oaacasc4" WiUi t}us ia!ttūn4 Sv*hvvA tdlj liO,yS, rrUKXNSS Btidriūcc T«u«hi Bishop, is rc\isuig Uk sch*<l\tfc U> nnvt ovir- , To bottcr PFC&AĪV thc stu\tcnts, Uie awlittuiisU"&tāon is v\4vV.ixg; scvc;v cUss pcrivKis lcsf tū\\e W ccrtAin mtnor Forti' Uvo Ac&dcnuc pcrlods wift be coaductcd pcr v,cck nc\t oi" thc pivscnt U\irtj -SCYCS\ periods j>cr w eek. Sl\op ;ivstruct;cri wUI bc £ivc4; for thirtccu iviw\\s a w."«ck, a4dv«i tw * iKuWi* to t:>.c ckn uv i>crkxls \V CCK.

Another revision in the schedis the acjQi)tuig; o ihe ūye-year jenior high pla;i, The school will »ow ljaye $ Jgs .eleventh azid -a 'M6.U elevcuth The boys' will be seat 021 tlie part tjpic s.y»tem Cuf tlieir last three, high s>ehool years. ; A i>ew course ih gen£ral la»giiage . will be Uxtrod"uced into, the ciu"riculuw of. the boys' : school. Faur periods. a-week will be d«yoted by both the tenth &nd low eleveuti; grades while the high eteventh will have three periods a week iot thia course. To make room £or these addiLk>ns, the weekday drill periods wili be su6pended for the <?uration p£ the war and .the help will be abolished. The dftily assembly will henceforth be held 111 the eveniag and the formcr assembly tlme will be given over to p. study period ,each morning. The football team and the Kamehameha band also hang in balanee. Both Mr, John Hoover, the band instructor, and Mr. Lloyd Ostrander, football eoaeh and athletic instrucTor, have resigned. Written by Edmund llolin" Kam Swing Bugg is the name of a new musicai organization at Kamehameha Boys' schooH At a r.eceiit Saturday evening program, the Kam Swing Bugs, under the direction" 6f"Mr. John Hoover performed. The p i e e e s played were "Kuuipo Kuu Hea," "Scatterbrain," "In the Mood," "Faithful Forever,' "UnUl Tomorrow," "Tongan Love Song," and the "Song of 01d Hawaii." There. are ten members in the orchestra. The boys in the orchestra are as follows; Piano, Keeaumoku Chang; Drums* Mugford; String Bass,- Francis Beamer; G u i t a r,

joltn KaiUi; feaxaphQne; WlUiam ' Earl Fraacis . . Warner. Tri»iipcts; Williaiu Stqw-. art, Harold Silva; Trojpbone, EdKo,hH, '' . . , ~ ~ , \Vritt«n, llelen VValkgr ; JiUia .Stewart, a raemb|r of the eigth grade at the Kamehameha School for Girls, was recently ■_ chosen the president of the Junior Glee club. The other officers are Haleakafa Hopkins, vice pEesident, and Lorna Beers, secrct-ary and treasurer,- ; Bettry Lou Chang is "the retiriiig president gf the. club. Julia Stewart ia the vice president and /iliee Ignacio is the secretary and treasurer. The librarians are Francis Chiug and Bernice ,Honda. Wcjtten by J«<ly Smytb The jurilor and senior dancfng club ' the Kamehameha School for Girls performed a dance protfram for the Girls School studorit body recently. All classes ha4 a grroup of girīs t:o repre,3ent the!r class in the program. • ' The seventh graders pus on a Himg-ari£,n dānce, eīgHth~ gradērs had a may pole affair with two girls representing >a girl and a boy of the cfifferent countries, sophomores did a waltz, juniors and seniors did a Javanese dance, the freshmanj who concluded the program, did a military dance, also a song made up by two freshman girls was sung the name of whieh being "V for Victory". The chairmen of the different grades were -as follows: for the seventh graders Kowena Vieira, for the eigth graders was Kathrine Kekoolani, freshman wa s Drucilla Mitchell, and for the junliors ,ar.d seniors was Rose Wil-' liams, for the sophomores was [Leila Hohu.