Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 44, 22 ʻApelila 1942 — Draft Boards Are Instructed [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Draft Boards Are Instructed

Distributjc>u ot iu&tructiojis 10 all ] k>eat boards- concerning the tortl>-| comicg rt!gieiiatiou oa April 27 of j *'»tl «aen who attalned their 45thf birtuday oq or bfcfort* Febi-uary 16, ] 1942, and have not »ttained »helrj 65th birthday ou Ai>rīl 27, 1942", | was aanouDced by Col. P. M. Smoot, t«rrltorial director, selective eeryice B>*»tem, • Ailiiough tbo men to be rt'gi3U-r--ed ou Aprii 'll are not iiab]e for JniliUr> ser\ice uoder Ihe Sf3<?C'! tive TrainiQg ao<2 Service Aet of < 1340, as amend«_-d, tbey will be re-| gistered in mueh the same mann+T. as men who eurolied in previous ( registrations, ibe diiector said. llegi&tratiou card«» 'will b« buff iu { coior and there will be no subslaiiuai ie form. boards, aided by volunteer regijstrars, wiii coaduct the regisu&iioa aud wili recoid the eame iulonuaiiou ou registration cards i» wae recorded for wen -4)f ihe iU«t Uir«« iegistratiop&. ilour& ol Lhe regislraliou wiU b" betwēea.7:3u a.m. &ud 6 p.m., Api'il io, 26, aiKi 27. ■ - - Colonpl Smoot out that as ihe nt6& ot, Uie fourib registratioa āre not I!able for m!!ttary »m--iee there %viii be no Qatioual ioUery for Uiem aad bo order is--Bu«d altbough serial EUmber§ will be piaced oa regisiratīon cards by loeai boards. Tbe chairmaū of eaeh loe&l board will be cbarg<?d wili l>rovidiD« n' gisiration places and securiag vol,uuteer registrars. wilhoul exi»ense to the govemmeat, ia such numbers as are necessarv to complete the regisiration iu the loeal board area. Pecause of the difficu!ties whieh

1» esj*MfeiHs#d with rkledy A«£j£irMau>, r«g)u6tratiQii pl&cg£ ha\f- hw n earefu!?y located iiie lae&l hmiā &rts#, BM»mcfeot iīli tas o» haii<l at all etatioQß ig mwi&e tfeat rc-glslraulfi wHI Rot tace, d'jLSCiculiies and long As jjj pxvvfoue rPgistiatioas 5t īs esliumttd that only a miautts will b«; requlre<l lo reglster eaeli ma». Bm r«-gis.trar* aie espected to Ūse tbe urmost cauticu so as to iasure 11^ttiig ot eoneei *o«wcrs to Xhē auestioas on tfae regUtratiQii card, The qupft!oEs to the r<gtKtrdnt'K aan}f, of iaaJUDg .*»<!dr<?ss (Sf olhtr iUaa iihie»* of ivsJdfiice}* teli!X>bon<% ag<? in. years aiul dnte of hlilhu plaee of "l>irth, nanu- and add,resE of person who wiH aj«*ajs kao*r the rvgisir&i\Vs Trhereaboats, Ms emyloyer's eanie and addres6, and tue plate of his . mplov-ment or but=iness : Ma ka Poakahi riei iho la i hoomaka h<ru ai na kula aupuni o Hito nei, a uaike ia aku kekahi rn*u k«Ud e heie ana i ke kula i ka Poakahi «3 o kekahi hoi e noho ana no kauha3<\ a ma ka Poalus mai ua h«le ka poe i noho, a noho hoi ka poe l hele 1 Ka Poakahi. O kekahi tmu keiki o sa kula hoomaka mua « hel« ana mal k& Poakahi a hiki i ka Poailma. U — Ua kukala ae la o Kaua Henry L. Stinison ma kela la ma o ka hoomaopope' &n& i ka mai? paa ame wiwoole o aa koa PUipino ma keia la rca o ka hooiimopopo ana i ka manao paa ame wiwx>ole o na ko« Pilipino ir,a ke kupale ana ia Piiipmo ua hooholp ae ka o?hana kaua aina ua kupoao no aa Pilipino me na Ameīlka uo ke &o ana nm ke ano he no ka mahele euokuiHe.