Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 44, 22 April 1942 — Registration For Draft Set [ARTICLE]

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Registration For Draft Set

* f<va: ;|s ot s«>Vc Nno si-r\{oo ,<pUn« nv\Vl bo hoM ' Ay>rU ?5. Aprtt *nfl \frU tT *W 'īwoen th. ho\a-t of ? an\ $ ip.m. tor *U *»t» l\«xv HUiiKhi 't*vlr btrt|hfS&> <»« ot K>fvM¥ ' Pot-- usv> Is. \slt n* V:o> )u-. e j v,o: fStl\ tm:tKU\ vMi ;o; lvfoK A^'i;) t*, l?it s ;u\\v-xUng offic!A\ Saī«rvUv t>\ !?, K. *c\U\4 . **Mr«ui o' t|avsi'i T ,\*4l T*>>aī\l, jNo UiU>. ; r»u :; mu**, rC4M<"y vUctuv; &.. <iS;svn ot &a *jscu TKUUIX Uae ' s*> :? ats sci fuiv i iwvi-isoiMU«m «p U ***, 43; laouueoA. ( | The lollo* IK &*>c b*.cs, , iii iNjiui.es! &i iv4is;v*« u 'Ake cii4r«v sii rc«uu&uou i«i &<- suuftiu sa«i\-, F*l&*H Lahus liame» taak*«| liiie CtuK<cs* *\\s<ii* , ..J* i /

! Waiakeawaena schooi (Home- j * 1 UUo Center # Jobn _ Keaukaha er. . . Haaheo schixjl, WilUa» MeK, ... lvatejrti»Baole school, Papaikou, £lrneal S®Bith. Pepeekeo eehool, William MiddleÜB.. iionoinu eehool, David Butchart. -iiaitaiau PianlaUon gymnaaium, Jam&e Wii»on. \ Umi pi»ft Board offics. Mrs, Margaret Wilfcou, %eciai r€gi«Uars wili be «asi£Qio cart Xor paUeula koapitab aad wiil, eali on indivi<iuais prexjfettted trom registeriigg by reason o£ iiineas or otherwise incapacitat- , JNoUflcaUon ol indiwimls eommder tfee latter category should . ~he made to the Loeal Dra£t Board , offic% ply>ne 2216. Certaio individuals acUve duty with any braock_p£ J&e US &rjax or US navy are irom . J£6l'trat}an, Refer?nca i&aiOa made to Release No, 258 J _which has i heen published. _AIJ persons are aiviaed to repart !to the plaee of regiBtraUon,.neAresL their plaee pf residence or i>lace ot business.