Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVII, Number 2, 6 May 1942 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools [ARTICLE]
News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools
~ ■ i.i.m ■» {Wrltten by' James Coc)i£tt) J Schooi for GJrls S«nlor Qf«ss club, under the lettdcral)ip of Misa Laura E Brown and the Juntor Glee club, gave a suctcessfu! <toncert recentfy at ihe audltorium. ; The officers of the Senlor Glee cluß are: Mary iJffcNicoH, preeldent; Leila Hohu, } vice jwesi4ent &nd IDorothy Lemon, secretary-Treas- ! wer: ānd Baiamae Kupau and i L«ke, ]lbrartana. ; Jo&epliine Adama, Ariine AHina, Flor«ncc Aklna, Dawn Anahu, Heather Andrews Aloma Ayers, B«amer, Xin4iey peddow, Charlotte Clara Briio, Healanl Burgeas, Ethelwynne Chung- ] Hoon, SBmtly Cobb-Adams Rose Crabl?e, Kvsiyn Desha, Dorothea | Dlas Katherine Fitzsimmmons. īiuana Forsythe, Aliee Goo, E--laine Hamie, Hannah Ho, Leiki H<Au Rhoda Ann Holt Bernice Hunt Winona Ing, Sedia Jensen, Iris Johnson, Louise Kaiwi, Murrtel- Kanahelē Ivy Kenoano, Goldie Keliinoi Ellamae Kupau, Frances Kūpāu, Henrietta Laeha, Marion Lake, Dorothy Lemon Eleanor Mansfield,, Axny Miller, Gertrude Milier.
: Anna Morri9, Pearl Morrison, Mary Juanita MeKeague, Lorraine Nahale-a Le a h -Needham, Margraret Ngf, Vesta Parker lone Rftthburn, Kuualoha S>a,££exy Justina Sarmiento, Pearl Souza, Portia Tim, B1 ane h e Young. Thp officers and members of the Junior Glee club are: Betty Lou Chang president; Julia Stewart, vice-preaident; Aliee Ignacio secrejtary-treasurer;. and 3e?nice Honda and Frances Ching, librarians; Nancy Aea, Rose Akana, Adeline Andrews, Loma Beers EUa?beth ( Beirne, Sylvia Carlisle, Betty Lou Chang Prances'Ching, īitilwards Cooper Anna Eagles, Marthat Fernandes Leinaala Holt, ,Berniee 1 Honda H-aleak&la i?opkms, Pilialoha Hopkina, Harriette Hurley. „ Aliee īgnacio, Piikea Judd, Eliabeth Kauka, Katherine Kekoolani M&rjorie Miller Audrey MeKeague, Keaolani Paoa, Gerāldine Robinson, Julia Stewart, Helen W-alker and Betty Yim
(Written by Laura Sabey) Spbnaorlng a play-day session for the Hawaiian club and Girl Scouts of Kamehameha School for Girls, are the Girl Reserves of K.S.G. The selected day will be < May 20 and activities will eom- ! menee at 3:20 p. m. t Because of the present Nemergency, the Girl Reserves have had to limit the time fo the program to an hour. Their theme is chiefly a war-time farewell party for the to-be-graduates, the seniors gf the clubs. After participating in volleyball, basketball, baseball, and dancing the lassies of the three m-ajor clubs at K. S. G. will be served refreshments. Miss Dorothy Martin and Miss Clara Chapin, Girl Scout leaders; itiss Hazel 01ds, Girl Reserve direetqr and Miss Mabel Catlin, Hui Kumulepo sponsor, will be present also.
(Written by Dawn Anahu) Lorraine Nahal'e-a, a sophomore at tie Kamehomeha School for Girls,an.<i alao a "Big Islaiid" girl, has chosen as vice president of the Hui Kumulipo, be 11 e r knowa &s the Hawaiian club, at K. S. G. The new officers to guide the
ciub for the year 1942-43 &re sopliouiores, Flor«nc« Akina, pwsI>orc«iu« Nahale-a, vic« pi-«sideat; Frartoes Kup&u secrotary; lone R«Uvbvirn, treaaurer; D«wft Analiu «uni Gyneye Andrt3\vs, niembcrs-&t-j,6r.£c; &nd Jo-. sephine Enos, a member %of the fr«shn\«m clasa 4 prognwn chairm«Ji. | » ■ ■ j &īisj§ M»b«?l OatlUi, iustructor of th« co»nmtix4al cuurse and club «wivis«r, ls leavius Uie faculty and Miss Daisy K. EeU, &asvsUnt dietitian, has been d\osen to take Mi&s Catlm's plaeu as the club aelvi«er.
Sev«n jww membcre liave bce«j s«tected to «nt«r Uw Hui KuiuuUpo. |ni«y «a loUowa; ] KcK»uoha, a fr©alunaii;, Kathorin«? F&- = <mw Juiia St«wait, Ft«nc«« Ching, | Ai«a tui4 34arjorie Mīlier, «ith grAvkrs. {Writfam jFiooe*tc* Akina) cabm.«t .«u.«ail»ers ot the ■ 04H R«serv<es at th< Kauaehaaieha' i &ehooii £or Gu:ia w*re jrec*saU>j I &t a 4oriuai mauliauon ( , cer«iioni". . | j Th<i c*hu«t uienibtira uuUatc4 ( [m» psrti* Tta» \\V* 'i : • i. ■
nona Ing p vice presīdent; 'Leaīi Needham, secretary; and Pearl Morrison, treasurer. Other cablnet members are rlng chairman, HWen Walker; program ehaieman, Rhoda Ann Holt; inter-club reprresentative, Henrietfca Laeha; musfc chftirman, Pilialoha Hopkins; B«rvic« chairman, Luana Forsythe eamp and conference, Aliee Goo; publicity, Gladys Goo; and public affairs, Hannah Ho. Old cabinet members are Anna Morris, Audrey MacDonald, Luana Forsythe, Juliette Perreira, Bernlce Hunt, Eleanor Mansfield, and: Katherine Fitzsimmons. Miss Laujriel Eubank, the sec-
retary of the TWCA, was. the speaker of the service. Miss Hazel 01ds, instructor of physical education, "is the adviser of the ciub who challenged the new officers. Among the persons present were Mihvarde Cooper, Rebecca Akana, Martha Fernandez, Eliabeth . Ellis, Vernadetta Amoka, Ivy Keanoano, Marcella Kaopua, Carmen Juarez, Mona Kahalewai, Drusilla Mitchell, Pauline Rose Wil!iams, Dorothy Lemon, Annie Mae MeNieoll, Lindley Beddow, Irisft Johnson, Dorothea Dias and Hannah Will.