Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 33, 10 December 1941 — A PROCLAMATION [ARTICLE]

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1 * PftOCLAMATiON i 1. t«w havfng been declared by the wiHtary gov«rnor of r«fce HawaHan Ytl«nd< thc onder«taried Hercby ittumu auth«rfty and r »«*pon*tt>lffty tor the entorcem«nt of iime on th« t*l«nd of i' fl. T4w to4JowinB «dd<tionat Ofder» are to bc ob«ffved by ev#ry i iwreen eii the ieiand. | A. Alt eWM laws, ahail be admfnfat«r«d by ciy!f offic«ra a* h«reto- | <we, t*nder direction ef thia H*«dqtiart«rK, and ahall eonllnu* in ftiH t foro« and effiect untit abrogated or re«elnded by my author!ty. Any c!vil hi»w v*fcieh may now or hereafter be tn corff!lct with any order, rul« er | nefu*«W«n Of the under«lgned, er hi« repreeentative # «hĪH be nuīi a»%j i »oHI hwn date of t««uance of «ueh order, ruie or reewl«tion. AII c!vii eiHeeee are eontinued in pre«ent offtce dur!njj the pieasure of the underHpW, and wfl! comtTnu« \o execute ex!«t!hg cfvl! faws in »ccordan« wiMi my poiicy. «» A« pemene, not member« of the miiitary toree», w!!f preeent <*i«waelve« at votina precinct« of the di«tHct tn whieh they re«»de upon «ioUtleaHen for rea>«tratien, and wiii report thereafter at the umt piac« es r*qt>tred by the efficer conductina the regf«trat»on un«? «ucJi 4r*tton i« accompil«hed. Per«on« phy«icaily unabie to report wtfi repoft •«•eh d<eabMtty to res<»tration officer. Upon completien ef r»B)«tratle«, «ny pereen «ound without a ref|)etration card wiii be arre«led and luffle«i ever to mi)itary authorlty. Aii pereen« ar« wamed nei to v!o!at« th« reetriction« a« to mev«ment print«d on thelr r«9ielr«tten q*r-d*. «• l»end»na reai«tration, ai! per«en« ar« c r«trict«d le th«ir

®» mMnu »r oeeupaiion, except the tlme ndce«Mrjr tor tr&vti b*- ! iWMii MHW poī«t», *nd ? tfie procur<rio «f *uthorii«d m*rth*rwll*# «r»d i foati»luffi enrout«. & Wpen compt«tion «f reai«tration, but net *ooner tK*n ffß*cn (1$) i4«y* «ft*r <(•*«, o*m«n of motor v«hlclc« who ar» r»Qftt«r«i cttl9B»nk mak« «ppMealion to the ofßcer in cH»ra« of civU for writt«n j pwmiU to umt, Pi*ntJition» «nti corpcr*t»en* majr mak* | Mtton att«r thr«e <3) d«y». *>ertoft« wlto *r* «ot elUaeen# *iH nai fe* to of>*nate «ny motor vehicie. Fffteen (1$) 4«y» aft«r { •ny re«i«tered citi«en m*y make «ppiieation for modH(ed iimtt» «f m- | 6itch cppitc*tions wiH be made in wr<tins 4n d forw*ri«(l t® |4l«e ofFtoer in charoe of civii affair«, Chamber of Oommerce Rcom* Hile^ < tor fHM4 «CtiOAS, i €. AH p*r*ona wili surrender at onee, to the n*are«t poilee et*tī&n, » weepon*, arm*, ammunition and expio*ive* in their po**c**ion. An* | per*on her*after found with *uch artīc!e* in hi* or hftr wp ( fte turned over to t>»e mTlitary authofit"(« for apprc-priate *£tlsn'. | F. No per*on wiil h«re*fter bt asi#w*d i® S*av* tbe i*ia%i4 wltheut j p*rmiwton. An> person hereafter arriving on the txiand wh« i* R®t * | *f th* miiit*ry foro*s wili imm*dl«teljr b« re3s**«f*d |Rt t|MI | doci* or iandtng fteid by tbe o!ficer in chara« of civU aff*sni, end r««trict|*d «* for oth«r cesi«tr«nt*. | CL Pend»ng th* actuai t*kln® cver of food*tock* ia tt&raf«, er |a j **• Hand* of m*rchant*. rautin* **U« ther*of m*j b« m*«l |n th* I u*uai m*nn*r b> reuii m*rch*nt* tn amount* net in exce«* ef 3& c*at* i t P*r per*on p«r aa>. and at price« chtr B «cl De«embef 6, I*4l. Fe<Mt*tuffa »* n *tr»iw«»M of either ret*ii er whoie**i* merchajnts are h*rj; i > ua--4 ftji#nd*d for miiitary u*e and wiil not be mo)ected undcr *even#s penalty. • After foed eloek* ar* taken ove.r t wiU b* of $jb* ,fYTfcI *uppfie* mgy be obta")ned t and the mann*r «t ebtah9ilas , fer civll u*e. , H. Ho u»n)i)l> ef person* other thar. th*t r*quired the d*- | mandt »f ieoitimate empioyment, of more than ten <;■«} penoa*, |s ] permitted without speciai autherit>. < *• £xee«tiv« authorit* for carrjring out the provi*t«a* «rf Chl« ?r»ī ciamation i* ve«ted in tfee di*trict |M>svci*t m*r*hai. Ht witl XSm i txi**tna force, fire aepArtmeßt, depuUced ciUx*«*» and nm*i of tt»« poiiee emerger,c> guard ma> be ts celore* eompiianee b> aU ««nc*nv*d. | 4» Ali *ombat r**«rv« sf!ic«(* wui rcpert t* Um &*- | eowm»nder fw dut>. Aii memb*r* of Uw h«tt*iuij fimr<t. Wttvi i*«d 4nactiv«. w<a r*port at onc« u the Hiio Ar*HK). 1 V. I ' T ' ' : £*&**«* i gHiw»r Jtim Hm«tt D**trici>