Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 44, 22 April 1942 — Plan Lei Day Program Here [ARTICLE]
Plan Lei Day Program Here
The main features of this year's Lei JDay program in Hilo were outiiaed by Wilfred K. Hossey. presideot of Uie Hawaiian Cmc Club£>etiiil£ o£ the program are being worked out by a committee headed| by Clifitord H. Eowman and con-| «iaUne oT Peter Mehau, Charles] *aray, Ernest FernaadeE, John&oa! iUiuUl aad Charles Auld. Huaaey aaid it is propoaedj U> a lei disDlay at » &.m., M.ay j i» uiider the baoyaa tree at Kaia-j kam square, Mss. iUwna P. Gia-J eomeili, am>ervisiuft priacjpal forj Ceatwa Hawaiī Bcftrf3!c4s- haa beeaj ta. havd .Oml, v*rioua Bchools, auuteata in h«r distxict Jbriog leia ioi Xhe 4«aetal ia aUo asked to i>articipsne ia <iUtplai% TUejrc VkiU bu 00 lei coute£t īhia] Mr. Hussey uoid. j A.I 2 pju., an army is _peqLed to piaj- in an houx)» coucerW| with the Hawaii couutj- band com- j ing on &t 3 t0.3:30. At 3:30, a weii rounded program will begin* ieaturi#fi Kuaiuoo and hex Lroupe oi Haw an singer&.and daacers. ihe roiict > Uiee club aad other Glee clubs aud : liawaiian taie uU- j Mrs. Kuamoo wiii pi-esent 10 hula j daacers iu both anoteut aud mod-] cru hulas. | Mr. Hoss*y ext<»Rded a cordialJn j vit«(ion to all offict>rs and men of 1 *b« »rmy and navy and others en-| iti miiitary 10 witness j a typical Hawaiian prt>gram ou; Ai*y Day—Lei Day in \