Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVII, Number 1, 29 ʻApelila 1942 — Name Several To Red Cross Group [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Name Several To Red Cross Group

S(verāl mew app9lr.tmenfc» to| the executive commlttec" of the j Hawaii county branch of thp Hawaii chapter of the Amcrican Red Crosa were announced on Monday fol'lowing a meetfng of the group Saturday at tlie Hilo Chamber of Oommeiee rooms. | Mrs. A. J. Lafferty was named :a member of the commsttee succeeding ~Mfs.' Gavien Bush who has resigned. However Mrs. ,Bush will continue as chairman" of the first aid group for'the Red Cross, Hrs, A. M. Brown of Waimea, ( who resigncd from the commsttee, j was āucceeded by Mrs. Edith Pod- i more, also of Waimea. i Two new members from Hilo district are Mrs. G«orgc Lowsonj and Mrs. Thomas Strathairn, the latter to act as icorresponding j secretary with offices In the Red Cross rooms. " ' Mrs. Martha Wakefield was named chairman of the Junior Red Cross committee, whieh automatically makea her a member of the Red Cross executive v-commit-tee. New Setup The setup now Is as fol!ows: Ēxecutive committee: Harry Trwin, chairman; Francis Lyman, vice chairman; Mrs. Thomas S. Str-athairn, corresponding secretary; Miss Mary Butchart, recording secretary; Mrs. Archie Orenstein, treasurcr; Mrs. R. M. Llndsay, Mrs. A. J. Lafferty, Mrs. S. R. Brown, Jfrs. George Lowson and Mrs. F. M. Wakefield, Hilo representatives; Mrs. Kenneth Bond, Kohala; Mra. Edith Podmore, •So u t h Kohala,- Mrs. Maude Greenwall, Kona; Mrs. James Beatty, Kau; Mrs. C. L. Carter, Ham*akua; Mrs. Guido Giacometti, ♦'una, Elvis Rhoads, North Hilo; Davi d Butchart, j South Hilo.

Volunteer services: Mrs. R. M. ZJndsay r chaftman; Mra. Orland Lyman, vice chairman.

Production corps: Mrs. R, M. Lindsay, chairman; surgical dressings, Mrs. George Lowson; sewing, Mrs. R. M. Lindsay; knitting, Mrs. S. R. Brown; planning and supplies, Mrs, E. G. Villers; packing and shipping, Miss Margaret Shipman; hospital and recreation Corps (gray ladies), Mrs. L. L. Sexton; canteen, Mrs. James Buchan. Pirst aid, Mrs. Gavien A, Bush; disaster, R. M. Lindsay, chairman; A, J. Lafferty, A. T, Spalding, Mrs? R. M. Lindsay, Miss Margaret Shipman; Junior Red Cross, Mrs, Martha Wakefield.