Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVII, Number 4, 20 May 1942 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schoools [ARTICLE]
News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schoools
Wxiltea by John KalUi «acc*laurtßte eorvices wUī bc wn Kuiiday Mny 24, in tho Kainwhameha SchooJs' Audltorium ■(OP' tfae ffrwluaUng npniors of th<v Kamehanu-ha School for Boys and. Kamehameha School for Gir}s. Rev. Norman C» Schenck, lof Hawailan Board of Miaaiona, ( will deliver the sermon to the [school. He was chosen by seniors o£ both classes. ' - | llie procession wttl be led by | the presidehts of the Junior class, | The president of thc girle' school }unlora ls Audroy and Benjamln Kauahikaua is thp prcsident of the boys" school jtmlors. The choir under the directfon at Frank Kernohatn will sing Iwo anthems, -Thes<? Thingh Shall Be" and "The Cherubim Song."
Climaxlng hours of preparation 1 wlll be the Founder's Day program whieh will tako plaee at Ihe'' Nuueaiu Royal Mausoleum, Fri,day, May 52,. a.t 4:00 p. m, The t Founder's Day services are in t memory of the benefactress and , f ounder .of the .Kamehameha Schools iiemiee Pauahi Bishop. The order of the service as it will be presented is.as follows: Song by all the stuqlents "He llnoa No Pauahi"; Recitation "Founder's Day Pledge". The School for Boys Song by all the students "Pauahi o Kalani"; F:ecitation Prov-1 erbs 31:10-31. " I Ttoe School for Glrls I Song by all t.he students, "Pauahi Ke Alii"; Decoration of Mrs. Bishop's grave: Song by all the students, "O n1 y Rementhered"; Girls' School Caiī, "Aloha Pauaj hi, Pauahi Alii" " - .! i The song leaders from tlie school 1 for girls and the songs they will i lead are Laura Sabey, "Pnuahi jo Kalam;" Amy Miller, "Pauahi | Ke Alii;" arid Hannah 110, "Aloha Paiiahi. Pauahi Alii;" The song leaders from the schcrt* for boys are Henry Chai, "He Inoa No Pauahi;" and' Richard Blāisdell. "Only Remembered." Abraham Won and Anna Morris will lead the recitations. These services were«previously scheduled for December, buf were j canccled heeauee. of tho Japan«so ! B!itz on December 7.
Written by Kecaum< k«i C!hang P'unahōu'a trar"k toam won tlic traok meot ho)c! at tbo TTnvorssty field by twenty fivc and onetwelfth points over her nearest eompetitor. Kamohameha seore<l eight first plaees with MeKinley and Punahou taking with three c-ach. Pinal scores in the noviēe e 1 vents werē Punahou—44 %, Kamehameha —33 % MeKi nley—3o %. In the open events the seores were Puhahou —56 2/3, McKinley 45 1/3, Kamehameha-—27. Total scores for the uay ,were Punahou —101 1/6, Meī<inloy —76 1/12, Kamehameha—6o 3/4. Despite Kamehameha's defeat, her team showed mueh promise considering fact that she ran only freshman and sophomores against the other select teams. . Writt<»n by F. Yomig ' Football mav be a possibility at Kamehameha School for Boys' next year according to a statement made bv t)r. Tlomer P. Barnes. The one deciding- factor in this 811111111011 is the status of the present sophomore class. If ihe present sophomore class"do~es not sro out on part-time before Chnstnias ne.\t ycar, there will be football team; but if the sophomores do out on part-time before Christmas, there will not be a rootball team becaxtse thc boys would have no time for practice.
Next year's football team will be niade up of tho prosent froslimert. āiitl Junlōr classes, especially tho sophomoiv olasn. Tlic pros{H»tt.s for noxt year's team nrc rotlior pooil. ATost of tho bovs who played on tlio juni«r neht year ncoorriing to a statoon tho varsity aoxt voar, if thoro is r varsiity. \Vrittou L,orraiiio XAtuvlo-a Lwaim* Koaloh vp;\\jolo Nahnloa, « sophomon> of Knmohamoha School for Girls. voas rooontlj- cUvtc<t vioo-£*tYsuiont of tho ITxn Kiim«!ip<-> f*r tho ooming f«ll. Miss N&h&lo-a !is tho niooo of Ml\ and Mrs>. Allwi XiU\«Uo-« of HUo, TTawsU. tho ,errand-<t;\U£Mor of Mr. «n«l Mvs TV>ai Nahak-a of W<m«vn», w»\\t\ti. Sho is roplacsi\g; X>*wn Anahu *ho \«s tht? \iooproadont !'or tho jv»st sohool year. Otlior no\vl>- oloot<Hl a»x v v\s follows; rrosUiōut, FtyroiK<i Akin»; $00rot&ry. KupJtt ; tiv^uroi. lono ilaihlium,,; vh<iUmAt\, Josophiuo! Kuos momts.rs aI I ;l '
large, Dawn Analiu and Gynevo Andrews. ) The club officers- for the pastj year were: I President, Eianehe Young; vicepresident§, Florence Akina and Dawn Anahu; secretary, Evelyn Desha; treasurer, Gyneve Andrews; progjj&m chairmah Sedia J«nson; meml3er at large, Mary Tyau. . New members recently selected into the club arf> Katherine Kekoolani, Nancy Aiea, Marjorie Miller, Keolani Paoa, Julia Stewart Prances Ching and Barbara Kfckauoha. Making up the rest of the club are 16'sophomores and two freshmen. , Replacing Miss Kapuapuuwai Catlin as club adviser will be Mīss Daisy Bell, sL?ter of Mrs. Eliza, Todd of Hilo, Haw-aii. Mss Cat.lin has been the heael of the commercial department for 15 years and now is retiring. She will res?ide at her liome in Molokai. «
Mona Kahalewai was recently selected as president of the future sopliomores at Kamehamelia sc,hool for Girls. Miss Kahalewai is the daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. Moses Kahalewai, of Naalehu, Kau Hawaii. The other officers -are: Vice-president. Drusilla Mitehell; secretary, Aliee Ignacio, daughter of Mr. Alexander K. Ig_ naeio of Hilo, Hawaii; treasuier, Elizabcth - Ellis ; student eouneilor, Marcella Kaopua. A new class adviser was a!so elected for the replacement of Mss Hazel Marie 01ds who is resiguing from her positipn as physical education instru<;tor. Mr. Milton Baliengee will be the new adviser. He has been tlie class advUer for tl\e class of '42.
Pirst plaee winner of all the matlxematics bulletin bcard eontest held at the Kamehameha Sehool for Girls were the membersi of the eighth grade who has a total score of 20 points. The members o£ tlie tentii grade business_ mathematics eame jn scqond plaee with a score of 23 points. The ninth grade and the tenUi grade alge&ra class had a tie ifor the tliird plaee wiUi 24. points. \Vritten By Florence Akina Hannah Ho, a member of Uie junior class at the Kamehameha School for girls, was recently elect^cl. ,president ,o£. the School for..,girls glee club for tiie eoming year, To assist Hannah in her work. Eleanor Monsfield. also a member of the .nuūor ciass was elected vice-president. Louise Kaiwi is the secretary-treasum\ another junior. The . librarians are Pearl Sbuza and Muriel Kanahele. both soplM>m<MVS. The offiwrs of the chib at present Mary MeNieoll, senior, pr^sidcnt: Hohu, s\>phomori\ ' Dorothy Lom o n, s»nior, seewtary-ttvasuro!\ F.Uamao Kipu and Mai ian Lake. tho lihmwana. ;n the mw® ol«iss.
Mtas Laum E. Brown, u\structor of piftiio ohoral, is tho ael--vosck - , : !■ ■ - "'--V Tho \\ni\nors of tho oontost aiv Jnlia Sto\vart, Xanry Aoa, Ko t \v> lani Patfa. RA»-riot Mahoa.* !«ni 1 Borg;stro}w, l.oh\A;>l;\ llolu KTorooi\ \n\oW, LUU»\oc lVK»pa.ui 4 fīon*tvnno Tiobh\sson. Essvh. Mt\rjorio Millor, U«\oaka,U\ liapA«4ivy Ftaucos Cfch!ig, L&n'iM Boors, KAthonue A:ui J\uM, KuuloUiolu Ka&i, Yt\w, Anna Eailos. RoborUwinu SylvU Carīislc,
IloaKa K&u Ku&ua l KouAuiuuu? K l Kaua < ' "i-V- -