Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVII, Number 8, 17 Iune 1942 — Kai Nomination Stirs Comment [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Kai Nomination Stirs Comment

WASHINGTON, June 10 — Reports that Ernest J..Kai has been named attorney general of Hawaii recently startled territorial circles in view of his recent eonfirmation as circuit ~ judge' for ;Kauai. ' ~ Justice Department sources said unofficially they expected Kai to ass u m e the judgeship in due course, and added 'that they assumed Kai would remain as attorney general only until he takes liis oath as judge. Informed territorial sour e e s pointed out the difficulty of pushing nominations through the Justice Department, White House and Senate during present times when they are prcoccupied with war devclopments. Territorial informants believed Kai wou!d ttot endanger his high rating with the Justiee Department unless for urgent reasonā of territorial welfare. ■ ... Federal Judge I. M. Stainback of Hawaii, who arrived in Wash-' * ingtoiu -early- this week, was c}qsfeted in conferences with Interior Departm€oit aud Justice Departmept officials and was not availale for comment. Some usually reliable sources understood Stainback would confer with Secretary ,of Interior H-arold on the ! Hawaiian governorship.