Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 42, 8 April 1942 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools [ARTICLE]

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News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools

By W. Puniw«i John DeQuair, Hawaii boy audj B<ud«u( of t h ♦» K«mehft)»fhu ■ I «tiboo)H, M'on the \ eont*'Bt h*l«i r*»c«»t)iUy ai haiuehaoK'ha. After a tough b;Utle hls oppouents Keea.unioku Chang. Henry j C>bai, Artliur St. Crennain, Roland Siag, Earl Robīcsou, and \\ īlham C«mpbeli, dropped out leavins him Uie victor. i la tliis contest the bovs w,ere J giveo word for whieh they wt*ro to i £ive the me&mng and uhieh the.v |4k«a had to use it in a seDtence. | Sy lone Rathburn t Oolsl and sih er pins oarnet3 foi; the $emestcr enaina Warch 15,' 15M? woro awar<l<?<3 to 40 giris at s Kamehameha ScTiool for Girls' r«cenUy. Leah Needham, junior* ' d*ughter of Mr. and Mrs. George' Ntvi3bani of Honokaa, recoiva, gold inn. Kuth, her ssst«r v.l\o ' a seuior ( ivceived a silver jplu award. j Of the total nuruber of pins ] awardcd. 17 gold aud S3 iv eix'j «llver. Girts who receivs3 f<Ad pins aiv as Toliows: T»orotfiea CobbAdams, Marcellne Goo, torrtUiisj Kaln*. seveath graders: Loma* i B«ws, Anna Eajrtes. Shoda Goo. | I Bem!ce Honda, Haiealeala Hop\iu?. MilW, SiewariJ i »etty Yim, «i£bth *raders; Alieel t (Hn*. Hfnrtetta Laeha. I.eah j btm .IttT*kvrs: TH>rt>thf» TMas. ?G-1 f H*tto F*»rr<»trs. >fary Tyau. senlors. | | ?H\er r!nt\»cut to thc ! T£laiuc'. Kellie Ētcvsart,| seventh gradcj-s; franccs Cbiag,j . P»tsy Kathcriue Kefcoo elgh!h tr;v3ers; "M&iHia j f nart<Sei. Cla<.lis Goo, Aliei* l^n&eio,; ' Tll7Kuuka. Heleu W&lkee,! ' fi>psl»nūpa. Cy;;cvo Audicw£, I\C£C , |Vlvian Ktarc,». soi'Uoiuoivs 4 /Dcr . , "nle* Hy.aU lu&, TorCjiA Viux, 4 IMi 1 rvbb-Adauis. K&uuu Ooa, ScC;&. Jws#n, Lenwei. Aun* Mo: * vi?. UuOl TCci\Jtl«o, 6vlvlOi3, J tn on!cr to Vwlv« a si\Klcut muii ircfehc :&t , ia* iu *lfht>r ! v Wv 4mn» | Ml to P&naw Ru» *; a ' 4mtm aiMl i**ch*r«i is * feit ot ncv\ i ? r«e*lT«d bj AriiM Akiua hcr j *m «f Aet©ft* i&U K«a» VC\Hre*! «« * Ohw* ?v**i k U**l $b*ata aieei ViJlj iecv'Lvij! oa bUI m C* , luo;u*A, IL&., &s»i «SmcU, *v*j»H»ttlUbk Um * jpciiecv te*m »coi* S&i l£ } CidcfiUUi, iU* tCAGi *ltO &« ( a-eaooi toai.tML,U u* <»»rUi«m C*Ufe«it*. % X\» as.mj tfeus s U UOl * *UI|4MK im *& *U 4avia.d, «i»v»«v* ii , t *3Ai fe**i mMSS»fY4 10. «4*vi s . i£*Jnt » Cm|MU» ,

| 8y Frcd«rick Kamaka nifhaTieba Scliool for Ej3js br-en awardtfd gold or pilvtr p'ma for thelr scholastic aehieiemeeii"* wlth the' eoneluaion" ōf the~sēconiT" term. !sight students receivēi] pins because they achleveā at leael'! a "^fter^!n"graāes and aT oi better in attitude. Tht j oīviiig gold pins were Hi.nry Boshard, Melfred Luw» and Hell of the seventh grade; Keoaumoku Cliang o£ ihe tenth' gia<fej° Korman !tosehill and Eari son of the eleventh grade and; Henry Awana and John Sabey the twelfth grade. 1330ys who received silver are llsted as follow; Seventh grade -■ -Gseighton Beamer, iloy Pemau-' I āez, and fidward Ho. Eighth I —!Randolph Logan, Fletfcher*" j ong, "Wallaee Kaawaloa, Char- | les Kamaka. Ninth grade — Amj brose Rosehili, Carl Thoene, »nrt | John Kakaio. Tenth " | nioiid Aea, William Gaspar, WUliam Stewart, Franci3 MeMiUen, ' Oolpli Monte, and Stanīey Hu7 | Ēloventh grade~Alexau.der ThoeI re. Twelfth grade—Louia Agard I nnd Aibert MacDonald.