Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVII, Number 1, 29 April 1942 — Set Up Casualty Dressing Places [ARTICLE]

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Set Up Casualty Dressing Places

TSstabllgment of oasulty d«88ing stat!ons throughbut Hilo haa beon annoUnced on Mon<Jay, by TTardy C. Hutchinson, dirt«ctor of tho' clvlllfl.n dt*fense corps. Every section of {he clty now hks' a completely equipped and completely staffed casualty station, H*e sa!d!" Eaeh statlon coptains med!cal supplies ( spllnts, stretchers blank-j ets arīd othef flrst aid re<jiuistts.l There 1$ an experlenced nurse %s-' signed to eaeh «tation, also Utter bearers and an <:mt'rjgency amhulanee. Immedlatt'ly upon an alann signai being given t . eaell nurse and crew of litters wLll proceed at onee to the cosgalty dressing station to whieh the,y have been assigned. "Thc entire work of equlpping , and manning the ?tationa was i done by a committpe of physl--1 eiana serving under D,f. Archle Orenstein, who also obtained the necesaary supplies and trained the litter- bearers. Too mueh credit cannot be given to these physlcians for the splendld work they have done at mueh personal sacrifice," said Mr., Hutchinson.

"Dr. Orensteliv bas had a mo-, bile first aid unit in complete readiness to £unction within flve minutes after an alarm sounds, ainee before the war began. Thi9 mobile unit in atili the main firat aid group, the cas'ujtlty dresslng: stations being for prellminary treatment and for those not requiring hospitaliation." , .

Everyone is urged to acquafnt himself immediately wijth the location of the casualty dressing station nearest his home and plaee of business and alao tlie quickest way to reach it. Signs have been placed at eaeh station and additional signs pointing out the 3irection of the nearest station will soon be erected. JJst of X.ocatiioii6 The following is a list of loeations of the casualty dreßsing stations in Hilo: Headquarters Station — Standard School B-asement. Nurse in _charge, Mrs. Margaret Davis. Section 1. Keaukaha—KeaaUaha school. Nurse in charge, Mrs. Jacob Victor. | Section 2.' Waīakea Village Waiakea Social Settlement (new location). Nurse m charge, Mrs. W. rf. Hill. ' Section 3. Waiakea Houselots— Hawaiian Church on Manono St. Nurse in charge, Mrs.' Edward Chang. ; , , Section 4. Waialtea Homestead —Salvation Army Home. Nurses in charge, Mrs. Linda Chalmers, Mrs. Miehael Werthy.

Miss Kaina's Residence (basement) 1956 Kilauea Ave. N*urse in charge, Miss Ruby Scott.

[ Section 5. Kukuau and Villa Franca — Hilo Water Worka on Kinoole Stre e t. Nurse in charge, Mrs. Pang Ho. Section 6, Piopio E«ast — Japanese School on Piopio Street. Nurse in charge, Miss Mary Jean MacDonald. ; Section 7. Piopio West — MatI sumura Hospital. Nurse in charge, Mrs. Vera Lee Rosemond. , Section 8, Ponahawai to Haili —Parish Hall. Nurse|s in charge, Sister Thecla, Sister Eymard. - Section 9. Haili to.„ Wailuku — Hoffschlaeger Company. Nursee in charge, Sister Martina, Sister Kathleen. Seetion 10. Puueo —Miss Stone's Residence (baser\\ent) 112 Puueo St» Nurse in charge, Mrs. Si Bai- : lor, ■ ■' - -, - ; I Section 11. Reed's Island —Bockua' Garage. Nurse in charge Mrs r Ciarissa Sweetman. Section 12. • Piihonua — Carl Hansen's Residence (basement) 1398 Waiamienue Avenue, Nurse in charge, Mrs. Carl H«inson. Section 13. Kaumana -B.J. McMorrow's Residence (basement). NuAe in charge, Mrs. Irene Akahoshi. Section 14. Haiai — Dr, Mizuire's Residence 406 TTatlt St. Nurses In chargo, ? ; .stor Lberta, Stster Antoinette. :