Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVII, Number 6, 3 June 1942 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools [ARTICLE]

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News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools

Writteu by Paiaiua Uie Kamehameha Warriors eame in third, they perform-1 ed very well, in aweeplng ēigth flrst places in the recent interBcholastic track. meet. John Agard of Kamehameha broke the tape in the 440-yard run in what was' aeclaimed a fast tirne for high sehoql, his rate being- 55 sec-onds-flat. Othera who showed up •well for the Warriors werc Eari Galdeira, taking the 220-yard dash In the novicc event; Pranci» Beamer, wlnnlng the 120 low hurdl e s; Henry Cobb-Adams, breezlng in for" first plaee in the 880-yard run; and Francis. Mc-_ | Millen, placing first in the 440run novice event.

Punahou spikester chalked up another inters.cholastic viet o r y won the Interschoiastic meet, held at the John Wise Jr. Field, at the University of . Hawaii. The victors amassed a scoi;e of 101 1/16 points, while McKinley had 76 1/12 Kamehameha with 60 3/4rpointa' ended up in the third berth.

Milton Beamer,sr. of the Fighting Warriors was among th.e outstanding individuals who participated in the meet. Milton is the son of the £ormer track star of Kamehameha and Punahwa,. Mlton Beamer Sr. Young Milton placed. first in both. the 100 and 220-yard dasjies, open events, in the respective times of 10.5 and 24.5 seconds. Milton also ran the anchor lap for ihe Warrior's winning half mile relay team, overcoming a 15-yard lead. George Uyeda, broad jumper de luxe from McKinley, broke the 30-year-old record this event with a masterful jump of 22 feet 7%. inches. This was the only

new record made at the meet. Wlttten by Ilannah Will | |- Gtrla from Ramchamcha Schools i plarmlng- to spend vs-' cfat!6hsr on oh May 27. Thoy are: Hawaii: Crabbc, Moiia ] Kahah.wai, I£velyn Desha, . i Desha, Rose Crabbe. . Kauai, Audrcy MacDonald, He- j alani Burgcss. .* Molokai, Marte Adams, Will, Ilona Wiebke,_lrene Wiehke. Maui Alania Ayērs,.Aīary N.eNieholl, Phyllis Ann Paeheeo, Rose Akana. Written by MHwarde Cooi»er Florence Akina, a member of the sophomore class at the Kamehameha School for Girls, was «nanlmously elected president of the Hui Kumulipo, for the year • 1942-43. Other officera are viceLorraine Nahale-a, sophomore'; secretary, FranC(!;s Kupau„ aophomore; treasūrer, lone Rathburn, sophomore; membersi at-large, Dawn Anahu, and Gynelve Andrews, sophomores; and proI gram chairman, Josephine l En'>s,

freshman. The retijring officers are president) Young, senior; first ] vice president, Florence Akina; [second vice president, Dawn Anahu; secretary, Evelyn Desh'a,' sophomore; treasurer, Gyneve Andrews; " member-at-large, M a r y Tyau, senior; and program chairman, x Sedia Jensen, senior. Miss Daisy Bell, instructor, of cooking and s e w i n g for the se.venth and eighth graders, will take over the offiee as adviser of the club, succeeding Miss Mabel Catlin, instruetor of the commereial department, who plans to retire this year. - The Hui Kumulipo selects new members every year. The girls who have been selected this year

are Marjorie Miller, Nancy Aea, Stewart, Prancēs Ching, Keaolani Paoa, Katherine Kekoolani, aad Barbai\i Kekauoha. ~T-fte purpose of th<e club is to pwserve the Hawaiian" eūlture. The members have b'eon stu<iying the anCifent" l hulas *and ■ the" Hawaii- ' m language in the past. Since** the ,emergency, the has been turned over to the making of a-vegetable garden in whieh various vegetables such as lettuce, raddish, asparagus, onions, spinaeh and beets have been grown. Ilie girls have also done surgical dreaslng3 for Hale Ola, hospital F 't the Kamehameh-a School r £or Boys. VVritten by Mona Kalialewai Mr. and Mre. Robert E. Holcombe q£ Wailuku, Maui, greeted a nine-pound boy on May 12. Both the mother and bāby are iesting at tho Wailuku Hospital. Mrs. Holcambe waa the former Miss Lillian Kahalewai, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Kahalewai of Naalehu, Kau, Hawaii. Mr, Holcombe ,is a technical SQrgeant and was formerly stationed at South Point, Kau, Hawaii. \

Written 6y Drusilla Mitchell Ketiring faculty of the Kameliameha School for Girls were honored at a luneheon whieh was glven at the Mabel Symth Mejnorial on Saturday, May 23. The retiring faculty are Miss Maude E. Schaeffer, princial; Miss Hazel Marie 01ds, physical education instructor; Miss Esther Steele, instructor of mathematics; Miss Caroline Bissinger and Miss Nelle Word, housemothers; and Miss Mabel Catlin, typing instructor.

The remaining staff members of the Kamehameha School for Girls sponsored the affair.