Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 43, 15 ʻApelila 1942 — Fingerprinting Warning Issued [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Fingerprinting Warning Issued

A warntng was issued on Monday by Mrs. Emma P. Giacometti, deputy director ch_arge of reg!stration on the Big Island, to a!I those who fail to appgar for their fingerprinting at loeal reglstration statlons when a summons ls g!ven them. Mrs. Giacomettl ōirected the attentlon of these proplf to a penalty involved when a summ6tts lseued by eml'merators of the cfvH rcgistratlon ser\ r icc is ignored. She reported that several registration stations in Hilo and vlcin!- ] ty lost va!uahle time on Sunday 1 because persons sumnaoned did not appear -at a designated time. In ōrder to CoTnp!ete registration in the alloted time, this situation must be corrected. 1 lf those aummoneā find it !m--possible to attend. they must make the necess try arrangemerits with managers. Ponaltv for **fanur« to attend at a said tlme and plaee without adoquate excuse ls punishable by fino not excceding--55000 or imprisonmcnt not exceeding one year- or both.'* Hilo Stntioss Hilo stations iv,rl\idc: Keaukaha, Mrs. Samang Kong statioiiJmanager, Phone 7823; Waiakeakā! (at Higashi Hon.gxvar.ji tomple), Henry station nianager, Pho-ne 7f)38; Kapiolani (Clvineso school on Kilauea Ave.) Mrs. Maude Beers in charge, Phone 2617; Stan<|ard school, Miss Rebeoca Bohneriberg

'in char£e, Phone 2759; Waiakea-iwaen-a school (at Sliiroma's honie) ! Henry Nakata in charge, Phonē 135683; St Marys si'hool; Lew Ro-1 !lands In chargo, tn> phono. | I Roy L. Roberts, aHernato direct- j jor of registration, relcased thej |fo]]owing registration figures up,: ]to Sunday: J Por island qī Hawaii, 23.682 e- ■ . numerated, 16,590 fiivgerprinted; ] mobile unit> 309 enumerated» 309.1 Central Hawaii, 9-1 882 enumerated, 5063 fiiigerprint- ] ed; West Hawaii. 6586 cnumerated 5400 fingerprintc(3; East Hawaii, 6895 enumerateu. OSIS fir\gerprutt-