Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVII, Number 8, 17 June 1942 — Filipino Soldier Serves In U.S. Army 29 Years [ARTICLE]

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Filipino Soldier Serves In U.S. Army 29 Years

i Prior to the hatth>s of Ealaam i John C*\ Publß? h«tu\i just afcout ewouph of th<? Army*s Ftllpii\o Soouts to oonslder thom sonwthin£ betwoon a bolo-swiit£iiv4 savasx? aiui a TucUai\. But tod&y w« know thom to V heroes who fought gloriousXy amī oour*£couiiiy by Uw sidc of Am<»rican dou£hhoys, for anil country in iht> Wl thus We osUbU«hist « new Ihmk! of hr\-vtht?rhvHHl Wt\v*vn tho browi\ msu\ Aivd tho while . . . A v\o<>ivv un<k>rstaj>thn}i ot raoial tr«.yxlom «uid to Aat A*e«U«*U «xAini\W of » Filij)tno wlvo luis 29 yoArs of dcvoted scr\ioe to llie U. & Anuy U F£c, au«KrsifiJo loA'iuiil Whon l\c was 1? old he civlistod wilh Uio FSlījnno Scouts at itts uaU\ e i>ivvm- e u\ Lao&£* norUicn\ Luson, ile i\as

serv ea at, Corvejjidor, īn Chma and wiUi ihe regular a.rmy ia Hawjaii. Pfc. Joaquin is an cxpert pistol rillg shot, Loixg ajg.o ho graOuated frQm. the Aymy Couks._«nd 'fc&fc<srs school at Fort Wm. Mcr KiJi6ly, Rizai, p. i. r has act'ed in the eapacity o{ 'mess serg*&nt, company supply sergeant, «rst sergeant and drtim major of the band with the Pilipino Scouts. Because of his exceTlent char- I acter and record with the scouts," he was ordered to duty with the reg-ular army and saw service in :-CfcSna, later enlisting for duty in {Ha.waii. By this time, then Sgt, Joaquin of the scouts. he had received citations and decorations includtng the Service Medal and Vietory Medal. However, he was honored to heeome a privafe wuk the regular army. Not only has Joaquin provecl to be a good soldier, but, as a married man, he has raised and eduoated a family of five children. Hia oldest daughter, now 18, is attending the tTniversity of. Hawaii a«d" studying nursing at Queen's hospital. Sin.ce the war, Pfc. Joaquin has purehased a $100 bond for eaeh of his" five daughrters.

Palekana ; Na Mokulele Anielika Ma ka Poakahi ihd la ua loaa maila ka lono hope e pili ana i na mokulele Amelika i lele aku ai no ka hoopa-hu ana i na kahua hooki'o . aila ma Rumania, no' ko lakou huli hoi ana ac la no ko lakou mau. kahua me ka palekana a koe he eha, a oiamo na mokuleie i kuu .ifio ai ma Tureke. ■ Ua hoike pu ia a,e no ka aloalo ana o na mokulele Amelika mai na mokulele kaua Kelemania mai, eia nae hoi ua paio iho la no me na pu ki mokuiele mai ka honua ae.