Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVII, Number 7, 10 June 1942 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools [ARTICLE]

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News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools

Wrltfciii I>j Philli|> E«jck>s - H slst comm«ne«ment excr-. elaea of tbe Kamehamelia Schoola took place,at4-00 p. m. May 30, at the Kamehanieha school audlioiium, Kajpalama Heights. There were 5I itudents who graduated ia the. class of 1942. Ruth president of the Stud6nt bo'dy at K. 'S. G. was the vale<iietorian and Henry Awana, fi(4itox-iHrcWe£ of Uie Kq. Moi» waa the salutatorlan for the eomm«heem«nt exerclses. Mr. <jreorge M. CoUln», presldent ot the bqard o£ tcusi<-vy, awardcd the dlplomas to the seniors. The ciUftomary awards to the seniors w« preBented .by Miss Maude E, Schaeffer J principal of K. S. G., »and t>r. Homer F. Barnes, principal of K. S. B. seniors sang "Land of Hope j and Glory" by Elgar and "Ameri- i oa the Beautiful" by Katherine Lee Bates. Those £rom*.the isīand of Hawaii who graduated this year are Rose Crabbe, John DeGuair Jr., THobert Douglas„ Keanahou Lud|loff, Tfieodore Morrison, and Ruth 1 Needhām,

Prom Oalm wprc Richard Aoa, | Ijouis Agard, Daniel Akuka, Hen- I |Tfy Awāna. Lin<lley Beddow, Rieh- ] wd BiaiiUcH, Carl So<ie 4 _,ClUitoji. Bye, WiUiam, Camjg>ell, ; fcatfi<\irt. Emfly Cobb-Adiim.s. \VilHani' Crabbe, Joseph Dorothc<j Dia's, Artlvui' Duo, Ivatherine Fitzsimmons, Robert Gomard, Sedia Jonseri, Iris Johuson, Douald Kauka, Thomas Kealoha, Gold,ie Keliinoi, Juanita McKea.gue, Amy Miller, Chaxlotte Morris, Laonel Muller, Mp.rgaret Ng, Jack O'Brien, Calvm Ontai, John Sabey, Maek Taylor, Mary Tyau, Leonard •Warner, Llewellyn Wong, Blanche Young, Abraham Won, Heather Andrews.

From Kauai were Kaniau Cox, Juliet Ferrelra, Dorothy Lemon, Albert MacDonald, and- Benjamin Willlams. From Maui were Alama Ayers, and Mary MeNieoll. From Molokai comes Herbert Heu. ,Arthur Doō, Theodore Morrison, Lionel .Muller, Benjamin Williama, and Leonard Warner were members of the seniōr class who were graduated but are at present in the Hawaii Terntorial Gu^.rd.

Writtea by Edmund Ilohu Albert MacDonald, a. scnior at the .Kamehameha Boys' fc was presented the Glarke English Award by Mr. Doriii Hudson, ElngKsh inatructor at Kamehameha Boys' Settool, in behalf of Trustee John K. Clarke, sponsor bf the award. • This award is given to the student who makes. a considerable progress in both written and oral English throughout his seh o o 1 year. - The Clarke Award is presented five times a year at

i- > 111 'J>> r ' i'imu'aw '%■ , the K. S. B. and five times at | the K. S. G. . , , - | Boys who have received the , Clark§ 4,ward tJiis,yeat are PWlbjlip Eagels, & so|)hom<sfe at th& |K. S. B. and Earl R'obinson, lor'at'ttie K. S. " " lv ' Wrttten by Mar«:ella Kaopua "Ateha Pauālii" was' heard r%t&«tly āt; v th'e Nuuanu' M*ausoleum in Honohilu as the boys and girls of the Kameh,amelia Schools sang t»nd said their pledges wlth boys &nd girls -from the student body as their leaders. ' The purpose o£ this annual eeI remony is to honor their Alii, Mrs. Pauahi Bishop, who was born . on December 19, 1831. It was ihrough her wshes that the Ka-

īaehameha Schools were fouri(3ed. The pledge given by the girls taken oi+t of the Bible frpm the Book of Proverba. The j)le(3ge [pven by the boys was \vrit"ten by Uldrick niomphon. The leaders : i.his year were Laura Sabey, Han]iah Ho, Anna Mqrris, Amy Miller, Richard Blaisdell t Henry Chai and Abraham Woh. The directors were Miss Laura E Brown and Mr. Frank Kemohan. The gresidents of eaeh clasa īrom bbth schools dccorated the grave with yellow flowers and a lei. ■■ ■.■ ■ ■ ■ \Vrittcn by Judy Smyth A eight pound four ounee baby was born to Mr. amd JMrs. J-ack Raymond Symth, «on Saturday afternoon at 1:00 P. M., at the Kapiolani Maternity Hospital. This is the. £mythe's first child.~ The name o£ ,the child ip Jack RayTTiond Smyth, Junior. It has" been iramed after its father.