Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 33, 10 December 1941 — Civil Aviation Sees Further Safety Gains [ARTICLE]
Civil Aviation Sees Further Safety Gains
CHICAGO, Illinois, — Despite two of the most t.ragic crashes in airline history during October, civilian aviators remAtn t.hat sMVty! will be listed among the top aehie- | vement of commercial flying tn ■ 1941. Ora Young, Civil Aeronautics j Admlnistrator supervisor for the; third region with headquarters in Chicago, told the ITnited Press I how a CAA safety cajtipaign and > cooperation of pilots have reduced i the percentage of air accidents in the face of swelling traffic whieli has f!lled the skies with craft i ranging from four-cylind«r "cubs" ( to commerc£al giants bearing d«- ] fense-vital eacgoes of freight and j passengers. j Young's story contrasted sharp-, ly with reports of other govern- : ment authorities charged with j combattirLg an alarming increase, in industrial accidents, In indus- j try during the past year aeei- j dents have increased faster tlian j employment. In aviation, a skyrocketing rise j in traffic has becv trailed by only | a relatively slight ptum in the i number of accidents, j Yoxmg dtsplayed a Civil Aero-' nautics Board report sho>ving that j the ratio of accidents to the num- j ber of aircraft ia use during the first quarter of this year was 20 ( per cent lower than that for the | same period last year. Pigures : for the remainder of the year, j while incomplete, indicate contin- ' uing tmprovement. And the 1940 ' record was better than the 1939 ! showteg. 1 Other f!gures emphasize the in- , cr«ase in air traffic. Total num- ' ber of certificated civilian pilots j
on Sept. 1, 1941, was 1&1.281, an sncrea»e of more than 200 per cmt since July 1, 1938, There were 2t.885 certiffed enil aircraft» an ine«ase of morc than 130 per eent in the same period. tlie CAA ;? :\vs v«j liaa strīven for increascd safety, it Interspified its eampai,gīi a vear and « half agx>, At that time pi!ots Wre Inform«! o\at tliey %vouid be requlred to obtain CAA certificates of competence hefore giving ftying instruction. Certification was granted onl,v to pilots passinp stfif oral, \vritten and f!ight t«gts. Kew FU>Rr»Uat|ons >>ar On De« 1, a stilī mone fari*aehlng repu!ation wiīl Wwme eff«ctivc. Tt m»quires al! civīj piloU and a!tvraft operatinj, m ( t'nitStatea to carrv \»;ui CAA FV>rroerlv ihi.s n>quircment apphed onlv to air-1 ways" covoring- apprv)xuuatejy 2rt' per ccnt of the aera o* the eon-! tsnenta! Umtod Statesf. j CAA"s ins|>«H-ti>T-s f(v " tsu' b«ck , bone of the procra?n Thcy roam the count.ry invcBtisatinK j empha»iJĒin£ scifctj ii\ j Uilks bcfort> air;x>rt fl\ «ehool», and .i.fcUuvton» for ctw»dk \v;l»i rrt\K's- j tto« of his "in»trui t. r s ra.tius awsttinjf the pik-t w!v difjnon»Umtes faut> uuttrue-! tochm<iu<. |